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A thing you should know when considering premium membership on poopeelife

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As many of you know, poopeelife is the new site that wetpantsboy.com used to be. They outsmarted the owner of wetpantsboy and went off with all the content, then made the content pay to view with their premium membership. The content was user submitted on top of it.

Many people were upset about this. Wetpantsboy started wetpantsfun, basically an old backup of the site. But the videos were gone. Poopeelife has all of them saved up (basically stolen).

Just today I was searching why no one would buy clips lately and I found a big site with lots of poo and pee content for free. Poopeegirls.com. Then I noticed lots of videos on there that are blocked as "premium" for paying members on poopeelife. Exactly the same videos.

So, when you consider buying premium membership on poopeelife.com, you could be paying for something that's available for free on peepeegirls.com. Both sites are run by the same person, who just deleted my thread about this on the "site issues" forum (there is no off topic) on poopeelife.com without warning.

So they run both sites, get all the content from the users, then charge the users money while also renaming videos and uploading them for free on another site at the same time.

If this makes sense to you, I guess it's worth getting their premium membership. If not, then I guess you can watch many of the exact same videos for free on poopeegirls.com

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Okay, my post on the general forum did not work out as expected:

"PooAlexa wrote:

Are you an idiot?

Your accusations are outrageous. I do not operate poopeegirls.com. You're just trashing this site for no reason. I've stuck up for you by allowing your lame clips to be on the site, even though they are clearly just ads for you to make money.

You're banned. Good bye."

To be honest, I just assumed that the sites are run by the same Person, as there was a HUGE Banner at the bottom advertising ScatShop and LoveRachelle2, both sites that are run/part of Alexa's network. In combination with the name (poopeelife vs. poopeegirls) I made a (premature) conclusion.

But seen as this turned out, I am happy they showed their real face. They could have answered to the first thread with their opinion. Then they could have answered to the new thread, stating that they don't run the site. Then I would have said sorry and that's that.

By the way, the one allowing my clips on the site was not Alexa, that was the old owner of wetpantsboy. The videos just moved on like all the others, basically taken over by Alexa. I posted two videos about two years ago, other than that I wrote messages with members. Not selling anything.

Edit: the users enjoyed my videos

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In checking the site peepeegirlsDOTcom it seems to be a dead site



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DNS Clients: This domain is not in your account. All domains must be added to your account before changing DNS.

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One line in your post read:

So, when you consider buying premium membership on poopeelife.com, you could be paying for something that's available for free on peepeegirls.com. Both sites are run by the same person, who just deleted my thread about this on the "site issues" forum (there is no off topic) on poopeelife.com without warning.

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I know a little of the politics of the wetpantsboy/poopeelife/wetpantsfun saga. Originally everything had been free on wetpantsboy/poopeelife but when the new owner took it over she felt after a while that she'd have to charge for viewing videos in order to make the site pay. Whilst I have some sympathy with her position on that, wetpantsboy was originally conceived as a free site and the original owner's intention was that it should remain so. When he came up with wetpantsfun I rejoined his site and tend to spend rather more time there than I ever do at poopeelife.

As regards the principle of pay sites vs free I think it's human nature for people to get what they can for free if at all possible. After all, they have to pay for everything from water, gas and electicity to putting food on the table and putting petrol in the car. Against that backdrop it's hardly surprising people try to get what they can for free. I know I'm willing to hold up my hands and plead "guilty as charged" on that particular count.

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