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Not sure if this is the right place for this, but I have always wanted to pee in my cars for basically forever, my problem is I have like a mental block that won't allow me to to so, I can be bursting to go and still aren't able, does anyone have any suggestions or tips on how to do this? 

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Mental blocks can be overcome, it’s a bit like being pee shy and not being able to pee around others.  Your mind is conditioned to hold it and only pee when it’s “appropriate” like in a toilet.

I’d work on a gradual approach.  I don’t know in what way you want to pee in your car, do you mean peeing into it from outside, or when in the driver’s seat, when driving, or parked?  I’d start with something “safe” and discreet, like doing it while parked before attempting to do it while driving.  Relax and concentrate on getting your bladder muscles to relax to let some pee out.  You might start with a drop or two or a quick blip, but you can work on it from there.  It’ll be easier if you really have to go!

If you want to pee while driving, definitely start with practicing in a parked car.  Safety is always first, you don’t want to get into a wreck because you’re concentrating on peeing instead of driving.  Get used to doing it in a parked car, then maybe try while stopped at a traffic light, and go from there.  Your first attempts will probably not produce much, but as you get used to it your bladder/brain will get more comfortable with the idea and you’ll be able to let it go whenever.

Good luck!


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This is basically just your subconscious using the training you aquired throughout your whole life :D. I mean you trained yourself to not pee in those situations and basically made it a passive. 
I would also suggest to go with baby steps. For me it helped to start with something which was closest to what i was used to. So i would suggest to start by peeing like you would do when using a urinal. Start by peeing on your tire or the side of your car. Somethign where your subconscious doesn't block you. The next time do something which is closer to what you are actually trying to do. 

Its was also much harder for me to pee in a sitting position. Don't know why. It helped to sit in a way like i would on a toilet. 

Hope this helps. 


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