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Halloween Sighting

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I was attending a friend's Halloween party, and one of my friends wanted to go home. She's tired, and I was her ride. I'm tired too, but I get offered to go back after I drop her off. Not sure what to do, I said I would consider it, depending on how I felt.

We exit the house, and a few steps away there's a car trying to back into a parking spot in front of the house, but it's parked in crooked, half in the middle of the street. The passenger door flies open, and a chick gets out of the car in a rush. She turns back around and bends over back into the car for something, and I hear "No, not here!" she turns around back out of the car and as both my friend and I are walking I hear "Not in front of everyone..."

...and that's when I hear the gush. The girl was pissing an absolute torrent right onto the street.

We were headed in the opposite direction, and I couldn't even stop myself from turning around, and catching a look at her. At this point she wasn't under a streetlamp, so it was hard to make out details. She was dressed in all black, couldn't make out a face, but she was squatted with her butt on the rear passenger tire, just gushing whiz all down the street when I hear "What? I had to pee!" I didn't reply, as I wasn't sure whether she was talking to me, or her friend driving the car.

My friend totally made light of it too "Wow, is she really peeing right there?!" She also mentioned it later on in the car ride. "I can't believe that girl peed." "Why?" I replied. "Because... that's not a good spot to pee." "Oh... haha, okay."

Needless to say, I rejoined the party hoping that the pee'er was attending, but I didn't see anyone I hadn't noticed before I left. Yay for a sighting, since it's been a damn while!

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Interesting account 'Peeper'

When you gotta go you just gotta go. I have been involved with transport most of my working life and over the years have seen quite a lot.

Your story reminds me of a very drunk woman on a late bus home a few years back. The last service from our town was 23.30. I was quite amazed she actually got onto the bus at all and wondered was she on the correct one even.

There always seems an urgency about the last bus and I was watching the minutes tick by on the clock on the ticket machine, the last 180 seconds quite apealling. The bus was almost full. According to the ticket machine clock , at 23.28 she stumbled her was back to the door steadying herself on the poles. It was a winter night / morning and not especially warm. She was maybe mid 30's, a wedding ring, a very full figure and wearing a nice party dress and little else. I wondered had she lost her coat. Unsteady on her feet she uttered some absolute incoherent mumbo jumbo. Departure time of 23.30 had been reached and the concern was that she was in fact on the wrong bus. A slightly (only just) less intoxicated couple spoke on this womans behalf announcing that she was indeed on the correct bus but this lady needed a wee.

Expecting words like I'm on the wrong bus I failed to understand her. After the two good samaratins spoke for her I then understood. Now behind schedule a dilema was presented. I have absolutley no interest what so ever in desperation and felt genuinely sorry for her, however 23.30 was 23.30. A supervisor, not a really a nice person and not popular with drivers, was keen to get home himself and intervened. By-passing company rules on courtesy to passengers , he told her to either "sit down on the bus and go home or get off and get a taxi", delivered in his usual sledge hammer style that makes him so unpopular.

In addition to being a pee lover, I also consider myself a 'soft' person,and felt genuinely sorry for her. To be 100% honest I never considered my interest in peeing at that point. I also suspected she had no money for a taxi and had of course already paid her bus fare. It was against company rules to stop in between bus stops and this was an express limited stop night service. Any deviation would see disclipinary action, possibly being fired.

She then started to cry mainly because of the stern supervisor. I said to her ,look just sit down and I'll get rid of this supervisor. In his mind the closing of the doors was enough to convince him his job was done and he hot footed it into the night. She said 'sorry' I cant wait, squeezed her belly with both hands dropping her handbag. quick, open the fuc***g door, and she jumped down two steps onto the road , lifted her short dress and squatted in the gutter. In absolute full view of everyone else she pissed like there was no tomorrow. An absolute torrent. It was a busy street and she obviously didn't care. Some guys wolf whistled but didn't have he balls to stop and stare, she was completly unphased by them. Unfortunately for me she had her back to me and I saw little, but heard plenty of that wonderful hiss. Sadly it was a wet night so I was denied the privelage of seeing the puddle form, but a few nice foamy bubbles were visible. I just could not believe what I was looking at. Finished she jumped aboard and muttered something like , "sorry, but thats better". drunk or not she was coherent enough to call the supverisor "a little fu****g bastard all I wanted was a piss "

In the end this woman was so drunk she was indeed on the incorrect bus, this became apparent at the terminus. I enlisted the help of another sober female passenger, got her phone and we made contact with her family. a very irate dad came and collected her. Wedding ring or not there was no husband.

Desperate pee sightings happen in the most unusual circumstances!

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