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Louis and Kirk's hot waterpark date.

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[Female desperation] [pool peeing] [Omorashi (not a lot)] [Golden shower (kinda...)] [slow burn?] [M/F]

Hey this is my first story and first post. I'm really bad at spelling and it's currently 2 am so this may be completely incomprehensible. Enjoy.. or don't I don't really care

It was an absolutely blistering day in the Arizona sun when Louis and her boyfriend Kirk walked across the parking lot to the waterpark. Even just the short walk was causing them to sweat just a bit as Kirk's swim trunks and swimming shirt stuck to his glossy flesh.  Louis was fairing no better as her tankini gripped her pale skin.
"Damn I might actually not make it..." Kirk said as he trudged through the parking lot.  Louis just smiled down at the much shorter Kirk. and then positioned herself behind her boyfriend casting a relatively large shadow. Shielding Kirk from the mighty sun.
"Mmmf, Thanks but it doesn't really help..." Kirk just moaned out clearly starting to suffer from heatstroke. Louis's smirk fled her face as she actually started to get worried. Her car had long gone past the point of disrepair to where the air conditioning no longer worked. That meant a long hour and a half trip on the open road with hot wind blowing every which way in the car just to keep the temperature down to a reasonable level.
"Want me to carry you?"  Louis said, the small smirk returning to her face. Kirk shot her a disdainful look before picking up the pace and hobbling the rest of the way to the entrance. After paying the fee they split up to go into the individual locker rooms storing the bags filled with clothes and towels they would use to change once they left. They arrived at the park already in their swimming gear so it only took a few minutes for them to see each other in the park once again. After spending some time in the cool locker room and now surrounded by the humid pool air Kirk was feeling a lot better and he took a moment to admire his girlfriend. She had a tall wiry frame. The dark blue tankini she wore perfectly showed off the light muscles of her form. On the other hand Louis admired her cute boyfriend. They had met at the gym and Louis had been a kind of personal trainer ever since she had seen Kirk's abysmal workout forms. Kirk was quite a bit shorter than Louis and a lot less toned. But she had actually seen some definition start to form in some of the areas now covered by his swimming shirt and shorts. Kirk walked up to  Louis as she was daydreaming about Kirk's nakedness and gave her a confused look.

“You all good there?" he asked with some worry in his tone.

"Yep!" Louise said, shaking from her daydream. "Whaddya wanna do first? Wave pool? or lazy river?" She asked.

"Mmm~ I mean those things do sound fun, but from the fact that you weren't even looking at me when saying that but at the biggest scariest water slide they have here I can kind of assume what you would rather be doing." Kirk said with a small chuckle.

Louis flashed Kirk a dangerous smile and with a half crazed look in her eye quickly picked up Kirk princes style and ran towards the tallest and fastest waterslide in the park to Kirk's horror of course.

"Wait! No! Wait!!" Kirk yelled and luckily he was saved from his plight by a lifeguard yelling at them to stop running as they bolted past his tower. But just as Kirk thought he was safe  Louis grabbed his hand with an Iron grip and sped walked towards the slides.

"Y-Your not going to make me go on the slides right?" Kirk asked, getting a little nervous. His eyes widened in shock as Louis just flashed him another smile. He started rapidly struggling but that quickly stopped when Louis made a motion to pick him up again.


"So this is my fate huh… to die at the hands of man made entertainment…" Kirk thought as he stood on the top of the water slide tower. The rickety wood had not filled him with confidence as he climbed up the clearly decaying structure. Louis and Kirk both stood in the now quickly shortening line as people jumped down the slide to their apparent deaths… or so Kirk thought. Soon it was their turn as they stepped up onto the slide’s staging area.

“Hey sorry can He sit in my lap?” Louis asked the life guard of duty while pointing at Kirk to the sheer horror and embarrassment of the man in question. The lifeguard just shrugged and grunted a small affirmation of consent. Louis quickly sat down but Kirk just stood there pale faced and slightly shaking.

“Oh come on babe! It will be sooo~ much fun!” This clearly did nothing to sooth Kirk however as he just stood there trembling. Louis eventually stood up and grabbed Kirk by the hand once again and led him over to the start of the slide. After sitting down she placed him in her lap. Kirk felt a little better as he learned back into the flat chest and light abs of his girlfriend. That was until Louis pushed off and they started going down the slide with tremendous speed. Both were screaming but to any bystander it was clear that for each of them it was for different reasons. They hit the water with a terrific splash as the slide ejected them into a deep pool from a small ramp at the end. Screaming and laughing all the way. They quickly swam out so the person behind them could go down the slide and met up again as they left the pool.

“Ah~ Thanks babe, that was fun right!?” Louis asked Kirk. Now that he was down again on the soldering ground the color started to return to his face. 

“Yea if flying through the air at Mach 10 was fun…” Kirk said under his breath.

“Which it is, so I'm glad we're on the same page!” Louis responded with a smirk which garnered an eye roll from Kirk.

“Fine, come on loser, let's hit the lazy river…” Louis said with a slight frown. Although she did want to go on more waterslides she would definitely have time later to go on them on her own. They had gotten a day pass so they would be here for a few hours. They walked across the park towards one of the many inner tube storage locations and picked out one each. As Louis turned towards the lazy river she was stopped by Kirk speaking up.

“Hey babe you wanna just share one?~ This IS our first romantic outing this summer” Kirk asked with a coy face. Louis thought that he may or may not be blushing but it was hard to tell because of the heat. Making most of his body a shade of pink.


“What a cutie…” Louis thought but at the same time said. “Didn’t we just get frozen yogurt like a week ago? Doesn't that count as a ‘romantic outing’?” Louis said.

“Well… no we were just getting food…” Kirk said in a tone that made it seem like he wasn’t really sure.

“You not only fed me with a spoon straight up rom-com style, you also ate some of my froyo and kissed me in order to feed me…” Louis said while razing an eyebrow. “I would say that's pretty romantic unless you don’t think so…’ Louis said with a fake hurt expression.

Kirk just sighed and said “Look, do you wanna share the inner tube or not?” 

“Boo! You’re no fun!” Louis giggled and threw the inner tube she had picked out back into the small mound she had grabbed it from. “I gotta teach you how to flirt better” Louis chastised as he walked towards an entrance ramp in order to not bother the myriad other guests. Kirk only grunted and said

“It’s not me who needs to know how to flirt… I can flirt! it’s you who’s gotta make everything into a bit.”

Louis just shrugged. “Yea you're probably right… But I know you love it” Kirk just smirked to himself. It was true he did love how aloof Louis was… well she was aloof most times… she got pretty intense when it came to other ‘activities’ Kirk’s grin widened as he remembered the good times they have had together. 

“Alrighty how do you wanna do this?” Louis said as she watched Kirk place the inner tube into the shallow water. He then flopped back onto it, placing his but in the center of the ring. He then patted his lap. Louis raised both her eyebrows at how risque this would be. But after looking around it was clear that no one really cared and even a few other couples were doing something similar. Louis put her legs on either side of Kirk’s slender form and slowly lowered her butt to sit on his crotch. She then slumped down, laying her chest on his as they started to flow down the river. They shared a passionate kiss as they snuggled up to each other.


Around an hour later of slowly floating and sleepy drifting around Louis felt an uncomfortable twinge in her nethers that signified it was time to leave the pool and find a restroom. Although to her in this state leaving her dear Kirk would be the same as a death sentence. 

“Hey babe… I need to pee…” Louis said. She didn’t really know what she wanted Kirk to say but what he responded with was unfortunately not it. 

“Mmm ok I’ll steer us towards the edge.” Kirk said as he started flapping his arms in an attempt to get to the far wall.
With a slightly embarrassed look and tone Louis respond 

“Mmh~ Babe can’t I just do it here…?” She whispered into Kirk’s ear.
“Eew? On me? Gross Babe and definitely not in the pool” Kirk said, shutting down the small spark of a fantasy that was starting to ignite.

She left the warmth of her boyfriend and the lazy river in a huff as she stomped towards the bathroom. Kirk was of course oblivious that doing such an act would turn her on but… in his defense he probably thought she was joking. Besides he didn't actually know about her slight piss kink as she had kept it from him for a really long time. This was mostly just because it was well… super embarrassing. As she approached the restroom though she was only met with an obtrusive yellow sign spelling her doom with 3 words Out Of Order. The part of the lazy river she had left was literally the farthest from the restrooms and now that the closest one was out of order she was actually starting to get worried. She actually realized how badly she needed to go when she left the lazy river and started walking towards the restroom. But now that she realized there was no relief in sight her blatter pangs suddenly felt worse. 

“What the hell? I don’t think I’ve really had anything to drink all day so what gives?” She thought to herself. But then she had another idea… What if this was her chance to get her way… She slightly bit her lip in anticipation as she thought of a plan. This was the perfect opportunity to introduce her piss kink wasn’t it? They had a great mood between them and she believed that Kirk would be willing to… do a little play. This wasn’t even the first time they had done something like this too as in the three years of dating they had even had sex in public places like parks. Well…. It was only well after the park was closed for the night but it still counted as ‘In public’ 

As Louis sped walked back to the place where she and Kirk split up she realized that she had to go so bad it was starting to be painful. She wanted to relieve some of that pressure by just peeing a bit into her bathing suit but for one she wasn’t sure she would be able to stop and for two. If Kirk found out and he wasn’t into it he would be pissed at best and totally disgusted at worse. She eventually found him again lazing about on the calm water. She quickly sloshed into the water, this time not bothering with the ramp,not that she was even near one. She swam over to Krik with a stained expression as she focused on not letting out any of the built in fluids inside her.
“Oh wow back already?” Kirk said clearly cheerful that his girlfriend was back. He did a bobbing motion trying to get the inner tube as deep into the water as possible so Louis could jump back to her straddling position. She silently jumped up to once again sit her bathing suit on his crotch. But this time it was too much. With a jolt, a jet of hot piss left her pussy, staining her folds with the golden fluid. The piss quickly dropped out of her suit onto the waiting crotch of Kirk… who didn’t seem to notice in the slightest as in the next moment she fully sat down.

“You weren't gone for very long.” Kirk said but his lackadaisical attitude dropped the moment he took a good look at Louis’ face. 

“Is everything okay?” he said in a low concerned tone. Her face was all red and it looked like she was straining. 

“Ahh um… w-well. The bathroom was… closed…” Louis said with a little apprehension. Kirk raised both his eyebrows; it was rare to see Louis so flustered…

“Why didn’t you just try to find anot-” Kirk started but stopped when he realized that Louis was very subtly grinding her crotch against his. His face then slowly manifested into the biggest shit eating grin Louis had ever seen.

“W-what…” She eventually asked, backing slightly away from Kirk’s face.

“This is turning you on isn’t it…?” Kirk asked in a slightly hushed tone.

“Well I mean… I am really close to my very cute boyfriend” Louis whispered in a hushed tone but internally she was panicking. 

“Shit!” She thought “I could have just told him! So why am I deflecting! I’m as bad as him on that stupid water slide…” She then recounted what had happened on that water slide and immediately put together the parallels, Kirk had been too scared to take that leap… just like she was now… Kirk then opened his stupid mouth to respond but it was quickly closed by a kiss from Louis as she leaned back into him. When they separated once again she took a deep breath and let it out slowly. 

“You got me… Peeing in the water and on your cock would turn me on yes… I used the closed bathroom as an excuse to come back here and hopefully get my way.”

Kirk had a smug satisfied smile on his face. He actually got Louis to say something That Embarrassing! He was definitely going to tally this up as a win in his mind. 

“Wait so the bathroom really was closed? I kinda thought you might have made that up…”

Louis just shot him a glare but eventually said.

“So you’re not opposed to it?” She ruefully asked. “I thought you said it was gross…” She followed up

“Well I would be lying if I said I didn't have my apprehensions but I mean come on… my girlfriend just told me something that is an apparent turn on for her. I would be a fool to at least not try it once.” Kirk said the smile that was on his face was fading to a more serious expression. “Besides I thought you were joking” He added and Louis nodded as if in understanding.  

“Mmm~ ok then lower yourself a little lower into the water I… can’t hold it much longer” Louis said in a grizzly tone that made Kirk shiver as her lips were mere millimeters away from his ear. He did as instructed making sure Louis’ bottoms were solidly in the water. She then pulled him in for a deep kiss as she lightly grinded on this crotch. She aggressively shot her tongue into his mouth shoving it down his throat with such a force that it almost made him gag.

“But in a good way…” He thought with a smile. Louis on the other hand couldn't hold back the torrent inside her pussy and bladder anymore. She was even letting out small jets of piss as she grinded against Kirk’s cock which was now semi hard to Louis’ delight. She eventually let out a long sigh into Kirk’s mouth as she finally let go. 

A dark golden stream blessed Kirk’s crotch as she poured the contents of her cunt and bladder into the surrounding water.

“Mmmggfff” She moaned into Kirk’s mouth as her pussy sprayed leaked the golden fluid into the surrounding clean water. She was incredibly turned on by the fact she was ruining the water just because it made her feel good!

“Sorry But I need this,” She thought to herself. It turned her on to a crazy degree to prioritize her own pleasure over the wellbeing and cleanliness of the people around her. Her pussy exploded with piss as she clenched her bladder in order to push the piss out as fast as possible. After only a second the water around Kirk’s crotch was a sickly yellowish-green and she quickly grabbed one of Kirk’s free hands and shoved it into the tankini bottom. Kirk didn't even flinch as he started to massage her pussy folds and flaps feeling the torrent of piss on his fingers. He cupped his hand creating a kinda… terrible hand-diaper thing…? that Louis apparently loved as she let out another long reliving sigh. Kirk was surprised how much Louis was getting into this. This must have been much more of a turn on than she thought. Louis’ pussy kept spouting off the golden juices without a care in the world even as Louis stared to apologize slightly under her breath.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry everyone… But you’re going to have to swim in my filth! Yes! Oh yes! That’s all you are to me! You all who will happily go about your days without even knowing you are victims to my selfish pleasure!” She whispered to Kirk.

“Mmgfff! Even if the toilets were fixed I would still dream about you all just being a receptacle to my waste.” She said as her pussy twitched from not only Kirk’s manipulating and massaging but from the dark cloud she was letting into the water due to her selfishness. All the while Kirk was starting to get worried…

“What the hell is she talking about…?” he thought to himself as he gently rubbed her pussy folds. Rubbing and massaging his hands up and down her whole muff. feeling the thin bristly pubic hair as he rubbed his hands through the thoroughly polluted water.

“This has clearly been a kink for a long time for her.” He thought again. He was pretty sure a ton of people had peed in the lazy river so the water was anything but the ‘clean receptacle for her waste’ Louis so clearly wanted it to be but… oh well whatever made her happy. He internally shrugged as he shoved two fingers into her slick pussy. The walls of her cunt gripped heavily onto his fingers as the last bits of piss shot out and once again quickly dissolved into the surrounding water. Louis was clearly mumbling more nonsense to herself about how everyone in the pool were just ‘worms’ and the ‘deserved to spend their pathetic lives attached to her pussy drinking her fluids’ or whatever. Kirk removed his hands long before Louis would cum mostly because he was already pretty tired from doing a whole lotta nothing in the lazy river and partly because it looked like Louis was satisfied enough. They both shut their eyes and drive down the river. The cloud of pollution being left behind and forgotten. It was now someone else's problem… just how Louis liked it. 

“Her piss was someone else to clean up~” Just the thought made Louis shiver in delight but her horny daydreams of her pissing wherever and whenever she liked and having other people eternally have to deal with it were rudely interrupted with a loud shout.

“You again!?” the voice shouted and both Kirk and Louis looked up the same lifeguard as before that told Louis off for running with Kirk in her arms. 

“We have multiple accounts of you peeing and indulging in inappropriate acts. You are hereby being kicked and banned from the premises!” The lifeguard shouted! Louis was ready to argue but the two cops standing behind the lifeguard made her rethink. 

“Right… not so stealthy after all…” Kirk sighed as he got up out of the inner tube causing Louis to splash into the water below…


The drive home was a little more bearable after spending some time in the water although they meant to stay longer than just one hour.

“You have to admit we did go a little too far…” Kirk said while looking out of the passenger side window… Unfortunately Louis didn’t really hear Kirk, instead she was surfing on the wave of bliss that still hadn’t ended.

“When we get home you are eating me out until I cum at least four times. They you’re going to fuck me till your balls are empty.” Is all Louis said in response.

Kirk didn’t react, just kept looking out at the passing scenery. It was really surprising how much Louis was into this.

 “It didn’t really do anything for me but… “ he thought as he looked over at Louis who still had a stupid blissful grin on her face.

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