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I know most people know of the musical urine town. This is the premise of it plus a fifictional story add on. I am not rewriting the story though!

 My Story contains peeing, desperation and relief.

There was a town, small in comparison to other towns nearby, the only difference being that you had to pay to pee. 

Sure if you were a guy it would be easy as you could just deposit your coin and pull your cork out and   go but girls were costly. It was only to pee only  not poop which cost 0. 

When you were desperate and struggling to hold it in, it costs you $2 if you were bursting it costs $5 and the sweet relief spot can cost up to $10.

There is a fine as well if you cannot make it and go somewhere else. The sensor would show when you arrived. 

Ariel and Nattalie were friends they had just moved to town and it costing $ was new to them. They had been relaxing by the lake sipping water as they pleased. 

Then suddenly they began to feel the water hitting them, This town seemed strange but otherwise normal. 

The only public bathroom in town was a pay to pee style bathroom, there was a coin machine attached to the toilet. You typed in what you were about to do. This was put in place to avoid homeless people using it and for the community to make $.

You could use the ones at people's homes but you must ask them first and hardly anyone liked that. 

Ariel and Nattalie being quizzitive women as they were older then 18, tried to figure out another way for relief. But without luck were forced to using the bathroom  and scrounging for $. 

Being very desperate they each put in $5 and waited for response from the toilet. Then as there was only one toilet each took turns.  Ariel put in $10 and waited, then sitting down on the toilet  pulled pants and underwear down and let go, pee shooting out of her pussy rappidly, streaming into the toilet, hissing as she went  and relief showing on her face. After 5min it  stopped and she wiped and stood up. Then pulled her pants and underwear up and stood face  against the wall so her friend could go. 

Now Nattalie  loaded the toilet with her $ and pulled her dress up and underwear down and sat down on the toilet as  pee came gushing out of her pussy filling the toilet up as she peed,  Then after it  stopped  a few minutes later  she wiped and stood up, pulling her underwear up and smoothing her dress down. She flushed, both their pee going down as it also costs to flush, so they just waited till both had gone to flush. 

Then they left and santized their  hands as washing them would be too costly, the town needed $ after all and holding arms decided that if they were going to live in this town, they had better stock up on coins.  Maybe even get a job but relief is better then desperate feeling anyday no matter the cost. 

So remember nothing is free in life, not even pee! Plus  have $  on you because you never know when it might be handy! 








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