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My football team lost on the weekend, to make it worse, we all went to see the humiliation first hand.

We all went potty before leaving the ground, and headed home in the dreary weather, Maigh driving her little buzz bomb, Mary and I as half tanked passengers.

They still don't get Aussie Rules, as much as I try to explain it, just never gets the point across. Anyway, 90 minutes later Mary and I untangle ourselves and stagger up the stairs as Maigh puts her baby to bed (car in the garage under the house). I stumble over to the sun lounge and flop untidily onto it while Mary unlocked the house, turned lights on, and started the heater. She came back out as Maigh climbed the stairs, and looks down at me, a grin making her face even more beautiful. Maigh comes in for a cuddle and Mary whispers to her that she feels sorry for me and wants to cheer me up. Maigh smiled back and said to go for it.

Mary kneels over me on the recliner, her bum on my dick, and i suddenly got a lot hotter, what felt like hot water soaked me delightfully, pee dripping onto the deck under me. This did cheer me up, been somewhat dry here lately, and watched as Mary stood up. Surprisingly, she didn't appear all that wet, maybe a tennis ball sized wet spot, I was soaked from waist to mid thigh, and was still dripping. Maigh smiled and murmured that that looked like fun, and it was her turn. Same again, knelt across me, and went a gusher, this was much more, just as hot and seemed endless. Loved it, the randomness of it, the sexiness of it, I pulled her down and kissed her thoroughly and as I was holding her like this, I let my full tank go. She giggled and wriggled her fanny on me, kissing me more as squirted to a stop..

Rain interrupted our cozy snuggle, and we headed inside, showered and tossed everything in the wash, then had a brilliant night, Maigh finally over her "penicillin" thing and made up for it several times with both Mary and I.

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