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Relief on Maigh

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All of us went out last night, invited to mates place for dinner and drinks, he is the local Police and Highway Patrol Sarg, and his wife is truly stunning. Anyway, Maigh was the designated driver, and had nothing alcoholic all night, Pepsi and coffee was about it. He is on call and just kept cool with Maigh, watching the rest of us self destruct.

Mary and I, on the other hand, got into it, with the lovely Teresa, and was pleasantly pissed when leaving, giggling and falling over each other as Maigh got us into her car. Mary complained loudly that I was falling on her, just to cop a feel, never mind that she had a handful of me ....... You just had to be there, lol.

An hour later, we were home and made the easy job of getting up the stairs into an epic, Maigh swearing at us in her Scot way that only she can do, and finally got us into the house. She got one of her Rekorderligs and looked at us, sprawled on the couch, Mary still chuckling, and said that she needed a drink. Mary jumped at this, and was up and dragging Maigh into the bathroom. I got up and followed, when they go somewhere and anything remotely sexy is possible, I follow.

Mary was pushing Maigh down onto the floor, and then wriggled her tight skirt up around her waist, moved aside what knickers she was wearing and just started hosing away onto Maigh. Maigh was dressed in tight jeans, a pale blue shirt with a short sleeved jumper over the top. All of these rapidly got darker as Mary, who usually doesn't hold much, kept on peeing. Pee was splattering onto Maigh's upturned face, most of what went into her pretty mouth came out again, but I did hear a couple of gulps.

I moved in closer as Mary squirted out her last and was ready to have my turn as she finished. Maigh was in her private place again, and when I started on her she sighed and leaned back a little, wanting me to soak her even more. I happily complied, Mary watching, even helping me aim as I hosed her chest, sometimes splashing her face (Mary done a cople of those, didn't have much choice) and as I started to slow, she quickly knelt beside me and took the last mouthful, sucking me nicely.

Maigh was a mess, soaked from pretty much her knees the her neck, even her hair was dripping pee, and she looked up at us from the floor, smiling sexily. She still had the cider, and had a couple of swigs from it, then got us to help her up. She started the shower and when it was hot enough, stepped into it, dragging a squealing Mary in with her. I left them to their shower, and went for some water, the rest of the night was pretty intense, all boobies and bums, but this mornings hangover was worth it. Maigh is up already washing her car, Mary is beside me, her warmth feels nice, and the bathroom is a mess.

A brilliant night, drank more than we usually do, but nice to get a little bent.

We did go out in the Highway Patrol car to get some supplies, 220kph with lights blazing and siren screaming seems to clear the way. Too scary for me, not in a GTS Holden.

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