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Well planned pee sighting

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Last week I took my gf to a restaurant she's been dying to go to for lunch. We get there about noon. She ordered a strawberry lemonade. I said to her who gets a lemonade from here? Get a real drink, they have good drinks here, knowing when she drinks she has to piss constantly. She gets the larger drink because it was only a dollar extra. She uses the restroom before we left the restaurant, we took some pictures outside the restaurant and we were on the way downtown which was a little bit of a drive, 20-30 mins. Took her downtown to surprise her with a ride on the street car. We get downtown, I am looking for parking, finally I find a reasonably priced garage. As I'm pulling in looking for a spot to my liking (End spots or far away from other cars) she says she has to pee or piss really bad. I knew what that meant. So on level 4 of the lot, there weren't many car but I did find an end spot between another car and a wall. I back in the spot and she tells me she's about to piss right here (before I even suggested she piss before we leave the garage). She grabs some tissue out of the console, I pull the car up and open the trunk so she can piss between the car, the rear wall, and the side wall. I wait a minute then walk back there to see her pants down in a squat position, relieving herself with a long clear stream, on the gray cement floor. She wipes, throws the fast food napkins down, pulls up her pants and we get back in the car. I moved the car to another end spot so I can get a picture of the puddle which was running to the front of the parking space. We returned a little while later to see the puddle had ran into a nice pool. Enjoy the photos.





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