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Public Peeing in Stuttgart

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Hey guys, I'm going to be in Stuttgart (Vaihingen) for an overnight stay. Do you have any recommendations for good places to pee in public in Vaihingen? For example parking lots, parks, industrial areas, ... I'm a girl so there should be some privacy😉 

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9 hours ago, Simsala said:

Hey guys, I'm going to be in Stuttgart (Vaihingen) for an overnight stay. Do you have any recommendations for good places to pee in public in Vaihingen? For example parking lots, parks, industrial areas, ... I'm a girl so there should be some privacy😉 


Well, I don't really know anything about Stuttgart, but being really bored and having some time I opened Google Earth and in just a few minutes found some interesting places that seems to have lots of cars, alleys, and also not many people so, I will attach them here if they are useful for you.

1 - https://earth.app.goo.gl/?apn=com.google.earth&isi=293622097&ius=googleearth&link=https%3a%2f%2fearth.google.com%2fweb%2fsearch%2fStuttgart-Vaihingen,%2bAlemania%2f%4048.72353693,9.10685632,436.30691528a,0d,90y,267.70275277h,84.3935889t,0r%2fdata%3dCiwiJgokCSqt6rBhe0hAEZivNnG2XUhAGVaf3KGE-CJAISqQnhwnHSJAQgIIASIaChZqSWo0enhjTUo0R183Vmt4aV8tX29REAI6AwoBMEICCABKDQj___________8BEAA

2 - https://earth.app.goo.gl/?apn=com.google.earth&isi=293622097&ius=googleearth&link=https%3a%2f%2fearth.google.com%2fweb%2fsearch%2fStuttgart-Vaihingen,%2bAlemania%2f%4048.72301061,9.11696745,431.32077026a,0d,60y,67.67519218h,79.3091209t,0r%2fdata%3dCiwiJgokCSqt6rBhe0hAEZivNnG2XUhAGVaf3KGE-CJAISqQnhwnHSJAQgIIASIaChY3MDB6R21VakI1OHA2YlllTE5kYzJBEAI6AwoBMEICCABKDQj___________8BEAA

3 - https://earth.app.goo.gl/?apn=com.google.earth&isi=293622097&ius=googleearth&link=https%3a%2f%2fearth.google.com%2fweb%2fsearch%2fStuttgart-Vaihingen,%2bAlemania%2f%4048.73121099,9.11266814,440.09225464a,0d,60y,4.14585001h,72.26019889t,0r%2fdata%3dCiwiJgokCSqt6rBhe0hAEZivNnG2XUhAGVaf3KGE-CJAISqQnhwnHSJAQgIIASIaChZqWnhjeVJiMjVSWndHbFU5bG0yTlh3EAI6AwoBMEICCABKDQj___________8BEAA

Anyway, I hope you a nice trip to Stuttgart and... if you happen to do dirty, wet, and definitely hot things while in there... may I ask for some photos of the smelly and disgusting results? XD

I would love to see if some of those links were useful for you. 

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There are quite a few parking garages with the additional staircases at least in the city itself. Your place is like a suburb with lots of residential area. There is a large university area though so if you plan to visit the campus you should find a place. There is also a multi story parking garage directly at the Vaihingen train station. Especially the upper decks and levels of those parking garages should offer you enough privacy (if they aren't under surveillance). I'm sure you will be able to find a spot though. Otherwise you could combine a short shopping trip to Stuttgarts inner city with your desire to pee in public.

Let us know how it went or if you need more specific/additional help ✌

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