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The Archmagis' new personal attendant [Face-sitting][Piss-Drinking][F/F]

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Heyo it’s me again. So this story contains some toilet play and quite a bit of piss drinking and face sitting (Although it takes a bit getting there) It’s pretty… gross I guess? A lot of mentions of smell and whatnot. It’s a female on female story that also contains some furry elements but that’s mostly because it is a kind of unique take on pissing through underwear. It’s also a story containing some prostitution and some hints of abuse but it’s not too bad (just thought I would let people know) Anyway I have a few more ideas that I’m going to write but would love to hear what you guys have to say/want. Anyway till next time! 


In the back alleyways of the Isifemblem continent in the largest city of Grand-Celefain Mirth slowly cleanened her dark pink feathers as the man she had just joined in bed buttoned up his shirt. This man had been different from the others that usually called her to work. He was muscular, tall and handsome… so basically the type that didn’t strike Mirth as the type that had to pay for sex. But she knew that everyone had their own story. When he requested her at the front desk she was a little excited but as the night went on she realized the man had really played into the strong and silent type saying no words throughout their whole night. She had tried multiple times for any kind of conversation but the man was clearly not interested. As Mirth watched the man he suddenly started up a conversation which shocked Mirth way more than she would have liked.


“It’s rare to see a Strelitzia in the Isifemblem continent…” The man said almost in a whisper. 


“Huh!? Oh! Um yea…” Mirth said, snapping out of her daydreaming. “My parents did live in some village on the Crendilian continent but had to flee here because of a drought that killed a lot of the crops.” Mirth responded once again quickly finding her stride.


“It is interesting… I can see why you are so popular here at this little garbage establishment.” The man said as he finished buttoning his shirt. He stood up from the end of the bed he'd just been resting on. 


“Well… Thanks… I guess…” Mirth said under her breath and luckily the man didn’t seem to notice. As he pulled open the door to leave he left a parting shot to Mirth’s already quite sour mood. 


“Also I will be reporting you to my superiors.” The man said as he left through the door and shut it behind him. His bumbling walk down the hall was stopped shockingly short however as Mirth slammed the door back open and stomped her way towards the man. 


“What!? Report me?! You committed the crime! I’ll just say that this is entrapment or whatever. You can’t just do crimes and then call the people out!” Mirth said in a kind of scream-whisper as to not disturb the guests in other rooms. Of course Mirth really had no idea if this was true or not but at this moment she was panicking. Prostitution was ILLEGAL in Grand-Celefain and at worst she could be put into some kind of dungeon… The man just turned to look at Mirth before donning the ever so slightest of smiles…


“No I'm… not with the guard… just… someone a bit more… powerful… Your life is about to change for the better.” The man said before he just turned away. Mirth was of course unable to stop the man. Mostly just because of the physical difference between them but also getting into any kind of scuffle could cause bigger problems for other men and women currently working. Mirth had no choice but to watch the man go. She was finally off work for the night as that man had been her last customer so she went down a different flight of stairs and collapsed in her bed after she made it to her room. She had a rough night's sleep dreading what would be coming soon.

Mirth woke up late in the day to a brisk knock to her door. She dragged herself out of her scrappy bed and opened the door to her small compartment she called home. She was greeted by the owner of the building Mr. Conteryoi and behind him were the bodyguards of the Phoenix's Nest, the brothel she worked at. 


“So he had been a guard afterall…” She thought. She had eventually come to terms with what had happened and the fact that she might actually be going to prison. It was the only way she was able to get any sleep that night so in response to seeing the trouble she was in all she did was sigh. 


“Get the fuck out here girly!” Mr. Conteryoi roared. “My best employee goes and bangs a guard! You stupid fucking mutt! Follow me you fucking moron!” Mirth just silently walked behind her boss and his guards until they reached a large meeting room that Mirth had never seen before. On one of the couches there sat 3 guards in leather armor. A woman sat in the middle of two men, clearly some kind of commander. Mirth wasn’t given room to sit as Mr. Conteryoi and his two body guards took up all the room on the couch. The woman guard and one of the men on her left both glanced at Mirth but then quickly looked back at her boss sitting in the middle of the recently occupied couch.


“H-Here she is…! Boil-her  Mash-her Sick her in a stew for all I care… just don’t report us! You told me that if I bought her for you you’d let us off the hook right…?”  

This made Mirth perk up… They wanted her specifically? Why? Could it be that that man was of some noble blood? But it’s not like she could have his child; they weren’t even the same species. Did she cause him some kind of discomfort to the young nobel? But even so some kinda bad experience at some nowhere brothel shouldn't be this big of a deal right? Unless it’s like some super high end nobel… but then why would he come here to the backwater slums? The 3 guards just looked at each other before putting on complicated expressions. 


“Right… well… we will be going now” The women eventually said as she stood from the table leaving the assorted pastries that Mr. Conteryoi had set out for the apparently important guests. As the 3 guards left the woman put her hand gently around Mirth’s back letting her gloved hand sink into the feathers. 


“Come on darling, let's go.” The women said as they walked out of the brothel. Outside was a carriage waiting for them. It looked… stunning… at least not something you would use to haul prisoners. Maybe Mirth had been wrong. What if instead of angering the young nobel she had impressed him so much that she would now be living with him! A smirk started to playful tug on Mirth’s lips. 


“You were apparently quite the impressive specimen to Lenjoy so he decided to come and pull you outta here.” The women said as they sat down in the back of the carriage. 


“You mean like.. I’m not in trouble?” Mirth said. She was still a little apprehensive about why she was being requested by these people. Especially because they seemed so far… Above her.


“Right well… Lenjoy was enjoying his day off and decided to come down here and ‘play around’ the bastard…” The woman rolled her eyes before continuing. “Anyway  Phenox was looking for a new personal attendant and he thought you fit the bill nicely and after looking I can see why! You’re so cute and cuddly!” Mirth blushed a bit at her words but it’s not like the humans could see due to the small white down feathers that covered her face. 


“Yea and the horns make good handlebars!” One of the men laughed before being sharply punched in the gut by the other one


“Sorry about him, he's… terrible…” The woman said. “But you are Strelitzia right? I’ve never seen one…” The woman said, getting a closer look at Mirth’s body. Mirth didn’t wear any clothes but it’s not like she needed any. Thick pink feathers covered her entire body. They thinned a bit into down feathers around her sensitive areas like face, hands and nethers but nevertheless covered everything in a fluffy mass. On her head poked two horns that stretched quite a ways towards the top of the carriage. Splinting and staggering off like tree branches. 


“Mind if I… touch your arm?” The man who was silent up till now suddenly said. Mirth just shrugged but internally she was starting to freak out that women had dropped a bomb like it was nothing. It couldn’t be thee Phenox right? The man’s hand quickly sank into the feathers of Mirth’s shoulder and he felt how Mirth’s soft feathers caressed his hand. Her skin was also light and soft… well the parts that were in between the feathers of course. Mirth paid him no heed however as she murmured.


“Do you mean Archmagus Phenox? The leader of Grand-Celefain?” Mirth said with a slight shake in her voice. The women just smirked at Mirth. 


“Oh honey you have no idea what’s in store for you.” Mirth’s eyes widened in elation but she quickly got a little nervous when she saw the hint of a sad smile in the women’s eyes.




When Mirth arrived at the palace the guards that had accompanied her dumped her with the house staff who took only one look at her and decided she needed a bath. The bath was huge! And even with 5 people joining her it didn't feel crowded at all. 


“Miss, would you like us to wash you?” One of the maids asked. The people who joined her were still in their work uniforms so the thought of them getting into the tub with her made her curious as to whether they would just strip. There were 3 women and two men who waited on her response… 


“Um uh yea I guess… could you please tell me what’s going on though…? Like why does Lady Phenox want me?” Mirth asked. She had been in complete shock ever since she had gotten up this morning but now she was accelerating into a crescendo of emotions.


“Of course let's get into the tub and get you cleaned up and meanwhile I would be happy to explain it to you. I’m the head maid here at the main house of the Phenox family and my name is Jash.” 


“Right…” was all Mirth squeaked out as the maids and butlers under Jash stripped and led Mirth down the steps and into the water of the expansive bath. They quickly covered their hands in soap and began to scrub down Mirth’s feathers and underskin. Mirth didn’t bathe often because of her feathers so it was nice to finally take one after all this time. She stood-up, spread-eagle in the water as the maids and butlers rubbed her form. Two of them (both the men) handled her legs rubbing their soapy hands up and down the length of her legs from her clawed feet to the brace of the crotch. The maids on the other hand handled her upper body rubbing her stomach and breasts making sure to clean every part of her underskin. Mirth was quite surprised that they so readily (and without warning) rubbed their hands on the breasts as the men weren't going anywhere near her crotch.

“I guess there are some lines they wouldn’t cross,” Mirth thought to herself. It only took a few minutes to make sure all her feathers were saturated with the soap and Jash requested that she kneel down to the surface of the water to where just her head was poking out so they could scrub the soap out. As she kneeled down Jash started to explain her situation.


“Lady Phenox is as you may know an incredibly powerful wizard and as such has lived for countless generations. This is however a… lonely position. Luckley we were able to find you. You will be taking the position of personal caretaker to lady Phenox.” Jash said with an almost robotic tone as she scrubbed down Mirth.


“Can I refuse?” Mirth said. She didn’t really want to for obvious reasons but it would still be a comfort to know she wasn’t a prisoner. Unfortunately this caused the whole ensemble to stop washing her.


“Do you want to refuse?” Jash asked as she looked into Mirth dark brown eyes.


“No no not at all… I was… just checking…” Mirth felt stupid even if she was trapped here this was still a 100 times better than the slums.  With that the group got back to work and Jash kept explaining.


“You will have a few responsibilities but mainly you will be a personal assistant to lady Phenox doing anything she requires of you.” Jash said. This was about what Mirth expected but she was starting to get a sneaking suspicion that the ‘personal assistant’ part of this job meant a lot more than just grabbing a cup of tea.


“Ok so what’s the catch…? Like is she into burning people alive…? Or tearing people limb from limb or something like that?” Mirth said getting a little sick of the round-a-bout speech.


“Ah yes w-well” Jash started before just letting out a sigh clearly ashamed that the bluntness of Mirth’s question broke her calculating facade.


“The lady isn’t really into anything too strange… I don’t think... I’m sure that you have run into more weirdos in your line of work… It's more that she’s insatiable. Completely ravenous to the point where we have to hire someone specifically for… well… having sex with her… if not then… nothing around the house ever gets done.” Mirth's eyes rose in surprise. The Grand Wizard of the Isifemblem continent was a sex addict? Who knew?  


“So what I just do her all the time?” Mirth asked kinda getting existed with how fun this job was going to be.


“Pretty much” one of the men said snickering to himself as he cleaned the soap from Mirth’s legs.


“But why me? Not that I'm complaining or anything, it just seems… strange.” Mirth asked Jash, still not content with the information she had given out thus far.


“Well for one you're a Strelitzia, as you know your kind is soft and fluffy and basically all around great to touch. Another note is that you’re apparently great at sex although that's just the testament we got from Lenjoy; Phenox’s brother” Jash said as she and the others finished washing the soap out of Mirth’s feathers. 


“Interesting relationship between those two…” Mirth thought… Was it weird that a brother and a sister were giving sex tips to each other? Maybe if you lived long enough those kinds of boundaries slowly faded away.


“Would you like us to clean your nethers for you.” Jash said as she stood up in the bath 


“Ah um if you want to?” Mirth said. If she was going to be having professional sex with one of the most powerful people in the world she needed to be clean. While these people praised her for being fluffy they didn’t know the struggle that came with the feathers. The downs around her crotch did not actually have roots in her pussy but they were dense enough to cover it up. But this meant that whenever she needed to pee it meant sticking her hand down there and pulling the feathers apart to give her pussy access to the world. Before she worked in a brothel she had just peed through her feathers but after a good friend pointed out that the white down feathers were now a slight shade of yellow she quickly stopped that bad habit. But still things like discharge and periods were still a pain so, despite how fluffy and nice she was to touch, other humanoids would probably have cleaner genitals. The head maid quickly sunk down to her knees and re-soaped her hands. One of the butlers and a maid got out of the water and dried off while the remaining two got on either side of her having her rest of her butt they spread her legs as they gripped her thighs, spreading her crotch open so the maid could scrub the down feathers that covered Mirth’s pussy. It did honestly feel really good but more in a ‘getting clean feels good’ kinda way although when she was finally done scrubbing the built of layers of sweat and muck from her feathers and pussy she really wished they would have kept going but alas it was not meant to be… even more so Mirth was turned on enough to have her pussy juices drip down only to be reabsorbed by the recently cleaned down feathers.


“Great… well at least they have a bath here instead of the public one across town I used to use.” Mirth thought to herself.


“I know Strelitzia aren't known for wearing clothes but you are required to wear something to indicate you are a part of staff and not a guest we have staying with us. I have prepared this and I hope it is to your liking.” Jash said. Just then the two staff members that had left previously brought back a small loose fitting robe that buckled around Mirth’s neck almost like a cape. The robe was colored in pale orange and the back of it held a crest of a bird that looked to be on fire.


“That crest is the Phenox family crest and it will show you are an important member of the household.” Jash said as she spied Mirth looking at the robe with curiosity. Mirth looked up at the uniforms of the other maids and butlers and it was true, all the outfits had the crest somewhere on their body. Without any other fanfare Mirth was dried off by the maids and butlers. Mirth tried to stealthily get some more friction going between her crotch and the towel one of the other maid girls was using to wipe her crotch but it only succeeded in making her hornyer and getting a wry smile out of the maid who clearly saw what she was doing. Mirth quickly stopped getting embarrassed that she had been so easily found out.  After donning the cape Mirth and Jash left the other staff members behind as they walked towards lady Phenox’s room.




“You may enter!” A commanding voice spoke out as Mirth knocked on the door to Phenox’s room. Once they had arrived at Phenox’s room Jash had left to go and attend to her other duties. So, Mirth was all alone in the elegant hallway. Upon hearing the command Mirth slowly opened the door and her eyes scanned the room. On one side of the exquisitely decorated room sat a huge covered bed. Crimzon tassels hung from the top of the frame partially closing off the interior of the bed to the outside world. It looked to be the most comfortable thing Mirth had ever even seen. On the other side of the room sat a woman at a small tea table. She had a tall and thin frame and had long brown hair that went down to her back; every so often it was interrupted with streaks of crimson. She only wore a set of bright orange robes that did a poor job at covering her chest as a large amount of cleavage was showing. Mirth was mostly confident that that's all the noble lady was wearing as when she approached to take the only open seat she could see how loose fitting the robe was. 


“Kinda like pajamas…” Thought Mirth.


“Oh look at you! So cute!!!” Lady Phenox said, pouring Mirth a cup of the liquid that she was drinking. Mirth looked down at the cup only for her eyes to widen in horror. The deep black drink was boiling! Not only that but just the steam coming off of the cup was enough to cause some serious discomfort due to the heat. Luckily the feathers Mirth had did provide a large amount of protection but even still the head was getting to her. This drink… was not made for someone of her constitution.


“Ah right my apologies I don’t usually get such… un-magical guests…” Phenox said pouring Mirth’s drink back into the kettle situated in the middle of the tea table.  “Anyway you seriously have no idea how happy I am that you’re here! Ever since the accident it's been so hard finding people to just entertain me all day so I finally bit the bullet and just hired someone…” Phenox said with a kind of elation in her voice.


“Uh accident…?” Mirth asked a little unsure what Phenox was talking about. How could someone like her get into an accident?


“Ah right I keep forgetting your a commoner… How do you think people get magic like this” Phenox said as she opened her hand in a rapid motion suddenly a spark of hot blue fire burst to life in her hands almost blinding Mirth but a moment later the fire was gone.


“I assumed you had to be born a wizard? Or something like that?” Mirth said still rubbing her eyes from the bright light.


“Hahaha no… You actually have to do a lot of complicated boring stuff but the important thing is to forge your body into concepts. For me it’s Passion! But in my youth I was reckless and poured in way too much power into my body so now I’m suck with great fire power but with just as fiery emotions” Phenox said while wiggling her eyebrows and Mirth. Mirth didn’t really get it but she eventually came to the conclusion that this woman was a bit of a loon. 


“Right… Does that mean I can get magic too then?” Mirth asked with fated breath.


“Hmmm well yea if you wanna keep your job~ I can’t have some commoner beside me at all times but that can wait for a different day. I have some very important tasks for you to do today.” Phenox said in a low tone that got a bit grizzly at the end. Mirth was actually pretty excited; she had of course never done it with some kind of super being before but in her heart she was very nervous. 


“I’ve heard some rumors that all nobles were into some pretty fucked up stuff” Mirth thought but she was absolutely shocked by Phenox’s next words.


“I want you to dominate me. Think you can do that hun? You see when you’re this strong most people just get way too scared to do anything, so I’m really looking for some professional work here… I heard you worked at a brothel right? Think you can whip me up some of that?” Phenox said, leaving Mirth in a bit of a stunned state. Though after thinking about it for a moment it made kinda sense, gaining magic wouldn't change you as a person too much… at least she thought so… so being a sub with a ton of power would kinda be a hard sell to get people into the bedroom, especially if you were famously known for being wreathed in fire. After coming to this conclusion Mirth put on a wicked smile.


“Of course I can do that for you~ Now why don’t you get on the bed and you can get to work pleasing me” Mirth said very quickly slipping into character as she had learned to do. “Just remember to say something if it’s too much alright?~” Mirth added. It was important to have safewords after all. But, Mirth quickly realized there might actually be no need as there was most likely little she could do to hurt the magus. Like a happy puppy dog Phenox jumped onto the bed lying down on her back.


“Hey darling I just realized I don’t know your name” Phenox said as Mirth walked over. Mirth would have stripped as she walked towards the bed but all she was wearing was the servant cloak and she didn’t think she was allowed to remove that. 


“It’s Mirth,” Mirth said as she crawled onto the bed. As she got close to Phenox’s face she locked lips with her. Phenox’s skin was almost too hot to touch. The temperature reminded her of a hot stone massage she had gotten one time. 


“Mmmff” Phenox moaned into Mirth’s mouth “Please… sit on me…” Phenox said in a slightly embarrassed tone. 


“The woman knows what she wants…” Mirth thought with a chuckle. Though her pussy was absolutely dripping with love now. The juices fell from her lips to be once again absorbed by the down feathers around her pussy. Mirth straddled Phenox’s chest and slowly crept up to her face. When her crotch was just over Phenox’s lips she started to slowly lower herself but it seemed the magus got a little impatient as with a force Mirth could not compete with Phenox forced Mirth all the way down onto her face by putting her hands on Mirth’s hips. 


“Mfmmhif? Mfhhgufys mghgmmfum mfhgufhh?!” Phenox said with a mouth full of feathers and pussy shooting waves full of pleasure through Mirth going from somewhere deep in her cunt to the very top of her horns.


“W-what?” Mirth said in a state of bliss and lifted a bit up off of her lover's face.


“I can’t believe they cleaned you down here!” Phenox said with a huff clearly upset.


“Wh-What?” Mirth repeated… It really was just surprise after surprise today. “It seemed Phenox was into a little more than just getting domed.” Mirth thought, of course this was nothing really special and back at the brothel she would run into all types so it wasn’t really that big of a deal. It was just kind of… humbling to know that The Lord of Flames was such a normal person


“I'll be sure not to wash it up just for you” Mirth said with a wink as she sat back down. The feeling of absolutely stuffing Phenox’s face with her feathers and pussy folds was just heavenly. Eventually Phenox got all the feathers out of her mouth with her tongue and solely worked on licking the length of Mirth's pale pussy. Taking broad strokes that covered her crotch in its entirety as Mirth clamped down on the wizard’s face. Mirth leaked Juices all over Phenox’s face and tongue which she seemed to love.


“Uhhhgnnf!” Mirth exclaimed as Phenox flicked Mirth’s clit with her tongue. Filling Mirth with extreme ecstasy and dowsing Phenox’s face and her own feathers with a torrent of female ejaculate. Mirth felt Phoenix shiver in pleasure as the torrent hit her face.


“You like that~ you little bottom feeder.” Mirth said, teasing Phenox for what looked to be partially cumming from just the deluge of juices that Mirth sprayed on her.


“Yes! Oh yes! Please use me! Piss in my mouth!” Phenox moaned in a fit of passion and Mirth was surprised. This wasn’t really an uncommon request at the brothel but she had always been told beforehand in order to drink a lot of water mostly so her piss wasn’t so dreadfully tasting.


“Are you sure~” Mirth asked, still playing the role of mistress. “I don’t think I've peed all day. It will be really gross~” Mirth said as she looked down at Phenox. The way Phenox’s eyes lit up was all the consent she needed. Mirth proceeded to get up a little from Phenox’s face letting the now damp feathers re-cover her pussy. 


“Open your mouth T.o.l.e.t!” Mirth said, exaggerating the last word in order for it to really sink in to Phenox that that's how Mirth currently saw her. As a toilet to be used and to expel her waist into. Phenox opened her mouth as wide as she could and it was quickly filled with the damp feathers of Mirth’s crotch. The smell of Mirth's pussy invaded Phenox’s nose almost like it was paying way for the torrent of fluid that was soon to follow. Mirth only shivered for a moment before letting out a relaxing sigh.


“Ah I’m so glad I have a toilet here to drink up all my piss~” She said leaning a bit more into roleplay. Mirth’s pussy quickly spouted out a torrent of deep yellow piss that was quickly soaked into her previously white feathers, dying them a deep yellow. They quickly became fully saturated with the flood of smelly piss that Mirth had been storing up inside her all day. With nowhere to go the urine dripped into Phenox’s mouth. Slowly at first as the feathers filled up with her piss but soon a yellow rain started in Phenox’s mouth as it quickly filled up to her lips with her waste. Mirth could feel the piss start to pool on the lips of her pussy and she felt Phenox start to back away most likely to swallow or spit out the rank liquid. But, Mirth wouldn't allow that. After all, it was a toilet’s job to drink up as much piss as possible. Mirth grabbed Phenox’s head with her hands and rammed it into her pussy filling her mouth with even more of the sour liquid. This luckily formed a kind of seal around Phenox’s mouth allowing her to swallow all of Mirth’s piss while still taking in more.


“Mmmm damn you’re one fine toilet able to take all my piss I still have so much to go~” Mirth said, continuing the torrent inside of Phenox’s mouth. Phenox’s mouth and nose stung with the foul scent of Mirth’s piss. Drinking gulp after gulp.


“Oh fuck, fucking Use Me!” Phenox thought as the woman on her face had a blissful expression of relief. With her eyelids half shut and the eyes themself slightly rolled up. Her mouth hung slightly open in a bliss that could only mean that built up pressure was being released. She was being used for this release as Mirth filled her mouth again and again without a care in the world. 


“It’s like I really became a toilet…” She thought as her hand crept from around Mirth’s legs and started massaging her own clit and pussy feeling how drenched she was.



“Damn My feathers are going to be absolutely RUINED after this!” Mirth thought. But then looking down she came up with a wonderful Idea but she would need to stop pissing first. She had really forgotten that she hadn't peed all day. So much had just happened she had just put it out of her mind but now she was really glad she had forgotten. It felt great to just let go in someone's mouth forcing them to clean up your mess without a care in the world. Letting out a third sigh of relief Mirth just enjoyed the feeling of drenching her feathers and filling the mouth of her new toy with her waste. She shivered in delight every time she felt Phenox swallow another mouthful of her dark deluge. After she was done pissing however there was no way she could just get up. Her feathers were still Drenched in her fluids so instead she kept plugging up Phenox’s face with her crotch. 


“Nope! Not getting up until you clean me up! Fully!” Mirth said in another teasing and almost mean tone.”That means sucking all that piss out of my feathers! I want them as white as snow by the time you're done! And don't forget to clean my pussy too. Looking down, Mirth saw Phenox’s eye roll up into her head in pleasure at just the idea of sucking all the piss out of her feathers and cleaning up her pussy. Phenox got to work quickly, creating a seal with her mouth over the whole of Mirth’s crotch. She started to suck all the saturated piss out of Mirth's feathers before she was stopped by Mirth speaking again.


“Oh and here is your tip!” Mirth said clearly, getting too caught up in the roll she was playing. She let out another spurt of piss that re-soaked her recently cleaned pussy lips and feathers with more dark piss. As Phenox cleaned the recently re-stained feathers and pussy Mirth slowly grinded her hips on her lips trying to brew forth another orgasim. To her great delight Phenox clearly wanted the same thing. It only took a few more passes with the tongue for Mirth to once again moan in delight and send another torrent of girl cum down into the feathers and Phenox’s throat. 


“Mhhhggggf! Make sure you clean up all my cum to bitch!”  Mirth said, ramming her pussy and feathers deep into Phenox’s mouth. As Phenox was trapped in a cycle of cleaning the cum and piss from Mirth’s crotch only for her to cum some more forcing her to still clean and swallow the thick creamy juices. It only ended when Mirth collapsed some time in the night due to exhaustion.



Mirth awoke with a start the next morning laying down in the bed that she had been using all night. She sat up only to see Phenox drinking the same beverage she had been drinking the night before. Phenox said nothing as she looked at Mirth with such a glare that Mirth felt her soul would be torn asunder.


“I hope you know that if you tell anyone of what transpired last night I will make it so even your ash burns away to nothingness…” Phenox said but Mirth could see a slight blush on the ladies’ cheeks.


“I would neve dream of it, My Lady.” Mirth said while giving a small sitting bow. “After seeing the look in Phenox’s eyes though she couldn't help but mess around with her. “Want me to do it again tonight?” Mirth asked with a coy smile.


“I’ll think about it…” Phenox said returning the smile as she got up to leave the room. “Now I have important things to attend to so meet me at all of them. Speak to Jash for the schedule” She added before shutting the door behind her. 


Mirth took a moment to pray for her amazing luck in finding this job before she hopped out of bed, her robe flapping behind her. 

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I'm back for a part two. This has a lot of the same tags so enjoy! 

Phenox waltzed through the underground temple. The dark blue crystals illuminated the final hall in an oceanic cyan light. Waterfalls poured from every surface of the hall, the water flowing discreetly into underground grates. Phenox had to admit the scene was breathtaking, even though the mansion back home was much more in her style of bright reds and oranges, a change of pace was always good. Phenox came to a large ornate door covered in runes and subscripts lost to time. Phenox didn’t waste any time looking over the ancient text however and put her hands on the door. Her arms strained to open the heavy door but once she got it moving the momentum quickly took over spreading the door wide open. What greeted Phenox was an ornate chamber filled with all kinds of jewels and treasures that only existed to decorate the walls. The real treasure was on top of a huge pillar in the middle of the room. Countless waterfalls flowed from the top of the pillar only giving it a much larger feeling of grandeur. This time Phenox infused her body with her Extreme aspected concept, Passion. A tremendous wealth of power flooded out from the very center of her being bringing with it a torrent of fiery emotions. An absolute blinding hot rage making her want to turn everything around her to ash, an uncontrollable urge to steal everything in the room and even the whole temple, and a heat in her chest that made her so horny she wanted to abandon the mission and go back and find Mirth immediately. But, she has had centuries practicing her particular path of fiery emotions and she was excellent at channeling these raw desires into real action. She jumped up with a force so terrifying the ornate stone ground she stood on cracked under the force as she soared up to the top of the great pillar. Landing with a grace that she didn’t often exhibit when alone like this she immediately spotted her prize. The pillar was concave at the top causing a large pool of water at the top to overflow out of the basin. In the center, however, was the source of all this damn water! The Overflowing Orchid sat at the bottom of the pool; It only bloomed once every few years and its flowers were an absolute godsend to anyone looking to get any kind of water-themed aspect. Phenox dove into the large pool quickly swimming down into the slightly illuminated depths. Her rapid swim was quickly interrupted by a large flat object slapping her so hard against the wall of the basin she instinctively took a huge breath… which only managed to fill her lungs with a huge amount of water. She panicked for only a millisecond before absolutely exploding into a fiery haze that immediately vaporized the water in her lungs. Even the water around her wasn’t spared as a steam explosion of incredible magnitude went off. The sound was like a train crash and the water erupted out of the basin. Phenox was momentarily terrified… That explosion was sure to destroy the Orchid. There was barely any water left in the pillar’s divet so when she looked towards the center she was relieved to find that the thing that had most likely smacked her had also protected the flower. 


“Some kind of golem I think?” Phenox mumbled to herself as she looked at the odd creature. It looked like a centipede as it curled around the flower but Phenox noticed that the creature didn't actually have a head instead it looked to loop around in one large circle. She was shocked however when the segmented parts of the centipede golem detached from each other revealing a concave-like mouth filled with rows of teeth. The golem wasn’t one long centipede, but actually a bunch of smaller golems that could attach to each other. The two heads of the golem sped towards Phenox dragging 3 segments along with them. Phenox was amazing at their speed but not too concerned. The two smaller centipedes lunged at her with terrifying speed. As the centipede was mere inches away from her head she rapidly uppercutted the closer centipede. It exploded into flaming dust completely atomizing the segment. Unfortunately, only that segment of that centipede was destroyed and to Phenox’s horror, the next segment kept charging at her face. She quickly sent out more punches obliterating the next two segments with the force of the fission reactor. The second centipede which was quickly closing in on her chest was met with a right hook that could classify as a war crime. Just like the previous centipede, the attached segments kept lunging for her chest but in more rapid punches they joined the slowly growing film of dust floating in the air. After clearing out the more immediate threat Phenox turned her attention to the rest of the centipede still guarding the Orchid. As if it realized she was an actual threat the centipede stepped away from the flower making sure not to damage it. It slowly turned towards Phenox detaching another head so the whole centipede could attack. With an incredible speed, the centipede lunged towards Phenox. Phoenix put up her fists in a guarding stance but was ultimately left wide open when the centipede stopped mid-lunge and swung its long bottom half in a huge arc at Phenox. Phenox just managed to duck watching the fat stone centipede segments fly over her head. But, her eyes widened in horror when the segments actually detached from the centipede causing them to lose a lot of their momentum. They crashed into Phoenix leaving her to tumble on the ground as the force knocked her into the far wall of the basin. Luckily the impact of the segments against her hard body shattered them so they were in no position for a follow-up attack but the impact did do some serious damage to Phenox. She hacked and coughed on the ground trying to get air back into her collapsed lungs. Her Average grade life aspecting went to work, Healing the damage to her body. It was fast but she still needed to buy some time. Phenox looked up to see the now slightly shorter centipede once again lunging towards her. Instead of prepping for another melee attack Phoenix weakly held her hand towards the silently shrieking golem's mouth. A solid beam of white-hot fire exploded forth. It made a horrifying sound as it shredded through the space towards the centipede. Small lightning bolts erupted from the beam as the incredible temperature of the flame ionized the very air. The centipede’s head quickly jumped out of the way but due to its length, the rest of its body was nowhere near fast enough causing huge chunks of the segments to be run straight through from the beam. Large flakes of slag slothed off the stone of the centipede whenever the beam got even somewhat close; a testament to its power. Phenox leaped up from her prone position after she deemed her flames to have done enough damage. Her chest screamed in protest from the pain but she powered through the same way she had done countless times in the past… With pure rage. When she fully flooded her body with passion many hot emotions came to the surface… but when in the heat of battle there was always one that overpowered them no matter what. Phenox weathered her fist in flames as she jumped in front of the still airborne centipede. With a singular punch to the head, the next three segments of the centipede exploded into a partial dust fire. Her fists became a blur as the centipede charged forth only to be met with the grindstone that was Phenox. She took only a few more moments to completely finish off the rest of the centipede as she screamed a mighty roar. Even when the centipede was turned to dust she still stomped the ground creating large cracks in the stone basin. Her body was completely covered in the fires of passion and with a roar that dragons would even be impressed by; she sent a huge pillar of white and blue fire straight up into the ceiling of the temple causing a molten hole to be created in the ornate structure's surface… only for a literal ton of water to come crashing back down onto Phenox’s head. The fires of her rage were sourly put out as the water cascaded over her. Luckily she was way too sturdy to be swept away… but she was still a little embarrassed that she let her magic get that much of a hold of her.


“Right well… let's just grab the thing and go,” Phenox mumbled to herself as she walked towards the Overflowing Orchid. Her satchel had luckily not been swept away during the fight or when the abundance of water had crashed down so she reached inside and grabbed out the sealing container she would use. The basin was quickly filling up with water from the downpour so Phenox didn’t waste any time and quickly picked up the flower roots and all and put it into a glass box. It was then placed back into the bag. Phenox checked herself and made sure she had everything before she jumped out of the basin and began the long trip home.




“So what is it?” MIrth asked when a slightly bandaged-up Phenox took out the container that held the Overflowing Orchid. 


“This is a legendary treasure, a plant with extreme-level Aspecting—water in this case,” Phenox replied with a slight smugness to her voice.


“But… Why water? I thought you used like… fire magic?” Mirth said with some confusion. 


“It’s not for me, welp! I’m selling it of course! The Barnu house’s oldest child is trying to get a High aspect for water so I was commissioned to go and get this for them.


“What? Isn’t that a subsidiary house under you?” Mirth said with even more confusion “Why would they commission you to get something for them?”


Phenox crossed her arms while explaining it to Mirth. “It’s all politics sweetly. I can’t just order them around and not do anything in return or they might not do their job properly and besides, I want their youngsters to be strong as like you said, they are under MY house so it’s just another of my warriors that I’m making stronger. What kind of general wouldn’t want more powerful mages on their side.” MIrth just nodded her head while staring at the orchid. Despite the flowers being a brilliant blue it didn’t really feel all that special. Phenox saw the expression Mirth was making and sighed. 


“It’s in a special container, the magic won't leak out… This is a great artifact but it’s… slightly dangerous. An Extreme aspect is no joke. It’s not that this flower is charged with water magic more that this flower truly embodied water as a concept.” Phenox said with a lecturing tone. Mirth on the other hand was mostly ignoring Phenox at this point. 


“So what did you need me for?” Mirth said, “You called me up here while I was in the middle of work…” 


“First of all, listening to what I say is your job, and second of all, it’s because you are going to assist me with my meeting. You see the Barnu family will want to make sure it’s the real thing so I will actually have to open the box which is a real problem…” Phenox said with a sigh. Mirth only gave Phenox a questioning glare and in response, Phenox went over to the sealed Orchid and opened the box. Mirth opened her eyes in shock at the very sudden change. She felt wet… or more accurately damp. Every part of her felt like she had just been swimming in a pool of water. To her horror though her body seemed to be absorbing the strange water magic like she had been dying out in the desert for years. This all accumulated into the fact that… she suddenly had to pee terribly badly. Even with the box being open for just a second she already wanted to run off and find a chamber pot.


“What the hell?!” Mirth said, pressing her hands to her feathered crotch. She looked up at Phenox who seemed… completely fine. “Why doesn’t it affect you? And please close the box!” Mirth yelled in a desperate tone. 


“What? Oh no, it totally affects me.” Phenox said with a wink as she shut the orchid back into its box “My body IS slightly better at not freaking out when processing magical energies but I feel the same way you do right now.” Mirth's eyes opened in shock.


“You mean you’re…?” MIrth started but was interrupted by Phenox 


“Peeing…? Yes…” Phenox sighed in disappointment and maybe a little relief. Mirth looked towards the ground but found no trace of the mess the magus was apparently making as they spoke. Mirth looked back up at Phenox whose eyes rolled up in what was apparent the last spurts of pleasure as she finished her mysterious pee. She then reached down and put her hands up and under her crimson robes pulling down a rather plain-looking piece of underwear. It looked like nothing more than a brown strip of cloth and Mirth was a little confused when Phenox handed her the underwear she was apparently just wearing.


“This is a strip of cloth made from an Absolution Rat’s hide. It's a rodent that lives in the desert and it’s super good at absorbing water. Look!” Phenox said, grabbing Mirth’s hand and forcing her to touch the gusset of the brown underwear. “See all dry! It’s pretty amazing right? Expensive too…” 


“Uh yea… I guess.” Mirth said, yanking her hand back.


“Here put them on I want to watch you go~” Phenox said in a slightly slutty tone. Mirth just rolled her eyes and took the underwear from Phenox. She stepped into them with a little hesitation but soon quickly pulled them up. Mirth really didn’t like wearing clothes and she immediately cringed as her feathers were pushed tightly to her crotch. 


“Damn… This isn’t even going to work! My pussy isn’t exposed like yours! My feathers are going to get piss in them” Mirth muttered angrily. 


“Oh I know sweety~ and you’re not going to clean them until later tonight right~” Phenox said with a devilish grin. 


“What!! why!!” Mirth said in objection clearly opposed to being covered in piss all day. 


“Well because it turns me on duh…” Phenox said shrugging. “But also because you aren’t going to take that piece of clothing off. Until we are done with our meeting today. Now please go! I have other things I need to set up beforehand” 


“Hmmm,” Mirth moaned in slight defiance as she started to fill her pussy’s down feathers with piss. Phenox could hear the soft hiss and pitter-patter of the drops leaking down and hitting the cloth only to be so thoroughly absorbed that not a single wet spot was left behind.


“Oh, good job!” Phenox said while inviting Mirth to sit on her lap. Mirth agreed and straddled Phenox’s wide frame as she fully let go. 

“Ahhh” She sighed into Phenox’s slightly exposed breasts as Phenox stroked Mirth’s head in between her horns.


“Good job!” Phenox said, almost shaking with pleasure. “Now during the meeting, I am going to be constantly pissing and you’re going to sit under my pussy and drink it all up right?” Phenox asked in a voice like honey. Mirth only nodded. She couldn’t disobey when Phenox was like this so she resolved to drink all of Phenox’s fluids in the coming hours as she finished relieving herself in her mistress's lap.




Mirth crept on all fours under the large covered table towards her mistress's legs. 


“As you can see this is the genuine article” She heard Phenox say.


“Of course, we believe you Lady Phenox but we will need to see the power of the artifact firsthand.” said the head of the Barnu family in a voice that sounded like someone was speaking while encased in jello. Mirth was a little worried the Orchid would cause the noble guests to need to pee just as bad but as it turned out they were… slimes… They had a semi-humanoid appearance but were monochrome. Either blue or red or yellow and lucky they didn’t have any kind of bodily functions at all so they were largely unaffected by the overflowing aura from the orchid. 


“Of course,” Phenox said lifting up from her chair ever so slightly to reach across the meeting table and open the magic sealing box. This was now Mirth’s chance. She expertly placed her face below Phenox’s ass resting the back of her head against the wooden chair. She opened her mouth lining herself up so Phenox’s pussy would form a tight seal against her lips. After half a second Phenox lowered herself down onto Mirth’s fluffy face. She had to stifle a slight noise as she wasn’t expecting how good MIrth's face would feel. Like a fluffy pillow, she was sitting her bare ass onto. She wiggled around to make sure her pussy was as deep as it could be inside MIrth’s mouth.


“As you can see the flower is the real thing,” Phenox said and without any other delay began to fill up Mirth’s mouth with her waste. Mirth felt the piss hit her tongue and was… shocked… not only did it taste great! It was cold… Mirth could only equate it to springwater as she drank gulp after gulp of the heavenly fluid. Mirth however wasn't spared from the flower’s effect though as she too began to once again soak her feathers and underwear with her fluid. She sighed into Phenox’s pussy as it mercilessly flooded Mirth’s mouth with a deluge of crystal-clear piss. MIrth felt Phenox’s pussy lips vibrate from the force of the stream as it forced its way into Mirth’s throat and down into her stomach. 


“Wow! This is… amazing!” One of the slime nobles said, “I can feel the water magic coursing off of this!” It added as he reached across the table and once again closed the box in order to keep the magic sealed off. “We will send you the agreed payment at a later date lady Phenox,” The house head said as they ‘walked’ out of the room. Phenox just smiled and nodded her head in agreement as she ever so slightly ground her hips against Mirth’s tongue. While they were leaving Phenox kept spouting a waterfall of piss into Mirth’s mouth and it was starting to be a little too much. She felt the cool piss pooling in Mirth’s mouth as her pussy filled up her temporary toilet. She felt the small waves Mirth was making on her labia and it filled her with an orasmic feeling. 


Long after the nobles had left. Phenox still sat in the chair emptying her bursting bladder. Mirth’s face had long been soaking with the overflowing fluid and she was just now sucking down the final drops. She knew her work wasn’t done yet though as her tongue went to work pleasing her master. Flicking and licking the folds of her womanhood was immediately rewarded with a very wet orgasm from Phenox that sprayed the inside of Mirth’s mouth. Phenox slowly lifted from Mirth who got out from under the table to kneel in front of Phenox.


“You did so well~” Phenox said in a low sultry tone “Open wide let me see” She added. Mirth silently opened her mouth showing Mirth the inside of her cum soaked mouth. A thin layer of girl jizz coated the entirety of her pink inner flesh.


“Good! Now flush!” Phenox said and taped the area between Mirth’s horns. Mirth said nothing and only closed her mouth… and swallowed.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Oh Jeez it's been a bit hasn't it? Well I got a few more Goofy ideas so you can look forward to seeing what I come up with. Till next time! 

“So? Good find right?” Lenjoy said. Both Phenox and Lenjoy watched as Mirth tended to the fireblossom plants with the other groundkeepers out on the terrace. Phenox shrugged as she picked up her teacup and brought it to her lips.


  “Hmm… we’ll have to see if she can handle awakening but I think she will do nicely… at least for a few hundred years” She responded after a while.


“Think we’ll live that much longer?” Lenjoy asked but wasn’t really expecting any kind of serious response.


“If no one decides it’s their turn to rule Grand-Celefain then we’ll live,” Phenox said.


“How’s she in bed… Or I guess I should say how are my sloppy seconds?” Lenjoy cackled with a teasing grin but stopped when she saw the look of utter confusion that Phenox had on her face.


“Lenjoy… she… she was a prostitute. What are you talking about?” Phenox said in a sad tone, almost as if she just realized her dear brother was an idiot. Lenjoy straightened his mouth in a suppressed smile before lifting his eyebrows in realization.

“Oh! I forgot to tell you but I went back and took care of the brothel.” He said as he took another tea cake from a platter set out before them.


“Mmm,” Phenox grunted in acknowledgment as she watched Mirth get on all fours and pull out a very stubborn weed from a garden bed. “The one that was named after me for some reason?” She asked.


“Yep, never got a clear answer on why that did that too…” Lenjoy said scratching his stubble as he looked off into the distance. “Maybe so they could show respect... I guess? Well doesn’t matter now.” 


“Hey, Mirth come over here sweety!” Phenox cried out grabbing her assistant’s attention. Mirth got up from the ground and walked over careful to take to heart the lesions the other maids have been teaching her about acting with respect and decorum. 


“Yes, Lady Phenox?” She said while bending her legs in the approximation of a bow. Before, she had actually dipped her head and it worked well… until she accidentally poked Phenox in the eye with the tip of her horn. She might have almost lost her job that day.


“You’re off duty now come sit with us,” Phenox said as a maid pulled up another chair and poured Mirth a cup of tea almost as if they were reading their noble lady’s mind.


“I’m thinking about awakening you today, have you given thought to your aspecting?” Phenox asked as Mirth picked up her teacup and took a small sip of the tea.


“Right… well… yes?” Mirth said in a subdued tone that made Phenox raise her eyebrow.

“Pff! Hahahah,” Lenjoy chuckled at the exchange which caused Phenox to roll her eyes. 


“Alright now is about as good a time as any to begin lessons on this,” Phenox said as she snapped her fingers. Some of the nearby maids on standby quickly ran back into the mansion to only return a minute later with a jar of water. 


“Let's see…” Phenox said as she took the vessel and placed it on the table in front of them. “Out of the four basic concepts of Water, Fire, Earth, and Air, which is expressed more by the water here,” Phenox said looking expectantly at Mirth. Mirth sensed that there was some kind of trick but with absolutely zero knowledge on anything the Magus got up to… She glanced over to Lenjoy for help but he only shrugged in a way that said Just answer. 


“Water?” Mirth said and Phenox nodded in agreement.


“I would think so too, now…” Phenox trailed off as she gripped both sides of the sealed container. In just a few moments the water started boiling inside the jar. When the water was sufficiently riled up she sat back in her seat and gestured for Mirth to answer once again. 

“Still water?” Mirth wagered a guess and to her surprise, Phenox made a so-so gesture this time while a soft smile played at her lips.


“Now do you know why?” Phenox lectured and to no one's surprise, Mirth shook her head.


“It’s because concepts aren’t so simple.” Lenjoy chimed in. “One type bleeds into another witch bleeds into another. If this water kept boiling until it became steam then it would show way more Air than Water right? Nothing in this world is built on absolutes and as such there are no blatant ‘weaknesses’ like Fire being weak to Water.” Lenjoy said as he smirked at Mirth seeing right through her. 


“Mesmerised by the Overflowing Orchid were you?” Phenox teased and Mirth nodded. “Water would be a good fit for maybe a High or average Aspect I think. But your Extreme Aspect should be saved for something a bit more complex than Water. Mirth faded away from the conversation a bit as both Lenjoy and Phenox discussed her future as a Magus.


“Are you going to have the maids take care of her when she awakens?” Lenjoy asked and to his slight surprise, Phenox shook her head.


“I had her read in her sleep, turns out she a forceful one,” Phenonx said with a kind of weird enthusiasm. 


“Right, I forgot you were into that… One of the most powerful Magus in the world likes getting pissed on by commoners” Lenjoy said in a half-joking, half-mocking tone.


“Don’t knock it till you try it oh dear brother of mine…” Phenox said trying not to giggle. Their fun however was interrupted by a strange look that Mirth had sworn she was keeping off her face. Trying to get away from the awkwardness she created she once again drank some of her tea, and that was when Lenjoy struck.


“You know we used to be married,” He said right as Mirth swallowed some of the herbal mixture. She coughed and sputtered as the shock made its way through her brain. Lenjoy was giggling as Phenox whacked him on his broad shoulder over and over with an upset expression. 


“Please don’t make my Mirth look so unsightly,” Phenox said as she turned to pat Mirth on the back saving her from a very sudden death at the hands of drowning. 


“You were… Married?” Mirth finally said only thinking that the question may not have had all the decorum it should after the fact. 


“Yep… only it was years and years ago… Back when our parent’s were still alive. Times were different back then let met tell you,” Lenjoy said.


“It was during a time when people believed that your talent at Aspecting was passed down to your children. As a result, a lot of prodigies were married off together including Lenjoy and I. After our parents… untimely death, however, we were divorced when I became the new ruler,” Phenox added and Lenjoy’s expression twisted a bit like a child’s would after they lost a game played fair and square.


The two siblings spent some more time reminiscing about the old days before a maid walked over to interrupt them. 


“The military director is here to speak with you,” She said in a light but respectful tone. 


“Right.” Was all he said as he stood up and followed the maid out of the garden and back into the mansion. Phenox leaned over to Mirth who was happily munching on a teacake.


“He always gets so shy when he has to meet anyone outside the family,” She whispered in a light tone that almost made Mirth's heart flutter. “We should get to work anyway I’ve decided that I’m going to awaken you today,” Phenox said before finishing off her tea. “Prepare the bath and clear my schedule I’m going to have a little bit of fun!~”




“Before we would have to go through an extremely long process to awaken you but with the wonders of modern intelligence we can just do it all at once with only minor side effects,” Phenox said as she stripped her long robes off her. Mirth had to remind herself that she was still working and to not stare too long at her master's thick form. Despite her best efforts however her eyes did land on the thick strand of hair leaving a trail down to her lower lips, also streaked with the occasional whisps of fiery reds and oranges. Phenox pretended not to notice.


“Wh-What is ‘awakening’ though?” Mirth said trying to focus.


“Hmm, Well in all the ways that are important, your soul right now is supporting the energies in your body but actually it has the capacity to do a lot more. Unfortunately you aren’t aware of your soul yet… like how you can’t ‘feel’ your internal organs” Phenox said as she stepped closer to Mirth. A bright red blush started to work its way onto her face but luckily it was once again clovered up by her feathers.


“If we do this the slow way there won't be any side effects but it will take forever so quick awakening is definitely the way to go.”

“Side effects?” Mirth said. She was quite nervous in more ways than one, but the number one reason was the look that Phenox was giving her.


“Each person only experiences one of the four for a while after awakening. Overwhelming despair, Unshakable power, Righteous purity, and Melting sickness. Each of them will change your mood for a bit while your body adjusts.” Phenox said as she placed her left hand on Mirth’s shoulder.


“Is that what you meant when you said I was ‘checked’?” Mirth asked and Phenox nodded. She was now alarmingly close to Mirth.


“Yep… Though I won't tell you… more fun if you don’t know what’s going on.” Phenox said in a sultry tone. 


“So… how do I get… awakened?” Mirth asked swallowing halfway through talking. She was shaking with anticipation at the answer. She had a feeling she was about to have some sort of magic sex.


“I punch you in the stomach.” Phenox said “Sorry but this will hurt” she added as she pulled back her right hand which had been balled into a fist.


“What?” Mirth said, but unfortunately, she was barred from asking any more questions as Phenox’s fist collided directly into the fluffy stomach of the Strelitzia. Mirth’s face shifted into one of horrible pain as she collapsed to the ground, slipping out of Phenox’s grasp. She heard Phenox walk away and slip into the large bath clearly not caring about the horrible pain her subordinate was in. Though the pain seemed to fade quickly and left in its place was a strange burning sensation, as if the raw power of the universe made its home in her body. How had she ever felt weakness before? She was… strong… So very strong, The strongest even! Why had she ever bowed her head to her supposed ‘master’ someone who was so clearly beneath her? Heck, even before she snapped out of her weakness she had the fool drinking her waste. If she conquered her now… she could rule the whole of Grand-Celefain! And she would too! For who could be stronger than her? The burning sensation of power flooded her as she hauled herself up from the floor. 


“Three… two… one…” Phenox whispered and the moment she got to one Mirth interrupted the noble lady’s bath.


“Women! First, you punch me then wander off as if you hadn't insulted the strongest being?! I will make you pay, treating you like the dog you are.” Mirth said though her womanly tone didn’t quite match up to the street thug word vomit that spewed from her mouth. 


“Oh course! How could I disrespect you so!” Phenox said in a fake affronted tone. “What could I ever do to repay this injustice I have enacted on someone such as you!” Phenox almost started to break down laughing while talking only just barely keeping it together. 


Mirth crossed her arms in thought for a moment… that went on a little too long. Phenox was starting to get worried that something had gone wrong in her subordinate’s currently whacked-out head so she suggested something instead.


“How about you get in here and I clean you up using any part of my body that you wish? Would that be a punishment fitting of a ‘dog’ such as myself?” She asked and Mirth nodded as she jumped into the bath. Phenox strode up to her form wrapping her up in a deep hug before locking lips with her. Mirth was fierce and the usual skill and grace that Phenox had come to know in the experienced ex-prostitute was cast aside for the simple goal of Mirth’s own pleasure. If Phenox wasn’t so resilient she might have actually been hurt by the simple kiss, but she was way past any mortal standards by now. In actuality, she had to be sure not to match Mirth’s pace, for however strong Mirth felt her body was twice as weak and needed to be treated with care. Phenox slowly got to work sucking and licking Mirth’s feathers quickly working her way down her neck and across her breasts. She sank her hands into the thick feathers as she sucked and nibbled on her nipples. Despite the pleasure, Mirth held onto her expression of superiority and haughtiness as Phenox worked on her. She quickly worked her way downward gripping onto Mirth's ass and inner thighs as she licked as sucked on the sensitive skin below her feathers. Just before Phenox was about to go to work on Mirth’s pussy she suddenly sat down pinning Phenox under the water with her slit, and locking her head in place with her thighs. Phenox, unfortunately, couldn't breathe underwater but she could last for much longer than any non-awakened person, this isn’t to say however that she didn’t get genuinely surprised by Mirth’s actions letting out a very un-ladylike yelp before her head was locked under the bathwater. She was so very grateful that there was no one else in the bath to hear her make such a noise. 


“You don’t want to ruin your precious bath, do you?! Well, then you better drink all of my nasty piss worm! That will teach ya!” Mirth yelled. Phenox wasn’t worried about the bath considering the water was cleaned and filtered every few hours. Phoenix slowly reached her hands down her side massaging her inner thighs before rubbing her finger across her cunt. She scrubbed her clit with one hand as the other snaked fingers into her depths. She dragged her fingers across her bumpy insides slowly dragging them out before shoving them back in. Once she found a rhythm she liked she got to work on Mirth’s cunt. Phenox would admit to no one but the woman in question how much she liked how Mirth’s pussy got a little stuffy thanks to nothing but her feathers absorbing her smell and fluids. After all, she couldn't go to the restroom without some piss getting onto the fluffy downs that covered her crotch. Phenox would have liked to breathe the deep scent of her pussy but… She would have to do with taste. She sucked on the folds and feathers of her pussy savoring the richness of the women’s cunt. When she felt Mirth shiver however she knew she was about to get her prize delivered straight to her mouth. She felt the thick jet of hot liquid brush up against her face and she eagerly made a long lick across Mirth’s lips interrupting the stream momentarily with her fat tongue. She could see the clear bathwater taking on a deep yellow as a cloud of filth spewed from Mirth’s pussy. Phenox shivered in delight as she tasted the golden liquid Mirth was eagerly polluting the water with. 


“You seem to be lacking a bit down there weakling! I would be glad to help you though!~” Mirth began to grind her pussy and hips against Phenox’s face. Phenox let herself be used as a makeshift washcloth holding her tongue out for Mirth’s lips to pass over. Spraying it with her piss as she made pass over pass across Phenox’s face. When she was done however she positioned her pussy directly over Phenox’s mouth waiting to be finished off by her tongue. Phenox didn’t delay licking making a few passes over her clit before shoving the moist muscle into Mirth’s hole. She thrusted and scrubbed Mirth’s soft insides bringing her closer and closer to cuming directly into and onto her master’s face. Phenox didn’t hesitate to push her over the edge and her efforts were greatly rewarded with tons of salty bitter girl-cum being sprayed directly onto her face. She eagerly sucked what she could from Mirth’s feathers letting the rest spread out into the surrounding water. She kept servicing Mirth from under the water causing her to spasm and jerk at whenever she graced her pussy with her lips. She coaxed Mirth’s after-orgasm piss out of her. Eagerly lapping it up as well before it too flowed away from the bath. With Mirth taken care of, she brought herself to completion while buried in the ever-fluffy mass of Mirth’s pussy feathers, letting her own Girl cum and piss out into the water for the maids to clean up later. With Mirth satisfied she let Phenox come back up for air.


“How’s that weakling? Enjoy my filth? You’re lucky I didn’t decide to kill you to take your spot here as leader of this place! I think you’ll do nicly as my concubine instead.” Mirth said with her arms crossed. Phenox raised her eyebrow at Mirth’s bold words before bobbing her head back and fourth in a thinking gesture. 


“You’re going to regret that one…” She said under her breath as she placed her hand on Mirth’s head. Mirth had no time to react before Phenox caused her to pass out from heat exhaustion.




“So it went well I assume?” Lenjoy asked as she looked down at Mirth. She sat at Phenox’s feet making the saddest little puppy dog eyes he had ever seen. She had a golden collar around her neck that seemed to be custom-made considering it said Mirth the Bad Girl across it. The most surprising part was one of her horns was cut at the base making her look a bit… uneven.


“That was the real punishment, turns out they take a bit to grow back so she’ll look a bit silly for a while.” Phenox clarified when she saw her brother staring. 


“Doesn’t seem to fair though. What did she do that was so bad? Weren’t you going to get all sexed up while she suffered the side effects?” Lenjoy asked, crossing his arms and looking down in disapproval. 


“Peeing on me in the bath is one thing, Declaring my death and wanting rule of my land is another,” Phenox said as she prodded Mirth with her foot. From the moment she woke up she exploded into an apologetic rant that did little to save her from Phenox’s punishment.


“Other than that though it went well?” Lenjoy asked again and Phenox nodded in confirmation. 


“Yep, I think next week I’ll start her training, let’s see what kind of powerhouse I can create…”

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