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The last member of the Godslayer clan

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Some long form content I had been working on. I planed on this being more pee-related content but then the story got away from me. I couldn't figure out how to include pee in this without it feeling shoe-horned in. So instead it's some classic porn with plot! I hope that's okay to post here... Anyway I hope you enjoy



All over the known mortal realm, Everyone lived their lives under the watchful eye of the strong. Whether they be the founders of entire countries or the great elders of their clans and sects, those who lived under the strong knew of the power they could achieve just by looking up to their betters. Children dreamed of meeting these powerful people who could leap over mountains or flood areas with rain. Those who could burn oceans, turning them to barren desserts, or deadlift huge boulders that hurdled to the ground from space. But this power doesn’t come for free; the more power some have, the more others will want to take it for themselves. Greed was an intrinsic part of life, after all.


Oh, clan of Godslayers… You might have been the ones to free us from that cycle of war and bloodshed. For you were willing to carry the tragedies done to you by the powerful with pride and grace… Well, it’s no matter now… Rest well, Children of the Coast. Your work, while cut short, is now complete.  




Bevy aimlessly drifted in the far outskirts of the heavenly realm, floating along in the endless darkness of the void. Bevvy's disembodied consciousness wondered again and again if this was all it meant to be a god.  Floating around… in nothingness, she once again longed for the days when she had a physical form. Despite her desire, she was still one of the lucky dregs that inhabited this nothingness, having been summoned to the mortal world once before. It had been a short experience compared to her immortal lifespan, but it still filled her with happiness whenever she thought about it, which she did almost constantly. Only one other thought ran through her mind as she spent time in this desolate place. Should she return home to her progenitor? Her parent wanted to make her a disciple, but she turned out wrong. Usiphen had messed up in the creation of Bevvinalia, and as such, she was incapable of inheriting her path. Bevvy had left her home to escape her parent’s disappointing stare and maybe even find some followers of her own, but Bevvy had vastly miscalculated how much her breed of Divine energy was in demand. It had been eons since she left, and all she could show for it was a small trickle of Mortal energy that could barely sustain a physical form if she ever even decided to take one. But, it would be a waste to take any kind of form while floating around this place. So, she stayed as a collection of conscious energy. However, that's all she really needed; she could still hear the echoes of prayer and reverence that her followers had for her. They were, unfortunately, too quiet for her to make anything out, but she was okay with that as long as they didn’t forget about her. Even with her gripes, she was content with spending her time here slowly accruing power. She once again thought over her time in the Mortal realm, for what else was there for her to do? Gods couldn't sleep, but they could enter restful states, and Bevvy spent most of her time in one,  barely alive… If she even could be called alive. The echoes lulled her to rest until she heard one that had been unfamiliar to her. A new worshiper, perhaps? The voice enticed her into a trance as it spoke of sorrow and regret. But, above all, the voice wanted her… needed her… She was shocked when she realized the prayer came to her clearly. It felt like a physical force as it drew her closer, like liquid pulled through a tube. The voice spoke so desperately of longing that it almost felt like an outside influence was controlling her. She gathered her spread-out energy, collecting and condensing it. She was practically giddy with excitement as this felt uncanny to when she was first summoned to the mortal realm. Although she was a little sad, it did differ from when her beloved worshipers had summoned her. The words and intentions of the prayer cascaded over Bevvy as she followed its guide to make one careful incision upon the void of the heavenly realm with her energy. Bevvy made the faintest of cuts in reality, and the prayer screamed out from the small slice, startling her. Bevvy was immediately sucked through the slice as it closed behind her before making sure to gather up everything that she was. It was all over in less than a second, allowing the 

calming and content void to fill in the space she left behind.




Bevvy flushed into the mortal realm so quickly that her thoughts were a little shaken. She only needed a moment to re-center herself, though getting her fuzzy mind to focus. She still couldn’t see or experience anything without a physical form, but she could feel the energy fluctuations of the Mortal realm. This latent energy of the world was absolutely absent from her home in the void. She gathered the sparse amounts of Mortal energy she had collected and formed a straightforward humanoid body in which her potent Divine energy and mind took residence. She wrapped her body with a worn, tattered brown robe that floated around her as she hovered a few meters above the ground on top of a cracked stone altar. Her short black hair waved around her face as her heavenly aura leaked from her body. She glanced around, finding herself in some kind of ruin. Bevvy herself was floating above an altar placed upon a ruined structure. She saw one man below her on the ruined structure the alter rested upon. He looked barely older than 18, kneeling in evident reverence for the being he summoned. Bevvy was a little nervous. One person could not usually summon gods, especially in a run-down place like this. Her cult had used countless treasures the last time she was summoned, but on another glance, she couldn’t see anything of the sort… or even the remnants of used-up treasures. Was this some kind of execution? She had heard rumors that mortals sometimes tried to kill gods to further their power, although only the true powerhouses of the mortal realm ever succeeded.


“Hear me, mortal!” Bevvy cried out in a booming voice that shook the broken buildings of the ruins. She placed her hands on her hips and looked down her nose at the still kneeling form of the mortal. “I am Bevvinalia! Child of Usiphen, For what matter has thou summoned me?!” She said with as much confidence as a low-ranking god could bring forth. Only now did the child look up, and Bevvy internally recoiled. He looked like any typical human, but his eyes seemed hollow and cracked, clouded with a milky white substance. Bevvy figured the child had some kind of soul damage inflicted upon him. Was he hoping Bevvy could fix him? The mortal said nothing but eventually stood up, looking up at the floating form of Bevvy above the altar.


“I am Crier, son of Diligence and Hope, and named by my late grand ancestor.” The man yelled back at Bevvy with all the demeanor of someone who owned the whole world. “Listen to my plea, oh god! Become my blade and mantle so that the hearts of the mortal world will come to know your power and grace.” He added, clearly reciting some kind of traditional speech. “On my name and my lineage as a member of the Children of the Coast, I request your divinity,” He said, finishing his presentation. Bevvy was stunned. At first, by the gall of this mortal to talk to her this way, but as he continued his speech, her face gained a vistage of awe. This man was a Child of the Coast. She had heard stories from her mother of her time in the mortal realm. Most of the stories, though, were from her being in a contract with a Child of the Coast, or as the rest of the world called them… A member of the Godslayer clan. The holy grail of superpowers in the mortal realm had summoned Bevvy. Her face betrayed her as the faintest of grins wafted onto her face. She had to accept but not make it seem she was too desperate. She didn’t want to be turned away from the Godslayer by being shameless. Although, she had never heard of anyone actually being turned down by the Godslayers. However, as she thought more about it, she was… confused… Many had told her this was an extraordinary ceremony that the whole clan was made to attend, but… Only the man was present, and even stranger, the entire place was in ruins. Had something happened? But how? The Godslayers were some of the most influential people in the world. Bevvy would have loved to ask more questions, but her time was already running out. Just sustaining this simple form for a minute or two had drained her of all the stable Mortal energy she had collected. She floated down, getting closer to Crier, and he stood firm. Despite his confident attitude, Bevvy could feel the slight fear in his heart. Mortals’ emotions were like an open book to gods, but it’s not like she would shame him for it. Despite his lineage right now, she could feel he was no stronger than any average human, and even if Bevvy couldn’t do a lot in her makeshift mortal form, she could still probably kill him if she desired; she would never do such a thing, though. She had heard of this ritual often from her mother and the other gods her mother also hung around with. It was the worst part of becoming contracted in the Godslayer clan, but ever since Lord Creation had once done it with their ancestry to solidify their bloodline, so too did all other gods have to show their deference. Bevvy knelt and looked up at Crier, who held out his hand. Bevvy took his hand in hers and brought it to her lips. The moment her lips touched his flesh, she felt her very being found perching in his soul. When summoned before, she had used a mortal as a vessel for her mind and energy. It felt like she had pushed away all that the human was to make way for herself—erasing and replacing the mortal's very being so that her greatness and divinity could shine through. As a result, most vessels were unsuitable for holding gods, as they would all break in dew time. But Crier's soul and body didn’t shy away and reject Bevvy’s might; instead, he absorbed it. Bevvy felt like she was jumping into a pool while simultaneously becoming the water that made up that pool. Her makeshift form dissolved away as her mind and divinity retreated into Crier, filling up the purposeful cracks left in his soul like mortar. When the ritual was complete, she could feel Crier kneeling on the ground, His head resting on the temple's stone. His head bowed in prayer and reverence. She could see through his eyes and feel through his skin; such was the deepness of their new bond. Crier lifted his head, looking up at the star-covered sky.

“I swear on the hearts of my clan that I will bring us up to greatness.” He said before he returned to his prayer of apology to Bevvy for making her bow to a mortal such as himself. Only after a few hours did Bevvy feel their souls settle enough to be safe. Although the process went by smoothly, it didn't mean it wasn’t taxing for them to merge their souls, and they required a good rest while things settled. She looked internally at their bond when she started to feel well enough. She wondered why some of the most prideful gods had formed contracts with the Godslayers even after hearing about the degrading ceremony of having a god bow to a mortal. But now that she was experiencing it for herself, it made perfect sense. It was a bond of absolute trust. Crier had access to all of Bevvy’s Divine energy, and in turn, Bevvy could access all of Crier’s Mortal energy, and the depth at which she had access shocked her. She could drain Crier of everything he was in less time than he had to realize what was happening. But Crier could do the same thing. He could use a massive amount of her divine energy without even blinking an eye. She was slightly nervous about the arrangement, but her excitement quelled her unease. She now had an almost limitless amount of Mortal energy. Directly absorbing Mortal energy from someone would be inefficient if a god had done it by force. Mortal souls were like dense chunks of rock and were very resistant to tampering by outside forces. So, gods instead got mortals to give up their energy in a more pleasing way: worship. Gods get the mortal energy they need to live and gain power, and the mortals get tiny wisps of divine energy with which they can do what they wish. Now that she was confident in their connection, she summoned the same physical form of the woman with short black hair and the old, tattered robe. She found it much easier now that she could weave huge amounts of stable Mortal energy into her being. She placed her hand on Crier's praying form, causing him to snap out of his reverence and look up at Bevvy.


“Come now, let us go. Our bond has been carved into our souls,” she said as she took Crier’s hand and helped him get up from his kneeling position. He only nodded at her. His face was red where lines of tears had once made themselves known. She ignored that, though, as Crier turned to walk off the ruined structure. Bevvy followed only slightly behind as they walked through the dark streets. 


“You seemed to have heard of my lineage before as you knew of our ritual,” Crier said as they walked, and Bevvy nodded before speaking.


“My progenitor, Usiphen, was once a sword and shield of your clan,” Bevvy said while looking around the ruins. She was starting to get a bad feeling. Not one of the gods who had told her about their time as a god of the godslayers ever mentioned this ritual happening in a ruin. It was bizarre as this ritual, in particular, was the most infamous part of becoming a god of the Godslayers. It was always a festive time with a few hundred people at least joining the celebration.


“She was a god of love, correct? She was probably a popular member when she was here.” He said. Bevvy only looked at him with confusion, and Crier continued after Bevvy said nothing for a while. “Our clan has a deep connection to the concept of love; after all, we are all the result of a god falling in love with a mortal.”


“Creation fell in love with your ancestor?” Bevvy wagered a guess, and Crier nodded. Bevvy had only heard rumors about the supposed start of the Godslayer clan, so to have it confirmed outright was eye-opening.


“Yes, although this happened a few millennia ago. The god of Artful Expression painted over the soul of my ancestor in order for the fullness of the god’s power to be expressed.” Crier spoke of this as if it was a grand event, but to Bevvy, it seemed like one of her kind took advantage of this human long ago, and the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. The children of the coast were amazing vessels for her kind. Too amazing, as if they were designed to accept the chaotic nature of Divine energy. Nothing made this more apparent than when she now looked into Crier’s eyes instead of the hollow and fractured appearance they had before. The cracks now oozed a slight reddish black. The milky white haze replaced with low undertones of the same red and black.


“Your suspicions are true… We are a cursed people,” Crier said with a slight apprehension as if he was trying to find the right words. “Our clan has very few children as most die before reaching adulthood… We are born with heavy soul damage that needs the endless energy of the gods to fix.” Bevvy was shocked and suspected most gods would be upon hearing this. She hadn't heard anything like this from her parent or others… Were they embarrassed at what their kind had done? The god of creation, or “Artfull Expression,” as Crier called them, was one of the kings over the Heavenly realm, so it would make sense that something like this may be taboo. The power to invade and break a mortal’s soul is unheard of. If it were so easy, many power-hungry gods would go on rampages absorbing as much energy as possible from the mortals worldwide.


“It’s alright…” Crier said, wearing a warm smile. “This was centuries ago, and besides, we got our revenge…” he added before the smile left his face as his vision seemed to cloud over. 


“Revenge?” Bevvy asked, but she already knew the answer; she was here, after all, in the mortal realm acting as a sword and shield against the world; this was no place for a god.


“My ancestor made a name for herself as she conquered huge amounts of the known world thanks to her power. It was said she went crazy with it, and by the end, her dear companion begged her to die and put an end to her bloodshed. During her conquest, she killed many, but the ones she didn’t, she raped. It was said she gave birth to over a thousand children. But, in all her power, she could never get any of her children to live past 25. That was until she forced another god to fill in the cracks. That was the mark of the first Child of the Coast, or Godslayers.” Bevvy was amazed and shocked. If the story of their ancestor was true, then Creation really messed up in choosing a wife. 


“How did she die?” Bevvy asked, wondering who could kill such a monster.


“The Children of the Coast eventually turned on her and put her ten thousand-year conquest to rest. We get our clan name from something our ancestor said during the final confrontation. ‘You pitiful children of mine… don’t you see how I have made you? Created you? We have sailed far beyond the coast of mortality… we were always destined for more than just this.’ She said, and so, we have inherited the will of the first god slayers for we look out into the sea of everything, but we must stay on the coast… For our own sake.” Crier said with a dejected expression. Bevvy enjoyed listening to the history of the mortal realm, as anything was better than floating in the void. They said nothing else as Crier walked up to one of the more put-together buildings. An old cottage made mostly of stone, its roof slapped together in a clear display of function over form. It was quite a bit more modest than what Bevvy was expecting, but she didn’t mind too much. She sat down in a dining room chair as Crier grabbed some dried fish and fruits from an attached underground cellar. When he returned, he ate silently for a few minutes, clearly deep in thought. Bevvy's suspicion over what had happened to the Godslayer clan was only growing, and Crier’s attitude toward talking about his clan was the most significant factor. When Crier was finally done eating, he turned back to Bevvy.


“Your parent was a god of love, correct?” Crier asked, “Are you the same?” He added. Bevvy was a little nervous about this question. Would one of the ancient Godslayers want a lowly god of her status? She wasn’t embarrassed by what she embodied. However, she was embarrassed by the lack of power she held. All gods who had once been part of the Godlsayers were powerful forces in the heavenly realm, so she slightly suspected something had gone wrong in the summoning for a nobody like her to have been here… Now that she thought about it, though, how was she summoned at all? She already knew no treasures were used, so what could it be?


“How did you summon me? Are the prayers of the Godslayer clan so strong that they can just pull gods out of the Heavenly realm?” Bevvy asked, ignoring Crier’s question for now. However, when she asked that, he put on a complicated expression similar to the one she figured she just had on. 


“It’s… very complicated, but it involves a treasure my clan has had in their possession from the start. That’s all I’m willing to say.” He said with such resoluteness that Bevvy didn’t bother asking any follow-up questions.


“Right… well I’m the god of… perversion and debauchery…” She said with an apprehensive tone.


“Ahh, one of those children that form a reverse aspect from their parents,” Crier said, clearly not upset by Bevvy’s flavor of Divine energy. Bevvy felt relieved she wouldn’t be ripped away from the mortal world and shunted back into the void. But she didn’t miss the faint red that coated Crier’s face. He was clearly at least slightly embarrassed by the aspects that Bevvy embodied, but she wasn’t concerned. 


“Is it a problem that my Divine energy is not up to the standards of your clan?” Bevvy said, genuinely concerned about their future, but her worries were quickly destroyed when she looked at Crier’s confused face.


“No? Why would that be a problem? Have you ever heard of gods being turned away from our clan?” He said, genuine confusion on his face. 


“No, but the gods who had all been summoned by your clan were all well-known and influential in the Heavenly realm,” Bevvy said, and Crier only smirked like he knew everything.


“It’s our clan; you are a part of the Children of the Coast as long as you are my sword, shield, and the twine that holds me together. No matter if you are weak or strong. After all, who but us to make the gods of our world known!” Crier said in a tone that made him to be a king.


“Those cheaters!” Bevvy thought. The gods of the heavenly realm constantly talked about how much work they put into getting worshipers, but all this time, they were just paraded around while the Godslayer used them to commit deeds of terrifying renown. She was here now… so she didn't have to deal with that until Crier died, which could be never, thanks to her Divine energy. “All those gods are strong because Godslayers worked with them?” Bevvy asked for confirmation. 


“I’m sure there are some that are strong without us, but many yes,” Crier said. The conversation lulled a bit as they both sank into silence, coming to terms with their new circumstances. After a while, Bevvy asked the question on her mind since she came to the mortal realm.


“Where… are the other Godslayers?” Bevvy asked.


“Those who fight must not be surprised when they find the blade pointed at them… That was what the grand elder said when we were under attack. I was just a youth then, but the neighboring kingdoms seemed to think of us as a threat. They gathered their best magus to wipe us from the face of the world. The elder sealed me in a… special room to wait out the attack as I was the youngest in the clan and had not yet undergone the God-slaying ritual.”


“Your elder… seemed like a grand man,” Bevvy said, unsure of what to say. But Crier only put on a disgusted face.


“How could they do this!” Crier said as he clenched his fist. “We have stood at their forefront guarding them all against any disasters or beasts that threatened them, only to be met with this fate!” Crier said in evident distress. However, Bevvy’s thoughts were slightly elsewhere. It must have been a terrifying amount of people that conducted this attack, considering the strength of Godslayers. “That’s why I need you, of course. My loyal sword, you will surely cut down the enemies of our clan. If I must, I will be the second coming of my ancestor and take control of this whole world by force.” Crier said, his face a mask of determination. Bevvy didn’t know what to say. Should she comfort her new companion or scold him for the terrible deeds he wished to commit? She eventually came to the conclusion it wasn’t her place. What Crier said was right; she accepted becoming the blade and mantle of a Godslayer, and as such, she would be used to slay.


“How do you hope to defy the great magus of the world with our strength?” Bevvy asked, clearly confused. Together, they were powerful but nowhere near some of the stories she had heard about some of the mortals of this world. Crier took a deep breath to center himself. He yawned and stretched in his seat as he again began explaining. 


“I told you that love plays a big part in our clan, and that wasn’t just a metaphor. According to tradition, we are now considered married. However, close companions is a better way of putting it in my opinion.” Bevvy was a little surprised, but not totally so. Bonding souls together is probably the most intimate you can be with someone, so it made sense that mortals would see it that way. “As we deepen our bond, our power should grow to incredible heights.” Bevvy was conflicted. Being married to a mortal was… interesting. If he were just any mortal, she would probably just reject them on the pure reason that he would die long before she did… if she ever perished. But with their souls merged like they were, she was fine spending time with Crier, Especially if she was getting married to a Godslayer. She looked over Crier's form; his black toga hung loosely over his body, unfortunately covering up all of Bevvy’s favorite parts. His dark hair cascaded down his face and onto his shoulders. It lightly covered his right eye as he looked back at Bevvy. His eyebrow raised in a questioning glare. They had only known each other briefly, but even before they formed their bond, she knew what kind of person Crier was. Even more so now that they were in such a contract. She nodded her head, solidifying her opinion. Crier would make an excellent consort.      


“Is that why the Godslayers were so few and far between? Because you don’t like ‘cheating’ on your Divine partners?” Bevvy asked, ignoring the strange look Crier had given her. 


“Unfortunately, no, there is a second important ritual for our clan, where children were hopefully conceived. I don’t know much as I was too young to participate. I do know, however, that it involved the blessing of the elder and both of the participant's gods. Even then, as I said before, any children my people do conceive have a large chance of premature death due to us having weak constitutions as children… at least before we perform the Godslaying ritual.” Crier finished, clearly getting a little tired of constant lectures. He once again let out a yawn and stretched. He laid his head on his dining room table, stretching his arm to lay flat against it in a restful gesture.


“Come on, young one,” Bevvy said as she took Crier’s hand and led him to his… or their room. Of course, she needed his help finding the room, but as soon as he hit his bed, he slept peacefully among the furs. Bevvy watched him sleep momentarily, reaching out and stroking his matted brown hair. When she had her fill, she walked outside and floated up to the roof of the Crier’s makeshift home. She jumped and floated from ruined building to ruined building, slowly making her way higher and higher. When she reached the highest building around, she looked over the whole of the ruined Godslayer clan. The clan circled a whole mountain, covering its surface with myriad stone buildings, and the mountain itself was in the middle of a moderately sized island. Bevvy looked over the ruins as she sat on the random roof she had jumped onto. She gazed upon the destruction with amazement. How could they have done this? They had to have killed every single Godslayer for there to be this much destruction, as any remaining in the world would probably cause large-scale carnage out of revenge upon learning about what had been done… like Crier was planning on now. This was such a staged undertaking to eradicate the Godslayer clan that Bevvy was sure there was no way the Godslayers couldn't have seen it coming. So what happened? How did the Godslayers die? Bevvy spent another hour or two gazing at the ruins and the stars above before de-summoning her form and returning to the depths of Crier’s soul.




Crier eventually woke late in the morning, getting out of bed and shuffling towards the door of his house. He walked back towards the altar found at the heart of the clan. He took a deep breath of the humid oceanic air while sitting on the altar, crossing his legs. He began to meditate, calming himself from the nightmares of the night before. Bevvy didn’t need to sleep. She actually couldn’t even if she wanted to, but when she was hidden in the depths of Crier’s soul, she could feel almost everything he could, going so far as even to lightly read his mind in this state. As a result, she knew it was a little too early for her to make herself known. This mediation session was an essential part of his day… clearing out the turbulent feelings of longing and sadness he felt after the nightmares. Bevvy had been shocked by the magnitude of his night terrors. Most of them were of what she expected: his clan's death. But sometimes his nightmares were… strange. The most prevalent one by far, though, was just a pair of eyes crying blood as they whispered nonsense to him… It even gave Bevvy the chills after a whole night of staring at them. She felt the terrible feelings leave as Crier’s chest expanded and contracted. Late morning turned to early afternoon as Crier fell deep into meditation… Well, he tried to... Despite his seeming dedication to his meditation, Bevvy could tell he was distracted by her presence. A god’s Divine energy craved to be used in the mortal world, which made it so hard to control. When a particular flavor of Divine energy found its way into the Mortal realm, it got to work almost immediately, Changing and morphing the world around it to fit its nature. This included Mortals, so as Crier’s soul constantly absorbed Bevvy’s Divine energy, it slowly changed him to its whims. Bevvy could feel her perverted nature seeping into Crier as he mediated, clearly causing distress. So, she took this as her queue to once again separate her mind from Crier’s soul, and she appeared in front of the crosslegged Godslayer. With her presence gone, he should have less pressure on his being, although it was only a quick fix.


“What did other members of your clan do to fix this?” Bevvy asked with some concern. Perversion had clear relations to sex, but it wasn’t wholly related. Such as the perversion of nature or life or something similar… She didn’t want the potentially last Godslayer turned into a lump of undying flesh on her watch. 


“There’s nothing to fix; this is just the result of our bond… and now has come the time to express it.” He said without opening his eyes, “My dear friend would spend hours in the forest as he and his god felt at most peace when surrounded by nature's loving embrace. The clan once had to stop my mother from setting fires across the island in response to her body craving destruction.” Crier said while smirking like he was remembering something funny. He opened one of his eyes and locked it with Bevvy’s. “Gods don't exist unless the mortal world creates them out of some need. No god is worthless or without purpose for if they are without use, what does that make us mortals? Crier said as he once again shut his eyes. “I guess the same can be said about everything. We are all here for a purpose, after all,” he added. “Have you ever been to the mortal realm?” Crier asked after a few more minutes of meditation, and Bevvy nodded.


“I have; I was summoned once to a cult that worshiped me. It was quite fun…” Bevvy said with a reminiscing look. “Every day was bathed in the blood of matrimony,” Bevvy said with a smile that Crier seemed to find a little creepy. Crier crept down from his alter and walked away, gesturing for Bevvy to follow. “So you’re not concerned about my Dvine energy? How did your other clan members deal with it?” Bevvy asked again, as she was unsure if Crier answered the first time.


“It’s not something that will harm me, so don’t worry,” Crier said, a little confused. “Doesn’t your own Divine energy affect your mind? It’s similar to that I would have to assume.” Crier said, glancing over at Bevvy as they left the ruins, entering the surrounding forest.


“No… Gods are not affected by their own Divine energy. A layer of Mortal energy protects us; if that layer separating our mind from the rest of our ‘body’ ever falls apart, we are basically reduced to nothing…” Bevvy said while looking down, ensuring she didn’t trip over the flowing undergrowth. “Is that how my energy is affecting you? Just your mind?” Bevvy asked. Crier shrugged while effortlessly walking through the forest. 


“Yes, as your Divine energy seeps into my soul and weaves through me, I force it to enforce my body with my Mortal energy. Even then, though, as it enforces my mind, stray desires build up like a residue. It’s just a matter of willpower, though. As it was for the whole clan.” Crier finished. Bevvy looked a little despondent but continued walking with mixed emotions. She felt a little bad that Crier had to go through something like this because of her. After silently walking the rest of the way, they eventually came upon a small grove covered in tiny grassland flowers. Shallow graves surrounded a central clearing that seemed to glow as the afternoon sun shone through the leaves. Crier knelt down and closely examined a white flower, feeling Bevvy looking over his shoulder, clearly interested. Crier graced the edge of the flower with his finger while he ever so gently used some of Bevvy’s Divine energy, infusing it into the flower. The flower quickly grew from a small weed to a sizable growth. Its petals rapidly exploded in size as the flower started gushing its pollen everywhere. After the spectacle was over, however, the flower quickly withered and died in just a few seconds as the golden dust of the pollen still rained down. Crier watched as the rest of the flowerbed absorbed the pollen, and after a few more moments of nothing happening, he turned towards Bevvy with a confused look. 


“What? Did you expect more?” Bevvy asked, and Crier put on a contemplative expression, puzzling something out. 


“I thought it might turn harmful… growing thorns or barbs?” Crier said as he glanced back at the spot where the flower had been. 


“Do plants not have thorns? How could that be a perversion of this flower… of what it represents? In its very essence, nature takes and consumes life to grow without end. This flower did the opposite, using its energy to feed the others around it without caring whether it would pass on. A true perversion of life is to go against that instinct that tells you to grow and consume for yourself.” Bevvy lectured, and Crier nodded in understanding as he thought about the possibilities. He crouched back down and spent a few more minutes ‘corrupting’ the flowers around the grove, causing them to give up their life for others. 


“What would happen if I did this to another mortal?” Crier eventually asked.


“Would you like me to try it on you?” Bevvy said with a grin.


“Your presence in my soul means you are already flooding me with your divine energy, so I doubt anything would change,” Crier said mater-a-factly while wandering around the clearing and checking on the graves. “But I assume it would cause what you feared, A mutation of flesh and bone. If any would-be victim infused their energy into the affected area, would it fix the wound? Commanding the energy to do something it doesn’t want to?” Crier asked, but Bevvy shook her head. 


“I’m actively working with you in order to strengthen your body. If you wished it, your foes would surely die if infused with my energy. Bevvy said with a shockingly harsh tone while she slumped down onto the grass of the clearing, looking up at the sky through the canopy. Crier cleaned the graves of any leaves and moss that decided to make him their enemy, saying nothing. “Are you okay?” Bevvy asked after lying down for a bit. “It was only a day since you summoned me, but you are already being affected. Is that normal?” She asked with worry.


“I’m not sure,” Crier said. “I think it should get better as our bond deepens and as time passes, though,” Crier added.  


“So, how do you feel now?” Bevvy asked while bending her neck back to look at Crier. Crier himself said that her presence was leaving desires in his head. Curiosity overtook Bevvy, and a spark of hope ignited in her chest as she watched Crier pick up a stick and scrape the growing lichen off another gravestone. 


“I assume all Children feel like this in differing amounts. The creeping desires of their god filling them up from the inside..” Crier said while scrubbing some of the leftover pollen off one of the gravestones. Once he was finished with the cleaning, he took a step back, admiring his work. He walked back towards the center of the clearing, flopping down next to Bevvy.


“And your clan burned down buildings and spent time in nature to cleanse them?” She asked, turning over to look at Crier. He lay down a foot away from her, looking almost angelic as the light illuminated his caramel flesh. She crept ever so slightly closer until her arm brushed against his, and he looked over with a questioning glance.


“Yes, Just indulging in your desires is the best way. Although depending on which god is bound; not always possible.” He said, turning his gaze back towards the sky. 


“Indulging, you say…?” Bevvy said while lightly grasping Crier’s arm. She felt his smooth skin as she brushed her fingers across him. Crier turned back towards Bevvy, this time with a slightly disgusted expression.


“What…?” He said while locking their dark crimson eyes together. While Bevvy's mind was entangled with Crier’s soul, it almost felt like they were the same person. Now that they were separated, however, the mental link between them was a lot weaker. But it did still exist, and as a result, she felt that even though some part of Crier was nervous and scared, no part of him was truly disgusted. In reality, the feelings of love and respect Crier had for Bevvy shocked her, considering they had just met yesterday. The dichotomy of the disgusted look combined with the genuine cardinal emotions of love that he actually felt worked wonders for sturring Bevvy up into a romantic mood. 


“But why even act like this… Embarrassment, maybe?” Bevvy thought. “Come on… Don’t be like that, my dear companion…” Bevvy said, trying to woo Crier into her antics. “Think about how romantic it would be. Coupling in the middle of this grove.” Bevvy added, and Crier’s face went from slightly disgusted to very disgusted. However, the discontent expression slowly melted away as he slipped away from Bevvy’s grasp, 


“You think this place is romantic? I would assume that would be more your mother’s territory?” Crier asked, and Bevvy’s face went from a smug smile to a frown. 


“Are you regretting your choice of partner? Is this the limit of someone who hoped to take on the world?” Bevvy asked, slightly annoyed. She knew that he wasn’t regretting her as his god, but it was still annoying for him to bring up her parent. Crier rolled back over next to Bevvy. He sat up and straddled her stomach, putting his hands on the grass beside her head. A slightly desperate expression played on his face as he looked into her eyes. 


“I’m conflicted… I hoped this place would repress your influence, but…” He said, trailing off. “This is where I buried my clan… or at least the bodies I could find. I hoped that coming here would quell my raging emotions so, Why can I only think of defiling this sacred place? The final resting place of the Children.” Crier peeped out with some tears in his eyes. Bevvy grabbed Crier and held him tight against her as he wept without reserve. Weeping for the loss of his family.


“Damn, did all Godslayers go through something like this? Having their mind slowly taken over by outside forces?” Bevvy thought as she finally understood Crier’s situation. She had thought it was so simple… Crier had desires, and the only way to make them disappear was to fulfill them. But maybe it was scary… His mind was being changed due to her, and how he described it almost made it seem like a poison now that she thought back to what he had said. But what could she do? Was there anything she could do? “What a cursed people…” She thought, and as though he was reading her mind, Crier sat back up. Some tears still fell from his face, but he looked more resigned than ever.


“I have seen many gods pledge themselves to my clan.” He eventually said. “But, not all were nice or caring. Some never talked or took any kind of physical form. Some actively delighted in the torment of my clan members. It makes it even worse when the gods get really good at reading our thoughts and emotions. I was scared when I summoned you. Scared you would leave me all alone, hiding deep in my soul when you signed the contract. Truthfully, I am still scared… I can’t read your emotions as well as you can read mine…” Crier said while tears dribbled down from his face.


“I have seen those that crumble under their desires, But I have also seen those that go crazy trying to control every aspect of themselves,” Bevvy crypticly said. Crier looked confused, but then Bevvy continued. “Would the other members of your clan fault you for feeling this way? For wanting to be in the loving embrace of your dear wife? Do you see your fellow clan members as victims of their god?” Bevvy finished. Crier responded slowly, unsure of where Bevvy was going…


“No…” Crier weakly said.


“You are not someone simply using the power of a god nor someone who has enslaved a god to do their bidding. Crier, you are a god, and gods should act their part,” Bevvy said, hopefully quelling Crier's turbulent emotions. He didn’t speak for a long time as he took in Bevvy’s words. He stayed silent for so long that it got to the point where Bevvy was starting to get a little worried that she had stepped too far, but the look on Crier’s face dashed her fears. The gloomy look was replaced with one of solemn agreement, and tears again welled up in his eyes as he lowered himself close to Bevvy. She wrapped her arms around Crier once again while he closed his eyes, kissing Bevvy. Bevvy’s hand dashed onto Crier’s hair, holding their heads close as they made out. They locked lips repeatedly, and the feeling of once again being wrapped up in someone's arms after so long made Bevvy want to cackle like a madwoman. Bevvy ever so slightly changed her mortal form, causing her to shrink from the same size as Crier to slightly smaller, allowing him to pin her to the ground with grace. She also made sure to add a lot of ‘missing’ parts to her physical form, most notably her insides; she had been lazy before and didn’t bother with things like genitals or the like so as to not be a drain on Crier’s energy. Now that she included all kinds of sensitive bits in her form, though, it reacted to Crier’s delicate kisses growing ever so slightly moist. Their lips locked in a lover's embrace, feeling the breath and warmth of the other; the plump tongues of the two intermingled between their mouths, causing their heads to grow fuzzy with pleasure. Bevvy was in bliss as she held her new lover in her arms, and his skin felt like it carried electric shocks as he brushed up against her. He got slightly more forceful every time their hot lips touched. Despite the pleasure, Bevvy kept quiet while holding onto Crier, with only a few sighs of ecstasy escaping here and there. It was a sharp contrast to Crier, who moaned and whimpered in pleasure as he kissed Bevvy. He slowly worked his way down Bevvy’s face, leaving trails of kisses on her cheeks and down to her chin and neck. He sucked and nibbled on Bevvy’s neck, leaving minor bruises where he sucked on her. Crier nipped at her collarbone as Bevvy ruffled his hair, enjoying her husband’s mouth on her skin. Eventually, he stopped to get off of Bevvy, sitting on the lush grass. He started striping Bevvy from her tattered robes, and his eyes were immediately graced with her pale skin. She felt Crier’s gaze upon her form, feeling his welling joy radiate off him. She watched his hungry eyes flow over her chest, lingering on her bright pink nipples that poked out, pleading for his attention. Bevvy snickered as she looked at Crier’s confused expression while looking at her chest. “Disappointed?” Bevvy asked with a smirk as her skin gleefully ate up Crier’s kisses, responding with slight shivers. “Breasts tend to get in the way, so I usually don’t include them in my physical form… I can change that, though…” Bevvy asked, clearly interested in Crier’s opinion. Crier only responded by sealing his lips over her left nipple and swirling his tongue over her mounds. Bevvy let out a small moan of pleasure but was still primarily silent as Crier sucked on her nipple. 


“Are you enjoying this?” Crier asked while switching between nipples, making sure to give both sides of her a healthy dose of tongue. 


“Of course, I am my Companion. Quite a silly question, considering your mouth is currently wrapped around me,” Bevvy said in a confused tone while giggling. However, she could still feel Crier’s self-doubt creep into her mind. Bevvy frowned, which was a little hard with the ongoing pleasure. “This child wants to please me so bad… what a good husband…” Bevvy thought. “Dear, the fact that your actions are filled with the desire to please me is more than enough, but… You are clearly new at this, so don’t beat yourself up,” Bevvy said apologetically. Crier’s face lit up with a red hue as he backed away from Bevvy’s bare chest, covering his face. Bevvy started to crack up, laughing. “Crier, it’s okay… I plan on you getting much more practice…” Bevvy said with a grin. “Besides, it’s not just pleasure I’m after right now… It’s that pure love and adoration you are gushing with.” Bevvy growled out while slipping out from under Crier. Once free, she helped him strip off his black toga-like clothes. She peeled the cloth down from his shoulders, exposing his chest. When she first glanced at a small tan line across his skin, she ripped the rest of the toga off in a frenzy, letting it flow around him and onto the ground. Once stripped, Bevvy took a good look at Crier’s sexy form, from the flat of his slightly pale stomach to his manhood that was clearly having a good time as It twitched and bobbed under Bevvy’s gaze. She crawled across the grass, grabbing Crier’s head and bringing him into another deep kiss. She pined him on the soft grass while she flooded the area with light amounts of her Divine energy, causing many flowers to burst into a stellar display of golden pollen that rained down on their naked forms. The two of them lay hugging in the grass, fiercely entwining their naked forms, acting in an almost manic sense as if they wanted to fuse not just in spirit but in body as well. “I had truly missed this,” Bevvy thought. After so long floating around with nothing to interact with, she had forgotten how good this felt. The warmth of Crier’s skin was intoxicating, and his little whimpers and moans made her almost feel bad for all those still wasting away in the void. While they grasped each other, Bevvy gracefully grew her form to be slightly larger than Crier’s, allowing him to feel fully warped up in Bevvy’s flesh. After hugging for so long, it almost felt uncomfortable; one of her hands freed itself from Crier’s back and was set to work grouping his chest. Her hands teased his nipples and chest while ever so slowly moving downward. It snaked down his slightly hard stomach as it groped his skin. Bevvy was slightly surprised that Crier lacked a lot of body hair, likely due to his weak bloodline. There was an exception; however, his pelvis was covered in dark pubic hair, which Bevvy gently ran her fingers through. Crier once again shifted to face Bevvy, clear pleading on his face for another kiss, which she hurriedly supplied. After thoroughly licking his tongue and biting his lips, she once again relegated his face to her chest. Making sure he was safe while nestled between her small mounds. She teased Crier’s inner thighs with her hand, slowly massaging them while every so often ‘accidentally’ brushing against his scorching member. Crier, now quite absconded in Bevvy’s mostly flat chest, moaned into her heaving skin, and Bevvy kept close as she griped him with such a ferocity that she wondered if she was actually a god of strength. Her hand slowly groped the base of his pleasure, carefully running her fingers up her shaft. She ever so slowly griped his skin and pumped it up and down, making sure to rub her fingers delicately across his tip. “Are you okay, my love?” Bevvy whispered into the fluff of his hair. Crier didn’t respond but did nod his head into Bevvy’s chest. His light moans and quivering genitals made sure a constant grin of pride and satisfaction sustained itself on Bevvys face. She slightly separated from Crier while still keeping him pinned against the grass-laden ground, slightly floating her legs and butt away from him. With her hand that was massaging her lover, she steadied his member and positioned it toward her slightly moist womanhood. Crier looked like he was about to say something, but he was quickly silenced by Bevvy’s lips crashing into his. Her tongue shot deep into his throat, tasting his thick salvia. The many breathy moans that Crier let out straight into her mouth was all the permission she needed to continue. She slowly lowered herself onto Crier, and she felt his member slowly push apart her lower lips as he began to enter her. She stopped furiously kissing Crier for just a moment as she enjoyed the feeling of warmth that invaded her most sensitive parts. Crier shuddered as the humid heat of Bevvy’s innards soaked into his sensitive glands. Bevvy felt herself eat up more and more of Crier as she ground her hips in short circles. Her inner thighs finally met their rightful home on his hips as he poked her tight insides and throbbed deep inside her.  Bevvy rotated her hips around Crier's hard manhood while watching Crier squirm from pleasure underneath her. She clenched and unclenched her inner walls to maximize her lover’s ongoing insanity. While one of her hands kept groping her dear companion's chest, making sure his nipples were thoroughly simulated. The other cupped his cheek and wiped away some tears that had dripped down his face due to the sudden overwhelming emotions. She could feel him writhing with the clear intention to explode deep inside her. As he was inserting into her, she had very subtly modified her insides to be a perfect fit to make sure her lover would experience a world of ecstasy. So, it didn’t surprise her that he was already close, especially with all the foreplay beforehand. Bevvy grabbed Crier’s shoulders, lifting him off the ground so she could sit on his lap, keeping her hands and arms wrapped around him in another warm hug. Crier Immediately responded by returning the gesture, even going so far as to dig his nails into her back, although Bevvy’s skin was tough enough for him to luckily not draw blood. She continued to grind on his thighs, feeling his engorged sex quiver and throb deep inside her as it dug into her moist inner walls. Crier's moans shifted from low, breathy cries to loud moans of pleasure as he felt Bevvy’s bare lips take him to the hilt. Bevvy’s moist labia slowly oozed slime on his pelvis as she quieted Crier’s mouth with her own. He shivered in pleasure as he let moan after moan off into her mouth, and her grinding reached a crescendo as Crier’s mouth opened into a silent scream of ecstasy. He silently wept into Bevvy’s breasts, whispering sweet apologies as his manhood spasmed in Bevvy’s depths, pouring his seed into her. His balls pulsed and trembled against Bevvy’s taint as Crier came into her. Bevvy stoked Crier's head, calming him down from his orgasm, her hips still grinding on Crier’s thighs, milking him for the last drops of goo he was willing to spurt out. She stayed like that with him in her arms for a while while their lower halves soaked in their combined juices.


“I’m sorry… I’m so, so sorry…” Crier said, still weeping into Bevvy’s bare chest. She said nothing in return while keeping him wrapped up in his arms. She kissed his head as they hugged, staying wrapped up in each other for a few minutes until Bevvy separated to look at Crier. She felt his limp member slide out of her, and along with it, a glob of their combined slime started to ooze out of her entrance. Bevvy shivered as he left her but did her best to repress it.


“Everything will be alright, darling. You are safe here, in this sacred place of your ancestors. Your family has blessed us to express our love, are we not?” Bevvy said although Crier didn’t seem convinced.


“I’m sorry…” He said again as he slipped away from Bevvy. “I…” He trailed off, still teary-eyed from the intense emotions.


“You aren't alone anymore, Crier… For I will be with you forever, as no one in the mortal realm is able to kill someone with a heart so strong.” Bevvy said with a determined face. The words of his wife slowly made their way into his mind, slowly clearing out the doubt and shame. He crawled back over and pecked Bevvy on the lips before putting his hands under her thighs. In one quick motion, he tipped her over onto her back while leaving her legs and thighs in the air while he assessed the ‘damage’ he had caused. The rapid motion of her crotch being exposed caused a dollop of juices to leak down her slit and down onto her taint. Bevvy was genuinely shocked that he wanted to keep going, considering the semi-nervous meltdown he had just experienced. But she was absolutely amazed when Crier slowly moved his head near her crotch with the intention of pleasuring her. Bevvy made no motion to stop him, of course, but she was curious as to what prompted this. 


“Where did you learn something so… romantic…?” Bevvy said in a voice that was equal parts confusion and arousal. Crier looked equally confused and aroused as he looked back at Bevvy. Under the assault of Bevvy’s gaze, however, he quickly wilted as his face flashed red from embarrassment.


“I… have… spied on others in my clan.” He said in a whisper so quiet that even Bevvy had difficulty hearing. She grinned at him through upturned thighs as he got eye-level with her pelvis. 


“Did your clan ever find out?” Bevvy asked in a humored tone.


“Yes… and that was the last time I ever did it, as the grand elder used a bit of his power to punish me,” Crier said. He seemed slightly discouraged, but he was clearly over it by now. “Whenever I was trying something sneaky from then on, I would become frozen in time… The next time I did something… uncouth, the whole clan gathered around to embarrass me… I never did anything like that again after that.” 


“Poor kid,” Bevvy thought. Being surrounded by super-powered adults as just a weak little child had to be at least a little infuriating at times. However, she put that thought to the back of her head as she focused on Crier. “Well? Are you going to clean up your dear wife?” Bevvy said in a lusty tone, and Crier only hesitated for a moment before getting to work. She trembled as she felt his hot tongue on her inner thighs, dragging it up until he reached her inner pelvis. He started again and again, this time near her anus, licking up her thighs as the edge of his tongue graced the sides of her dirty outer lips. She reached her hand between her thighs, now resting on Crier’s shoulders, groping and scruffing Crier’s hair as he worked. He picked up small drops of their combined juices, and the feeling of Crier swallowing their combined fluids made her want to moan in pleasure. A small gasp escaped her when Crier lightly licked her outer lips, sucking and nipping as he took their goop onto his tongue. “I… Have picked a good one…” Bevvy’s thoughts slowly drifted into her mind, riding waves of lovely bliss. She was way more turned on than she thought she would be. It turned out Crier was amazing at pleasuring… and Bevvy made a mental note to reward him greatly for his service. He took his time working around both sides of her outer lips, making sure his dear wife’s molten slit was separated from his cream. Her outer lips were eventually clean, and all that was left was the thick glob of cum that had dribbled out of her opening and slid down her taint. She internally begged Crier not to chicken out now, but her fears were dashed when he placed the flat of his tongue on her anus, licking up past her crotch and up her entrance allowing the mess he had made to slide onto his tongue. She increased her grip on Crier’s hair in response to his slutty action, but luckily he wasn’t close to being done. He lifted up from her pelvis as he made a show of deliberate swallowing to Bevvy; his face was covered in a bright red hue, most likely from the heat of the afternoon sun combined with being in between the thighs and genitals of a very horny woman. Bevvy watched Crier’s slutty smirk fall from his face as he met eyes with Bevvy. Her expression had switched into a piercing glare as she watched Crier swallow the final result of their passionate lovemaking, the essence of their bodies sliding down his cute throat. “Oops, I must have scared him…” Bevvy mumbled to herself; she was way too turned on to have any kind of cute expression right now. Her heart pulsed with joy as she watched Crier lower herself back down to her butt and sighed in returned relief as she felt him go back to taking long strokes of his tongue all over her lower half. Like an artist’s brush. He painted a masterpiece of ecstasy that specialized in long flat lines reaching from her bright pink asshole to the tip of her juicy, throbbing clit. “Yep… deffenetly geting a reward…” Bevvy once again thought. She would have to find a way to get him to go down on her every time… But now that she thought about it? It had been unprompted this time, so maybe she didn’t have to… The whole of Bevvy’s delicate outsides was cleaned from their combined love by now, except for a thin layer of Crier’s saliva that had coated the entire area between her crimson-hued thighs. Crier suddenly sealed his rosy lips around the whole of Bevvy’s crevice, and her eyes went wide when his tongue drilled deep inside her, searching for any of their leftover juices.  She had to put her free hand up to her mouth to prevent herself from making any kind of girly noise that might make the mortal between her legs’ ego shoot up into the firmament. He may be her dear husband, but she wouldn’t let him win that easily on their first go around. She inadvertently forced Crier’s face deeper into her snatch as she felt him swallow against her dripping sex. She clenched her insides, pumping the last of his juice into Crier’s waiting mouth, and the feeling of him lapping it up almost made her want to chain him to the ground to have him do this forever. His cheeks dug into her moist inner thighs, his tongue scraping her dripping insides and rough walls. Even without any more of his cum he still spent the time swallowing a huge gulp of Bevvy’s dribbling lubricant. After he had finished swallowing, he backed away from her lower half, and Bevvy lessened her grip on his head. She sat up, resting her body weight on her thighs, ignoring the soft grass tickling her still-engorged sex. She pecked Crier on the lips and wrapped him up in another hug that lasted a lifetime. After they separated, Bevvy helped Crier get dressed, covering his blushed skin with his toga while Bevvy re-summoned her tattered cloak that had fallen to the ground and disappeared back into Divine and Mortal energy. After they got dressed, they strolled hand in hand back toward the ruins of the Godslayer clan. Staying silent in bliss for a while before Bevvy spoke.


“I assume other members of your clan had sex with their gods? Why were you so opposed?” Bevvy asked with no animosity. Crier didn’t respond for a while, but Bevvy didn't push him.


“A multitude of reasons… but yes, everyone in the clan ‘deepened their bond’ with their god. It isn’t just something we do out of pleasure, too; it’s basically a requirement for us. Our souls are so intertwined that we may even be considered the same person. However, this bond weakens over time if we aren't maintaining it. Relationships take work, even ones with yourself…” He said but then continued with a slightly angry expression. “We really should have just gone home if we were going to do something like that! Next time, if you coerce me in the open like that while being heavily affected by your Divine energy, I will be extremely upset.” He continued. They had only been bonded for a day, but Crier’s body was severely unused to the new energies. As they spend more time together, he will get much more resistant to Bevvy’s influence. At least, he seemed to think so…


“What about gods that don’t like to have physical experiences?” Bevvy asked, trying to change the subject quickly. Crier looked at Bevvy with a side eye before answering, clearly aware of Bevvy’s antics.


“Bonding is done in so many forms that aren’t sex,” Crier said with some disdain. “Nature gods want to plant trees; Ocean gods want to go fishing; War gods want you to kill. Although getting intimate may be the best course of action, “ Crier added while looking off with a contemplative gaze. Bevvy only sagely nodded, but inside, she was smirking while thinking about everything she would do later. “Although… I guess the biggest reason why I was so against it was probably because of the nature of your power…” Crier said while intentionally not making eye contact. 


“What? What do you mean?” Bevvy asked.


“I didn't want to perform such an act just out of your influence… I… Want to love you and for you to love me without the effects of your energy. Crier said while turning back towards Bevvy. His cheeks were flush with embarrassment for saying such a cheezy line, but he was rewarded with a smooch from Bevvy on the lips. They kept walking in silence as they left the forest and re-entered the ruins of the Godslayer clan. They waltzed back to Crier’s shack, where he ate a very late breakfast. By this time, Bevvy had de-summoned her physical form and returned her mind to Crier’s soul. While she would have much preferred to stay in her physical form, she couldn’t. To create it, she had to weave Crier’s Mortal energy into her Divine energy for her form to be sustainable. Divine energy, while powerful, was tough to control, especially if you wanted it to do something it wasn’t adept at. The energies of perversion and debauchery had no desire to build a stable physical form, so it was pretty hard for Bevvy to force it to take that shape. Mortal energy, on the other hand, only exists to control Divine energy and subdue it into taking shape. So, as she spent time in her physical form, she expended the energy that made up Crier’s soul. It would be replenished with time, though, so all she had to do was wait. 




Later that day, Crier was speeding down the island's mountain, putting any ripe fruits he spotted into his large satchel bag. Just a few days ago, this short jog felt like torture to his weak constitution. But, now that Bevvy filled in the cracks of his fractured soul and her Divine energy coursed through him, he had an excellent time running through the forest. As her energy radiated out from his soul, he and Bevvy commanded it to infuse his muscles, forcing the energy to empower him. He reached the island's edge in no time, running across the sand toward a dilapidated dock that looked as if it would get swept up into the sea at any moment. Walking over the rotting wood, he sat on the edge, looking out over the ocean. He spent a moment catching a break, breathing heavily as he rested from his running. When he felt calm enough, he reached inside his pack and pulled out a fishing rod that he cast into the quiet water without hesitation. There he sat in calm compilation while he waited for a fish to nibble on a small worm he had placed on the end of his line. Only after an hour of nothing, Bevvy emerged from Crier, joining him on the dock. 


“It’s hard to keep my mind completely detached from yours when we are together like that.” She said while sitting beside him, dipping her bare feet in the water. “My mind is filled with experiences that I have never had… it’s troubling.” She said while scooting closer to him. 


“It’s a consequence, yes, although I’ve heard it gets easier as our experiences overlap. There won't be as much confusion as who’s who when we are bonded in the future,” Crier said, not taking his eyes off the horizon. Bevvy quietly sorted through the gleaned memories of Crier while sitting with him. She was slowly starting to paint a picture of his life, but she wouldn't pry until he was ready. No one makes a promise to kill the rest of the world with a god as your sword without experiencing true horror. Besides, it’s not like she was rushing to disclose her pathetic existence. Looking back on her time in the void made her want to throw up now that she had this… She glanced at Crier as he peacefully watched the ocean, clearly still wrapped up in happy memories of this morning. She had to make sure Crier made a name for himself, whether through slaughter or good deeds. The best-case scenario was that Crier never died, and she would stay in the Mortal realm forever, but she knew that was a pipe dream. There was always someone stronger, after all. She leaned her head against Crier’s shoulder as he reeled in his line and re-casted it back into the ocean, silently enjoying the day away.


“We both have been alone for a long time,” Crier said, still looking out into the sea, and It was true. Bevvy didn’t know how long it had been since her last summoning. It could have been hundreds of years for all she knew. She didn’t have the complete picture of Crier’s past yet, of course, but she felt as though he had been alone for a few years. Maybe that’s why they already loved each other so dearly. The fear of being alone once again creeping into their hearts and driving them to make deep connections as soon as possible? If that was the case, Bevvy worried if a relationship that could potentially last hundreds of years could sustain itself on such shaky foundations. She was snapped out of her daydreaming by Crier turning towards her, pecking her forehead with his lips. She watched him pull away with a cute smirk before she jumped at him in an act of speed that startled poor Crier as he flinched back from her rapidly approaching face. She pined him to the dock, making sure to catch the fishing pole that had gone flying out of his hand. She wedged the butt of it in between some of the rotten planks of the dock before turning back to the pined form of Crier, who was slackjawed from watching Bevvy perform such an act in less than a few seconds. Crier opened his mouth to obviously complain based on his disgruntled facial expression, but his lips were covered by Bevvy’s hand as she got close to his ear. 


“Shh… I won't go too far. I just want to make out a little, okay?” Bevvy said with a slightly shaky voice. Crier only looked with a face of doubt behind her hand, clearly not believing that all Bevvy wanted to do was ‘make out a little.’ This was mainly exemplified by the fact that as Bevvy straddled Crier, she lightly ground her hips into his. She had to hold herself back from slamming herself into Crier's lips as she slowly kissed him. Using her tongue and teeth to suck and lick at his lips. Despite Crier’s clear annoyance for Bevvy once again sweeping him up in her antics, She felt his lower half poke at her butt as she very gently ground into him. Bevvy’s face slowly changed from smug satisfaction to continent bliss as her lower lips regained a sheen of moisture from Crier’s robes grinding into her entrance. She left a small stain on Crier’s toga, creating a small strand of liquid pleasure whenever she briefly lifted from her husband. However, her pleasure was rudely interrupted by the sound of a small chime that Crier had put on the end of his fishing pole. He immediately jumped and tried to escape Bevvy’s grasp, much to her disappointment and even anger, after a few seconds of Bevvy not letting Crier escape. He tried forcefully taking back the Mortal energy to destabilize Bevvy’s form. Bevvy could have put up a fight and most likely could have won due to her having way more experience, but she took the hint and dispelled her form on her own after letting out a sigh of disappointment. “I hope that fish suffers a hundred thousand deaths at the hands of my lover for interrupting me…” Bevvy thought as he reeled in the fish. He fought with it for a few minutes before it was finally tired enough for it to flop onto the dock. It was actually quite big, and as long as Crier smoked it, it could feed him for a few days. He walked off the dock and back onto the sands leading up to the ruins, a smile of satisfaction on his face. He had been out for only a few hours, and instead of rushing back, he made sure to stop by some more fruit trees to add extra calories to his daily meals. Now that he wasn’t running full speed down a mountain, Bevvy could create her physical form again. She had a seriously pissed-off expression as she walked beside Crier. “Three hours of fishing and one comes right when you were getting into it…” She mumbled to herself.


“You seem to crave sex a lot more than you let on…” Crier said with a smile, clearly happy about the haul of food he had gotten today. Bevvy took a deep breath, calming herself down as she took Crier’s words to heart. When she was summoned to that cult that had worshiped her, she had basically been having sex all the time. Maybe the mortals had damaged her mind or something. She glanced at Crier, who was picking more fruit off a tree. This was different than that time, though. In the cult, everything they did was about carnal pleasure, and she could use the members; however, she liked to get what she needed… but now. She had to be genital and kind… she had to make sure to set a mood. Sure, it wasn’t as pleasurable as before, but it was endlessly more addicting to be intimate with the one you love. She was almost embarrassed by how quickly she had fallen for Crier. After a few more minutes of walking up the hill, Bevvy returned to Crier's soul, which allowed him to climb the mountain with increased speed and return to the Ruins in record time. Back next to his shack, he started a fire with a bow drill to smoke and dry the fish. While it was being smoked, he popped some of the small berries he had picked into his mouth while he sliced the larger fruits, setting them out to dry in the sun. When that was done, he got up to wander around the ruins, seemingly looking for something specific.


 “Are you looking for something?” Bevvy asked, once again separating from Crier. 


“I have an idea for our Divine Instrument,” Crier said. “Although I'm not sure how well it would work. I’m having trouble figuring out the best method to deliver your… unique energy.” Bevvy was a little embarrassed that she thought of Crier waving around a phallic-looking object when she imagined her Divine Instrument, but she quickly got to work looking around the ruins for Crier’s weapon of choice. It only took a little while for Crier to find what he was looking for. Moving around the rubble, he picked up an old rotting fishing bow that looked as though it was barely being held together with its fraying bowstring. Bevvy looked horrified and offended that Crier would suggest such a wretched-looking piece of trash. Unfortunately for Bevvy, Crier seemed very satisfied with his find as he started to walk back towards his shack. 


“Wait…” Bevvy said in a low, angry tone. “You expect my Divinity to be expressed with such a piece of trash?” She said while grabbing onto Crier’s shoulder, stopping him from moving. After being suddenly stopped, Crier turned around and smirked at Bevvy. 


“What do you mean? Such an object will be perfect for your particular breed of energy. What better tool to stir and pierce the hearts of our enemies? To inject all those with our own brand of corruption?” He asked, clearly making up some kind of grand excuse to tease Bevvy. She was fuming, but she believed that Crier wouldn’t actually do anything damaging to their mission of taking revenge on the world, so she had to trust him and know that he had some kind of master plan.   


“How do we turn this garbage into a Divine instrument?” Bevvy asked as Crier placed the rotten bow on a table inside his house.


“It’s something we can’t do… yet. Although things have been going well for us, our bond is still fragile. Having my soul react negatively to our bond could be devastating, and creating a Divine instrument is a massive strain on that bond. So, it will be a few weeks before we try to create any Divine tools. 


“Hmmm,” Bevvy said. “So, if deepening our bond is so important, why did you turn me away…?” Bevvy asked, a little upset.


“Well, as lovely as you are, I still need to eat to live for now,” Crier said a matter-of-factly.


“Trust me, I do too, darling,” Bevvy said while sniggering. Crier was evidently not amused as he ignored her and walked back outside his cabin to check on the fish. Bevvy watched him leave with a content expression. She let out a sigh as she glanced at the decrepit bow. Would he truly be able to take on the whole of the mortal world with such a weapon? Would he even be able to do it with a useless, sex-obsessed god such as herself? She looked down at her own hands before again de-summoning her physical form. She was tired of having the same thoughts over and over again, so she hoped to find solace deep inside her lover. Crier only smiled when he felt her return to her rightful place. He thought it was silly she had such doubts. A god that could so easily take control of people’s desires was precisely what he needed to take over the world. As he watched the fish cook, he started to lay the groundwork of his grand plan to take on the whole world with his dear companion as his blade. All those will know the wrath of the Godslayer clan.

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