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All day long (A Star Trek Voyager fanfiction)

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In a very old thread on this forum (https://peefans.com/topic/467-peeing-on-star-trek/), the idea of a story about „peeing on star trek” was expressed. 
I recently wrote a ST Voyager episode focusing on peeing and especially pee desperation. I hope there are still some Trekkies out there who will like it. 😉 


All day long (A Star Trek Voyager fanfiction)

Warning: contains poop



The episode takes place some weeks after Seven of Nine joined the crew of the Voyager. 

It starts with a bet within the Voyager's command crew, specifically Captain Kathryn Janeway and Chief Engineer B'Elanna Torres against First Officer Chakotay and Lieutenant Tom Paris.

The wager of this bet is somewhat unusual. The losers have to wear Seven of Nine's skintight outfit for one day.


Chapter 1: The Bet


Tight is Good

15:00 p.m. – Bridge 

„I knew it!” Tom Paris was all smiles when it became clear that he and Chakotay had won the bet. The anomaly at the center of the vast nebula in front of them was truly man-made and not caused by a supernova.

Captain Janeway and Chief Engineer B'Elanna Torres had to redeem their bet and wear Seven of Nine's skintight one-piece suit for a whole day on duty. An additional condition was: Just this suit and nothing else, not even underwear. For the two women, this did not sound very pleasant. But Tom and the first officer could hardly wait for that view.

On the same day, two more of the dark red catsuits were made by the clothing replicator, which basically corresponded to Seven's, only in the respective sizes of the captain and the chief engineer. The skin-tight fit was the deciding factor.


7:00 a.m. – Deck 5

The next morning at the start of the day shift, Kathryn Janeway and B'Elanna Torres met with Seven of Nine in her regeneration chamber next to the Borg alcove. Seven explained that the only way to put on her special uniform was with the help of this alcove.

„Just stand on the platform with your legs slightly apart. If the garment has been placed correctly under your feet, the computer will do the rest. I will help you, of course.” Seven continued.

B'Elanna replied: „With 'stand on the platform' I assume you mean naked?“

„As agreed upon in the terms of the bet“, Seven explained, with a gesture to request Lieutenant Torres to go to the alcove.

„It’s okay, B’Elanna“, Janeway reassured, „I’ll wait outside the door.”

So, the Voyager's chief engineer took off her clothes and stood on the platform. Then, Seven pressed a few controls on the side of the machine and, as if by magic, the garment rolled over B'Elanna's body.

„Now you can go on duty for today”, the tall blonde commented matter-of-factly.

The captain was the next to undergo the same procedure before all three went back to their usual workstations.


7:30 a.m. – Engine room 

Wearing a skin-tight uniform was an everyday feeling for Seven of Nine, but it took a lot of getting used to for the other two women. The small and athletic B’Elanna was now THE eye-catcher in the engine room. It was obvious that especially the male engineers were looking for every opportunity to be as close as possible to their boss. The catsuit fitted B'Elanna so perfectly that all of her curves were highlighted and her pussy lips were clearly visible in the crotch.


7:30 a.m. – Bridge 

Similar things happened on the bridge at the beginning of the shift. Whenever Kathryn Janeway walked between her command chair and the ready room, the eyes of Chakotay, Tom Paris, and Harry Kim followed her. Especially the two who wanted to celebrate their victory were rewarded with the details of Janeway's anatomy. Her breasts and nipples stood out, as well as her firm butt. Between the legs, however, the shape was less clear. Kathryn apparently let her bush grow.


9:00 a.m. – Engine room

A major warp core maintenance had to be carried out in the engine room. This is a sweaty affair in very dry air and confined space. B’Elanna Torres and several of her engineers had been working on it for over an hour now.

Especially for the male engineers this was the ideal opportunity to get as close as possible to their boss in her sexy catsuit. Several times, her co-workers rubbed against her breasts or her butt. An apology always followed immediately, but B'Elanna was sure they did this on purpose.

When the maintenance was finally finished, they allowed themselves a well-deserved break. Everyone involved was really thirsty now and drank water and soft drinks to recover.


10:00 a.m. – Bridge 

Several hours passed. Tom Paris took every opportunity to tease a little: „Is Seven’s uniform also available in a transparent version?” He grinned. „That would be something for the next bet.”

Janeway was not in the mood for such jokes. Tired of showing off her body to the men, she sat in the command chair in the middle of the bridge and drank one large coffee after another.


Yellow Alert

11:25 a.m. – Bridge 

Captain Janeway started to feel all the coffee in her bladder, so she went to her ready room and headed straight to the small bathroom next to it.

The first grip of her hand habitually went to the waistband of her pants when she realized that she couldn't take the one-piece off that way. So, Kathryn reached behind her neck to unzip the suit there. But there wasn’t any tangible opening mechanism either. She tried several other spots without success. Finally, she wanted to stretch the fabric directly to pull it down her body. But all attempts to remove Seven's uniform failed.

She hit her comm badge: „Janeway to Seven of Nine.”

No answer. 

Captain Janeway went back to the bridge.

„Why is Seven not reachable?” she asked the crew.

Chakotay replied: „She left the Voyager with the shuttle about half an hour ago.“

„Tom. Call Seven.”

But Tom Paris' attempts to contact Seven were also unsuccessful.

„There may be sensory interferences in the area she flew into”, he analyzed.

Janeway told him to keep trying.


11:30 p.m. – Engine room

At the same time, B'Elanna had become quite accustomed to her current outfit. She really enjoyed playing with her charms and distracting the mostly younger technicians.

The co-workers who had carried out the maintenance and had a couple of soft drinks with her disappeared one by one in the bathroom. 

B’Elanna felt the pressure in another part of her body. Yesterday at dinner with Tom she had hot Talaxian chili beans made from one of Neelix's special recipes. And now it gurgled and rumbled in her guts. Therefore, she left the engine room towards the nearest toilet on the same deck.

When she left, she called out to one of the engineers: „Start recalibrating the warp core. I’ll be back in some minutes.”

As with Captain Janeway earlier, B'Elanna Torres' visit to this location also hadn’t the desired success. She couldn't find a way to take off her catsuit. But her work was more important at the moment, so her toilet need had to wait a little longer.


12:40 p.m. – Engine room

An hour later, B'Elanna’s need to poop became more and more urgent. A couple of minutes ago she tried to visit the bathroom once more, but her outfit still said „no“.

She could no longer concentrate on her work.

She hit the communicator: „Torres calling Seven of Nine. Seven of Nine do you copy?”

The call remained unanswered.

„Computer! Locate Seven of Nine.”

„Seven of Nine is not aboard the ship“, was the immediate reply.


B’Elanna looked around, grabbed a female technician and asked her to accompany her for a moment. The two women headed for the washrooms, with B'Elanna having to be careful not to fart.

When they were in there, she explained to her crewmate that she needed help opening her uniform.

The young technician tried everything possible before giving up: „I'm sorry, Lieutenant, but I can't find a zip or any other mechanism.“

„Then just pull hard!” B’Elanna shouted at her.

However, all attempts remained useless. The suit remained tight on her body like a second skin.


12:45 p.m. – Bridge 

Things became very uncomfortable for Kathryn Janeway, too. She could no longer sit still in her command chair. So, she got up and went towards the ready room again.

„Mister Tuvok“, she said. „Would you please accompany me for a moment?”

Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, who accepted this request without a single emotion, followed Janeway.

The other men on the bridge were somewhat irritated, but still had no idea why the captain needed either Seven’s or Tuvok's help. Kathryn Janeway's addiction to drink lots of coffee was legendary and therefore she must have been desperate to pee from time to time. But she usually didn't show it when she had to go to the bathroom.

As she walked straight from the ready room to her personal bathroom, the head of security stopped in front of the door: „I suppose you don't want me to accompany you THERE?“

„In this case, yes” Janeway replied. „I can't cope with the uniform I was given today. Can you please try to open it?”

She turned her back to Tuvok and pointed to the neck area. The Vulcan nodded and examined the garment carefully.

For Janeway, all this took an eternity and she became impatient: „Hurry up, Tuvok, it's REALLY necessary that I get rid of this uniform!“

While he carefully examined the collar and the part below to see if there was any way to open the catsuit, the captain's fidgeting became more and more intense.

Tuvok assessed the situation: „This garment perfectly fits your body, Captain. I don't see any opening mechanism. Even the use of brute force would not impress the fabric, at least not without hurting you. However, I could use the replicator to make another suit and then analyze its structure in general.”

Janeway turned around and walked out.

„How long will this take?” she asked him.

He replied: „Manufacturing is not the problem, but the analysis will probably take three to four hours.”

„HOURS?” Kathryn winced, went back to the command bridge and sat down. „I won’t be able to wait that long.”

She pressed her legs tightly together.


The Big Bang

12:55 p.m. – Bridge 

A call over the communications system interrupted the situation on the bridge: „Torres to bridge.”

„This is the bridge“, Janeway replied. „What is it B’Elanna?”

„Can you tell me where Seven is? Supposedly she’s not on the ship.“

„Yes, we know that too. Seven is en route to nebula KC-384 on a shuttle. We’ve been trying to reach her the whole time.”

Tuvok added: „We can reconfigure the long-range communications to the sector of the nebula. „But that would require the help of Lieutenant Torres on the bridge.”

„Very well, make it so”, Janeway ordered. „B’Elanna, report to the bridge immediately. Janeway, out”.

Without B’Elanna being able to respond, she now had to make her way to the bridge. But that was apparently the only way to find out how to get rid of that uniform without shitting into it.

She rushed to the nearest turbolift and reached the bridge shortly afterwards.


1:00 p.m. – Bridge 

Once there, B'Elanna immediately went to the console where Tuvok was standing.

She didn't want to let on about der problem, but her body language was different. A shiver after the other went through her as B’Elanna became more and more desperate.

She tried not to let it show, but that was no longer possible. Every movement was accompanied by an unpleasant gurgling in her stomach. B'Elanna just tried to squeeze her buttocks together.

„I assume you also have a metabolic reason for wanting to open your uniform“, the Vulcan remarked in his cold, logic way.

While Torres only gave a furtive nod in response, Tom, Chakotay and Harry took notice.

Now, Tom Paris had another reason to bring up the lost bet: „We had agreed that Seven's catsuit has to be worn the entire duration of the day shift. This means until 5 p.m.”

Now Kathryn Janeway's patience had run out: „Don't worry Tom, we'll stick to the rules. But these rules don’t say anything about not even being able to go to the toilet in this stupid, sexist suit!”

She jumped up and stood next to Tuvok and B'Elanna. The other three men now finally realized why the captain had been behaving somewhat strangely over the last hours.

Especially for Harry Kim it seemed particularly arousing, that Kathryn Janeway and the half-Klingon were on the verge of wetting and shitting their pants. But he preferred to keep that to himself.


1:15 p.m. – Bridge 

A few minutes later, Tuvok and the chief engineer were able to report at least one success. Communication into the nebula should now be possible.

„Janeway to Seven!“

„This is Seven of Nine, Captain“, was the prompt answer and Seven appeared on the large screen.

A slight smile mingled with Kathryn Janeway's pinched expression.

She immediately got to the point: „Seven, we have a serious problem here. You must explain to us how we can take off our uniforms.“

The captain and B'Elanna Torres were now standing next to each other in the middle of the bridge.

Seven replied: „The removal of the suits is scheduled for the end of the shift at 1700 sharp. I will be happy to assist you again then.“

„No, you misunderstand me”, Janeway intervened. „We can't wait that long. These damn suits have to come off NOW!“.

B'Elanna next to her had to bend forward to withstand the pressure.

As always, Seven of Nine remained analytically calm: „Opening the uniforms is not possible without my help. Only with my alcove and the correct programming the fabric can be stretched and thus removed.“

The captain asked for an emergency solution, but B'Elanna no longer waited for the answer and called in: „Do something, Seven, I HAVE TO FUCKING TAKE A DUMP”.

„Make your way back immediately, Seven. That's an order“, Janeway ordered.

Seven of Nine entered some commands into the shuttle controls. „I'm on my way. The return flight is expected to take 113.4 minutes.“

„If we are heading in the shuttle's direction, how long is it until the rendezvous?“ Janeway asked Tom Paris.

„At maximum warp, it...“, Tom began, when he was interrupted by B'Elanna Torres.

With a bang that sounded like ten farts at once, she lost control of her sphincter. A huge load of the pulp pushed itself from her anus into the tight suit. Surprisingly, an expansion of the fabric from the inside to the outside was apparently possible without any problem, and so an almost spherical bulge formed below her bottom and grew larger and larger. Lieutenant Torres lowered her head and buried it in her hands.

The rest of the bridge crew stared at her as if spellbound, as did Seven, who could still watch the spectacle on the screen.

Even though Seven was not very familiar with such humanoid processes, she realized that this incident could get her in trouble. The relationship between her and the chief engineer wasn’t the best anyway.

B'Elanna ran to the turbolift and left the bridge.

Janeway was the first to regain her composure and looked at Tom Paris.

He repeated his previously started sentence: „At maximum warp, it will be 55 minutes until we reach the shuttle.“

„You heard it, Seven. Full speed ahead! We don't want to have another accident with the suit.“

„Aye Captain. Seven, out.“


1:45 p.m. - Bridge

The announced 55 minutes were probably the longest Kathryn Janeway had ever spent on the bridge of the Voyager. She crouched in her chair, her knees wriggling.
In between, she ran to the ready room several times, where she tried to dampen the pressure of her bladder with a hand in her crotch.


Released and Relieved

2:08 p.m. – Deck 5

The shuttle was about to arrive and B'Elanna Torres was already waiting in Seven’s regeneration chamber. Even though she no longer felt pressure from the inside, she wanted to get rid of the suit and the shame as quickly as possible.


2:10 p.m. – Bridge 

Seven’s shuttle passed the hangar’s force field at that moment and reported the successful landing on the bridge. Kathryn Janeway had just returned to her room when she heard the radio call.

She immediately rushed back to the bridge: „Seven, meet me at the alcove.“

Seven of Nine confirmed and they both set off.


2:11 p.m. – Deck 5

The regeneration chamber on deck 5 was nearer to the shuttle bay, so Seven arrived there earlier.

She was a little surprised that the chief engineer was already waiting for her.

„Let's get this over with. I don't want to see this damn suit again“, said the half-Klingon.

„Very well, please stand on the platform“, Seven replied as she walked to the control panel. „However, I would recommend to remove the uniform just up to your waist. The excrementin the lower part could contaminate the equipment. You can then easily take off the suit yourself.“

B'Elanna felt the anger rise again: „Normally YOU should then clean up the whole mess, Borg drone!“ She calmed down again: „But ok, just pull it down to my waist.“

In the next moment, Captain Janeway rushed into the room. Seven of Nine was just starting the procedure.

„What are you doing?“ she yelled at Seven, „remove MY suit first. I urgently need to get rid of half a gallon of coffee, in case you forgot!“

She tried to calm the situation: „I'm sorry, but Lieutenant Torres was here a minute earlier. the procedure will be completed at any moment.“


2:13 p.m. – Deck 5

The skin-tight suit loosened and B'Elanna stood topless on the platform. The one-piece now hung loosely on her lower body. She quickly grabbed the fabric so that it wouldn't slide down completely and the huge pile of poop she was carrying around didn’t fell to the ground after all.

Surprisingly, she even said a quick „thank you“ in the direction of Seven of Nine before she grabbed her normal uniform, held it in front of her chest and then disappeared towards her quarters.

Before Kathryn Janeway could step onto the platform, she had to press a hand to her crotch again to avoid an accident at the last minute.

„Come on, take this stupid thing off me“, she shouted as she stood in the alcove.

„Do you also want me to open the suit only halfway, or shall I remove it completely?“ Seven was still very relaxed.

But the penetrating evil look she received from Janeway for this question made her work faster. Seven ran the same program as before and a few seconds later Captain Janeway's catsuit was just hanging on her legs up to her hips.

„You can now take off the uniform by yourself and go to a bathroom“, the blonde completed the procedure.

Kathryn let out a loud „aaahhh finally!“ as she held the upper part of the suit in front of her breasts and left the room in a stride.

Without thinking, the path led her towards the nearest turbolift, until she realized that sickbay was on the same deck. It also had a bathroom.


2:15 p.m. – Sickbay 

Entering the infirmary resulted in a familiar situation: With the words „Please state the nature of the medical emergency“, the Emergency Medical Hologram EMH, materialized.

„I just need to use your bathroom“, Janeway answered.

The doctor, never at a loss for a comment, replied: „I see. Then this is more of a urinary emergency, Captain.“

She didn't find this funny at all, but continued to walk to the bathroom door.

But the automatic opening mechanism responded with a negative whistle and the door remained closed. Kathryn couldn't believe it: „Who is in there? Let me in!“

The doctor replied: „I'm afraid Kes is also dealing with a very similar emergency.“ He had a facial expression accompanying each of his sentences that was of utter conviction in his own humor.

Janeway, on the other hand, had finally had enough: „Computer! Deactivate the EMH, NOW!“

The Doctor was unable to give a final answer because his holo-matrix was already starting to disintegrate. 

Kathryn now dropped the front of her suit and pressed a hand against her pussy again. 

She no longer had a choice. Either she would find a place to pee immediately or she would wet herself.

So Janeway looked for a suitable container, which she found right next to one of the treatment beds. It was a large empty box for medical equipment. Without further hesitation, she stood over it with her legs wide, pushed down the one-piece suit and bent her knees a little.

Just moments later, a powerful jet of piss emerged from between her labia. It hit the bottom of the container with a thundering sound. As the liquid accumulated there, the sound of her pee stream turned into that of a waterfall. The relief in Janeway’s face was unmistakable.

Suddenly, two doors opened simultaneously. To her left the door to the infirmary’s bathroom, from which the medical assistant Kes came out, and in front of her the door to the corridor. Seven of Nine was standing there.

For everyone involved, the next few seconds seemed to pass in slow motion.

Kes, the young Ocampa, had no idea of the whole story. Her first reaction therefore was somewhat between astonishment and embarrassment as she watched the commander of the starship pissing naked into a plastic box in the middle of sickbay.

Seven had the frontal view of the situation. She saw Kathryn Janeway leaning slightly forward, her breasts hanging out towards her like bells. Between her legs, the fiery red pubic hair shone, and just below it, all the urine the captain had to hold back for hours was pouring out.

Kathryn Janeway shuddered and realized what the „audience” was about to see. She quickly squatted down until she was sitting on the edge of the square container. The sound below her became quieter, but it was still a clear hissing.

Kes turned away bashfully and took two steps back into the bathroom.

Seven, on the other hand, stood petrified in the door and continued to stare at Kathryn's naked body until Janeway finally commented sarcastically: „I hope you enjoy the show.“

With an angry look, she then shouted: „GET OUTTA HERE! ALL OF YOU! NOW!“

After a brief moment of shock, Seven and Kes followed this clear command.


2:17 p.m. – Sickbay 

Kathryn Janeway wanted to end this disgrace as soon as possible. But it still took some time until the last drops had fallen into the container below her. Then she stood up and pulled off her „uniform” completely.

She grabbed a medical gown next to the doctor’s desk, pulled it over and left sickbay towards her private quarters.


End of Chapter 1

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  • 1 month later...


Captain Janeway and Chief Engineer Torres were put in pretty embarrassing situations by Seven of Nine. Will this have consequences for Seven?

Let’s continue with chapter 2 (of 3) of this special Star Trek Voyager episode.

(pee desperation, F/F peeing)


Chapter 2: Consequences


Cleaning up

2:45 p.m. – Kathryn Janeway’s quarters

Janeway had regained her composure when she arrived in her own room. Anger continued to build within her. She wanted to pour ale the piss of over Seven's head, but she had left the container in the infirmary.

„I hope Kes is discreet enough to dispose of the contents right away,“ she thought. „I'll have to explain the situation to her later.“

To the public, Janeway was not interested in women, but secretly she had lesbian feelings, especially for the young medical assistant Kes.

But with everything that concerned Seven of Nine, she swore to herself: „This will not go unpunished!“


2:50 p.m. – B’Elanna Torres quarters

A few rooms down on the same deck, a half-Klingon had similar feelings. B'Elanna was standing naked in her bathroom and tries to get completely clean again. She had already dumped the catsuit, in which the „accident“ had happened to her, in the waste disposal system.

„That damn Borg drone! I'll kill her!“ B'Elanna shouted at the mirror. The tirade went on for a while...


2:55 p.m. – Sickbay

Meanwhile, in the infirmary, Kes was actually emptying the container of Janeway's pee into the toilet. The petite Ocampa couldn't believe how much could fit into a human bladder. But she could even less understand why the captain had relieved herself completely naked in the middle of sickbay.

„Computer. Activate EMH,“ she ordered, and the Emergency Medical Hologram reappeared at its workplace.

Remembering the last time the doctor was deactivated by Janeway, he immediately asked the appropriate question: „Why was I deactivated?“

Kes also wanted to ask how the scene she had witnessed from the bathroom door came about. But since the doctor himself didn't know, she began to recount what she had experienced.

„Here? Naked? In a medication box?“ the EMH repeated the crucial things. „It was obvious that the captain was in desperate need of a toilet, but that's clearly going too far.“


3:00 p.m. – Bridge

In the meantime, the remaining male officers on the bridge also had a lot to talk about. The fact that B'Elanna had shat her pants in front of everyone was assessed very differently. Ranging from Harry Kim's question about how Seven had gotten B'Elanna out of her onesie to Tom's mocking comments about whether Seven had also wiped her bottom or whether B'Elanna should wear a diaper on duty in the future. Only Tuvok kept a discreet distance.


3:10 p.m. – Sickbay

Before Janeway took care of Seven of Nine, she wanted to discuss the scene in sickbay with Kes. Once there, everything seemed to be as usual at first glance. The doctor was sitting at his desk, examining medical records.

Kes prepared one of the treatment beds for the next use. „Kes, can we talk in private?“ Janeway asked.

The EMH replied quickly: „Will you turn me off again, or may I show you a small selection of different containers first, in case you need them?“

While Kes made a hand gesture that probably meant something like „No, please don't…“, the captain didn't know who to punish first with her most evil look.

„You told him? Then it won't be long before the whole ship knows! Computer, deactivate EMH,“ she ordered and now waited for Kes' response.

„Well, I thought... that maybe it was a medical, uh... I'm sorry... I didn't know why...“ the Ocampa stammered.

Janeway replied: „I actually wanted to thank you. But now? You’re not getting off that easy!“

Without waiting for another reaction, she turned on her heel and left sickbay.


Janeway’s Plan

3:20 p.m. – Astrometric Lab

The ship's computer indicated that Seven's current location was the astrometric laboratory. Just before the captain got there, a highly agitated B'Elanna Torres stormed down the corridor.

Janeway intercepted her, „Ah, B'Elanna, do you want to meet Seven too?“

„I have every reason to do so,“ she replied briefly and continued walking.

B'Elanna was the first to enter the lab, and began to insult Seven savagely. Seven was completely perplexed at first, but then listened calmly to everything that came out of the half-Klingon's mouth. Kathryn Janeway tried to reassure both of them, fearing that things would get out of hand at any moment.

After several minutes of wild conversation, the captain actually managed to calm things down and made a suggestion: „Things have gone wrong today and you, Seven, have put Lieutenant Torres and me in very embarrassing situations. Nevertheless, I think we should discuss this in private. Please come by my quarters tomorrow evening.“

Seven nodded and thanked Kathryn Janeway. Most of all, she was glad to no longer be yelled at by B'Elanna.

The captain turned to the chief engineer, „B'Elanna,“ and instructed her to leave the room with her.

Once outside, B'Elanna looked puzzled: „What exactly is the point? Why didn't you impose a disciplinary action?“

„Just wait and see. I know what I'm doing,“ Kathryn replied. „We will both get our revenge.“ Then she explained the exact plan.


One day later – 8:30 p.m. – Janeway’s quarters

„You learned to eat and drink like a normal human some weeks ago, so your excretions should work like everyone else's,“ Janeway began as she gave Seven a glass of real (not synthetically replicated) red wine. „So how do YOU deal with the fact that you can’t take off your special uniform when you need to?“

Seven's answer was almost a scientific paper: „Well, for one thing, I stick to the following schedule: I use the restroom at exactly 0655 before my shift starts, then again at 1705 and once more at 2245. I control my fluid intake so that no unexpectedly high bladder pressure can build up in the periods in between. The intake of solid food is regulated in the same way, so that bowel evacuation takes place every 24 hours. This toilet visit is scheduled for 0655 in the morning.“

With anyone else, Janeway would have felt like someone was trying to make fun of her. But Seven was serious.

„On the other hand,“ she continued, „I made an enhancement to my uniform today. It is now possible to put on and take off the one-piece suit without my alcove via a display integrated in the collar. This has practically no significance for me personally, as I stick to the exact times mentioned. But perhaps someone with less self-control needs to take off this garment unexpectedly quickly.“

Kathryn tried to ignore the arrogance in that statement and clinked glasses with Seven of Nine.

Next, Janeway had Neelix prepare a multi-course meal for them to enjoy.


9:30 p.m. – Janeway’s quarters

They were still on the main course of the meal. Kathryn Janeway made sure that Seven kept getting a refill as soon as she had finished her plate.

„Captain, thank you very much, but I'm really full now. I’ve already exceeded my planned evening food intake several times over.“ Seven of Nine tried to stop Janeway from adding more rice and chicken.

„Seven,“ Janeway replied. „It wasn’t that long ago that you were freed from the Borg collective and learned human behavior again. But it was apparently just routine for you so far. Tonight we're just going to have a good time!“

So Kathryn refilled the blonde's plate and poured more wine.


10:40 p.m. – Janeway’s quarters

After some casual conversation and a few more glasses of wine, Seven forced down a final piece of tiramisù.

She asked, „Can I consider yesterday’s matter as settled? Then I would like to say goodbye for today.“

The time wasn't the only reason for Seven's restlessness. The alcohol had already gone to her head.

„Not quite yet,“ Janeway replied. „I want you to gain some more human experiences. For example, what it feels like not to live according to an exact plan.“

Seven wasn't quite sure what the captain meant by that.


11 p.m. – Janeway’s quarters

The bottle of red wine was emptied and Janeway put the glasses aside.

When Seven asked if she could go to her own quarters again, Kathryn told her, „You will stay here tonight. You can use this couch for sleeping. I've already replicated a pair of pajamas for you. I hope they fit.“

Kathryn disappeared into her bedroom and locked the door. Visibly surprised, Seven of Nine waited a little longer to see if the captain might show up again. But when nothing happened for a few minutes, she knocked on the bedroom door. But that didn't help either. Janeway did not respond neither to knocks nor to questions.

On the one hand, she could barely stand upright and almost fell asleep on the spot. On the other hand, she would have liked to go to the bathroom, but it was only accessible via the bedroom.

So she ignored the instructions and headed for the exit. But the door didn’t open and the whistle made it clear that it was locked.

„Seven, go to sleep!“ she heard Janeway calling out from the bedroom.

So Seven changed her clothes and laid down.


Lessons Learned?

The next morning – 6:40 a.m. – Janeway’s quarters

Janeway was coming out of the bedroom when Seven of Nine paced around the room.

„Ah, you're awake,“ Kathryn commented, „I'd like you to accompany me to sickbay before the shift starts.“

„May I use the bathroom please?“ asked Seven.

„There is also a faucet here next to the replicator. That will have to do.“

„But Captain, I already had to skip my bathroom break last night, even though my fluid and food intake was much higher than usual. Another delay hardly seems possible to me.“

Janeway grinned, but remained stubborn, „I told you we'll put the plans aside and just do whatever comes to MY mind.“

Seven was allowed to wash her hands and face, then both left the room.


6:50 a.m. – Sickbay

They entered the infirmary and Captain Janeway walked directly towards Kes.

The doctor was sitting at his desk. „Shall I switch myself off?“ he asked.

Kathryn gave him a short but clear „yes“ in response.

„Kes, join us,“ Janeway continued and went into the bathroom.

Kes and Seven followed her. Once the three women were inside, Kathryn locked the door.

„Your behavior yesterday was unacceptable, Kes. You know how much I appreciate your work and especially you as a woman. But it will not go without punishment. I have therefore decided to give you a ... somewhat unusual ... lesson.“

Without waiting for an answer, Janeway grabbed the Ocampa by the shoulder and pushed her down. „Get down on your knees, lift your head and open your mouth.“

Kes turned white as a ghost, but could neither resist the words nor the strong hand of her commander.

„You will swallow everything you get,“ Kathryn explained.

Seven of Nine wasn't sure what to make of this, but the pressure in her bladder was high enough by now that she would take advantage of this unusual opportunity. She began to open her catsuit using the new mechanism.

Kathryn Janeway observed Seven's behavior and asked, „What exactly are YOU up to? Dear Kes will now do ME a service.“

Janeway took off her black pants and panties and stood with her legs apart in front of the kneeling Ocampa. Seven of Nine was completely speechless. Janeway had kept her from using a bathroom since last night and now she was just allowed to watch?

Kathryn looked Kes into her eyes and smiled.

Then she pulled her labia apart with her right hand. Although she had gone to the toilet before going to bed, pressure had built up in her bladder again. Without warning, a load of Janeway's golden nectar spilled directly into Kes' face. Kes tried to turn her head to the side, but Janeway held her in place with her left hand and aimed right into the little Ocampa's mouth.

Seven felt her own desire to urinate getting stronger.

Kes' mouth was full to the brim when the captain's pee stream stopped.

„Swallow,“ Janeway ordered with a big grin. Kes complied with the instruction. When her mouth was empty again, Kathryn pissed into it in spurts, almost causing it to overflow again.

When Janeway had finished, Seven stepped forward. „May I now use Kes’ services as well? It is now exactly 6:55. And my bladder has finally reached its maximum capacity.“

„You still don't get it, do you?“ Janeway asked while she watched Kes swallowing the rest of her pee. „We're not following YOUR rules today. And that's why you get a different task now. You will help B'Elanna repair something on deck 12. The Chief Engineer will give you the details.“

Seven looked at her, but had no time to answer. Janeway put her pants back on and unlocked the door. B’Elanna Torres stood outside.

The half-Klingon said, „Come with me, Seven! Our shift starts in exactly five minutes.“

Now, for the first time, panic spread across Seven's face, but she had no choice and had to do her day shift with the woman who had certainly not yet forgiven her for yesterday's „accident“.


6:56 a.m. – Sickbay

Janeway and Kes were alone in the bathroom of sickbay.

Kathryn looked at the still kneeling Ocampa. „Kes, my dear, I forgive you.“

Janeway's tone suddenly became much friendlier. She leaned down and gave the Ocampa a kiss. „But now, that we are alone, I have one more task for you: Lick me clean!“

She stood over her face again. Kes approached Janeway's private parts. A few small drops were still glistening on the underside of Kathryn's red pubic hair, which Kes now licked off one by one.

The medical assistant pushed her tongue further into Janeway's vagina. Even though the Ocampa was so young, she knew exactly how to bring Kathryn to sexual ecstasy.

Janeway's breathing became louder and faster, in the same rhythm as Kes' tongue massaged her most sensitive areas.

While the captain moaned louder and louder, Kes had a hand on her own cunt and rubbed it.


Both bodies twitched simultaneously as Kathryn had a massive orgasm. Then she also sank to her knees, hugged Kes and kissed her passionately.


End of Chapter 2

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