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I have written extensively about my dream trio if wife, SIL and MIL. Also, wrote briefly of tennis Pro lady who had a nice flow the other day. Last weekend tennis Pro mom brings her recently married 34 yo daughter over to mingle with my girls. Being g the resident male I throughly enjoyed their visit. Focusing on tennis Pro daughter in this post.

Daughter is 34, 5.7 115 and does modeling along with playing a mean game of tennis with her mom. She has a very full "C" cup that is very firm with nipples showing. Along with her wavy long blonde hair she wore 2 inche heals, black mini skirt, sleeveless tight tan top with black bra, very nice looking indeed. Like most of the girls that come over she is not shy about her pee but is not an exhibitionist either. This girl has a nice flow but small capacity.

Immediately upon entering the house she ran to the toilet and flicked off her panties and let out a very loud hard pour into the water that cut off abruptly with no tinkling or hissing after 13 seconds. Fast and furious. After finishing she waited 10 seconds before wiping very throughly, washed her hands and pranced out of the toilet. After this initial visit I was able to guage her toilet habits and fluid intake more closely. After drinking 20 Oz of water she went to the toilet 45 minutes later. The same thing again, a very quick, short loud gush of piss landing hard into the water for 12 seconds and then abruptly stopping. It sounds like a dam burst open and water gushed out but there was no build up or tapering of her stream- just hard, fast, short and hot. The same thing happened three more times except her last piss of the evening was the best. After many hours of hydration and scrapbooking with her girlfriends she was more desperate this time. With one hour 35 minutes between bathroom visits I knew she was very full and desperate. She slowly got up from her chair and quickly scampered to the bathroom and immediately said "fuck" pretty loud as her urine exploded rapidly into the toilet with such force that the sound vibrated off the walls of the bathroom. After 12 seconds when she would normally quit she was still pouring loud and proud with intense ferocity. She finally abruptly stopped after 23 seconds and let out a huge sigh of "finally", stood over the bowl for another 15 seconds, wiped 2x, washed hands, fluffed her hair, put on more lipstick and hugged me and her girlfriends goodbye. I immediately got an erection that I tried to hide.

As soon as everyone left I attacked the wife with passionate kissing and petting and let out two huge loads of hot cum into her that night while thinking of this woman.

Horney Old Owl

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Your posts never fail to impress, glad I caught this one early!  The new girl sounds like quite a change of pace from your regulars, good to hear something different.  I can only imagine the SIL and MIL are jealous of this girl’s ability to empty so fast.  I had a female friend who peed loud and fast like this, and her mother was the same way.  A couple of quick, ferocious gushes and they were done.  Isn’t it amazing how each individual is so different??  Cheers!

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I mostly think it is natural and they don't push it out. My wife is a very fast pisser that splats on the porcelain really hard and then stops and restarts with a hard pour in the water. I make comments to her all the time and she says she has pissed that way naturally since a teenager. She gets plenty of love from me when pissing like a wild woman. I make sure I thrust hard, fast and deep into her so she screams nice and loud. A neighbor made a comment about her orgasm. I just smiled.

I am sure some women press to get the piss out but that would probably only have a minor impact to the speed of their flow.

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