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As a Young Lad

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I remember about 70 years ago as a young lad that sometimes the neighborhood kids would get out tubs and barrels and fill them with water and we would have a wonderful time playing in the water.

I remember this one time when I had to Pee. I didn't want to leave the party and go the the bathroom in my house. I thought to myself that Peeing in the water would feel good and who would know. Well, when I got home and took off my bathing suit my Mother could smell the Pee and scolded me not to do that again.

A second time I was in the tubs enjoying the water, and the thought of Peeing the the water appealed to me, so I did it again. This time I knew that my Mother would know, so I hid the bathing suit. It was some time before my Mother found my dried ripe suit. I really don't remember what happened as a results, but I know that I never did it again.


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