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Ever Inadvertently Pee'd on Someone ?

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Few years ago I was in a city hundreds of miles from home, I was in a building and needed to pee, but could not find a toilet or a sign to one anywhere. As I got more desperate I spied an open window (no screen) at the end of a corridor and partially obscured from view by an open door to the last meeting room. I quickly approached the window, whipped it out and let rip, . . . onto the street 2 floors below . . . I realized there could have been someone in the way, . . and a quick peek revealed that I had narrowly missed two girls walking past. :frown: :laugh:

I have also heard other stories, two guys ( in the seedy end of town)charging around a corner into an alley, in the middle of a tropical downpour, stumbled upon what was probably a drug deal taking place, they ran, and in the reduced visibility of the storm evaded their pursuers, . . .taking refuge under some old wooden stairs at the back of a building. :frown: while sheltering there, two girls came out onto the landing and rather than get wet, moved down about 3 or 4 steps and squatted, facing in, to piss back under the stairs, hitting one of the guys in the face :biggrin::woot:

Also in a thunderstorm a guy bolted around a bus shelter to find two girls on the seat, . . one of whom had her feet up and panties aside and shooting an apparently urgent piss forward onto the sidewalk,:redface: he stopped, quite gobsmacked, :whistling:right in front of her, and could do nothing but watch while she pissed down his leg :tongue::biggrin::tongue::laugh: (lucky bastard) Wondering if anyone else has heard of, or been involved in anything similar:thumbsup:

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