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Coffee shop toilets

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Today i had a not so much horny,as sensual encounter in my local coffee shop.All the toilets were out of order,except the female toilet,as luck would have it,so customers and staff alike were all having to use the one toilet,male or female.As luck would have it,it wasnt so busy,and the "barista" who i absolutely have the hards for,(young small polish brunette,about 22)went in.As i was sat near the loos("pee aware"i say..),i decided to get up,and wait outside to go in after her,as we had to do.Maybe a chance of drops on rim...Of course,i stood just close enough to the door to hear her inside,i did hear her splashing piss in the water,just as she was finishing.Then she stopped,i could hear her wiping,(wiping,to me,the essence of girls peeing)then flush.Then i stepped back a little as she came out,"hi" we said,as im a regular,and know of her there.Once in i bolted the door,but to my disappointment,she had cleaned any trace of piss drops,that i would have tasted.But,just knowing she had wee'd not a minute before me,did just give me a nice little buzz,a kind of 20% erection,guys will understand what i mean.Did my business,and back to my seat.Looking lovingly at the sexy barista,and thinking of her peehole,while finishing my coffee..:)

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