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Hot true story found elsewhere

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I found this true account on Peesearch from a lady who peed in a restaurant. It was posted by Cityppgirl way back in 2004. She only ever posted 12 posts there and was last active in 2005, so I don't think I am stepping on anyone's toes by sharing it here today. It is just the kind of true account that members here would appreciate....

Several years ago I was with a friend in a restaurant. We were drinking quite heavily and have a great time. I felt the urge to pee and got up to go. When I got to the bathroom someone had been sick in there so they had closed it for cleaning!!! they told me I could use the resturant bathroom across the street. Well it was the middle of winter and no way was I going outside in the cold and snow. So I went back to my table figuing that I could hold it awhile longer. Once I sat down though the urge was so great I coudlnt' stand it. I told my friend what happened. She told me 'fuck them just go in your chair then! They should provide facilities!!!' Of course she was completely hammered at the time! I decided that no I couldn't do that. Then I had to go so bad that I started contemplating. The more I thought about it the sexier it became. And it with my bladder busting I decided to go for it. After all I was in a booth and had my shopping bags next to me. Plus there was a table cloth on the table to I felt pretty protected. So I very casually and secretively slid my panties off. Thank god I was wearing a short skirt!!!! I tried to hike that up a bit because I didn't want it to get wet. All the while carring on a conversation with my friend like nothing was going on! And then I let loose a torrent of piss. I trie dto go slow so it couldnt' make TOO lound of a splashing sound when it hit the floor. It worked it's way out from under my pussy and down behnd me in the booth. So there was like a river that leaked out onto the floor. Right where everyone could see. Plus it was also overflowing down my legs. Someone at the next table make a comment so I quickly dropped my water into that stream in the booth. So it would seem like it was just water. The waiter came rushing over to clean it all up and gave me several cloth napkins to tidy up with. So not only was I able to piss thank god! but the waiter cleaned it all up for me as well. We left him a HUGE tip of course!! From now on though peeing in my seat at restaurants has always gottme me hot. As you can tell from this post as well as my others I like to pee in odd public places. If you have any new ideas for me please send me a message. I'd love to do it and then come back with teh story!!!!!

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