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Mom & Her Boys

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Some years ago I was sitting in our car in a parking lot waiting on my wife to finish shopping

As I was waiting a Mom and her two boys came by. The boys were about six or so for the older boy and about four the younger one. The younger boy was holding himself as he had to pee

The Mom took the boys between two cars so they could pee. She helped the younger boy get his pants unzipped as the older boy unzipped. The Mom then had the boys pee on the side of the car. The boys really had to pee and peed on the car for a long time.

I was wondering if the Mom was going to pee but she didnt.

If I had two young boys that had to pee I would have them pee on a wall or tree or lamp post not somebody's car

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  • 2 months later...
Some years ago I was sitting in our car in a parking lot waiting on my wife to finish shopping

As I was waiting a Mom and her two boys came by. The boys were about six or so for the older boy and about four the younger one. The younger boy was holding himself as he had to pee

The Mom took the boys between two cars so they could pee. She helped the younger boy get his pants unzipped as the older boy unzipped. The Mom then had the boys pee on the side of the car. The boys really had to pee and peed on the car for a long time.

I was wondering if the Mom was going to pee but she didnt.

If I had two young boys that had to pee I would have them pee on a wall or tree or lamp post not somebody's car

Two possibilities.

Either the mother simply didn't give a shit about her boys peeing against someone else's car.

Or else she actually "liked" the idea of them doing it.

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