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True story about me & a drunk lady who wet a taxi seat!

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This truthfully happened about two months ago. I usually walk to work, its about a mile each way & takes twenty minutes each way. I pass a Ford dealership, then a bus stop & a public house, then a bar & then walk along a small road along side the river Trent & some boat houses for ten minutes & then over the Trent on a bridge called 'Ladybay bridge' & then onto a trading estate to work. One evening I was going home, exactly the opposite to above. I had crossed Ladybay bridge & had walked along the river side & came to the bar. There was a slender & quite attractive woman hanging onto the fence outside the bar in an extremely drunk state! She then went crashing down onto the floor & was struggling to get up! I immediately assisted her & got her on her feet.

A young male member of staff came out to see what was happening. She asked me to help her back inside, the bar staff was not going to allow this, "oh no you don't, I don't want her back, she is too drunk"... I asked him to call a taxi for her but he declined, saying that he had called one earlier & she refused to get into it (turned out that she had spent all her money).

So..... I asked her to wait outside & I would go & get my car, I got quite tough with the bar man & demanded that he made sure that she was safe to wait & he started to become more helpful. thank God! He said OK, I will get another taxi so she & I waited in the doorway, me propping her up. I asked her for a name & she said 'Lorraine' & she just about was sober enough to give me an address. The taxi took ages, I never gave a thought to whether her bladder could be full. I got her in the back seat of the taxi & gave him her address. "Hold on a minute dude, are you coming with us, I am not leaving my car to get a drunk woman into a house"?

So in i got. We got her to her home & I walked her to her front door. She was very grateful & got some money from the sideboard in her home but I declined it.. I told her to go & make some coffee & relax, I didn't want to go in a strangers house so I went back to the taxi. He was not a happy man, "who is paying the soiling fee'? What? I asked. She has urinated on the back seat, just look at it!

It was a grey fabric seat that now had a large dark wet patch on it, she must have had a huge piss! The taxi driver continued "I can't work tonight now because of this!" Can't they give you another car? "No, its my own car".. OK how much, I asked. He phoned his employers & said 'it will be £50.00 please". I had no choice to pay this plus the fare & it cost me £58.00!

In hindsight what I should have done is call an ambulance for her, they know how to care for paralytic drunk people. A lady friend of mine knows about what happened, I told her & she is an ex nurse & gave me the ambulance advice. She said that either Lorraine was so drunk that she completely lost control of her bladder or just as likely, was too embarrassed to say anything owing to it being difficult for a woman to get out & urinate alfresco. :eek:

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