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                       Lilo and Stich Fanfic 

I’m just gonna assume that everyone is familiar with the characters from lilo and stich and if you’re not, you can look them up.

*Don’t worry. All the characters who do any peeing in this story are over 18.


One day, Lilo, Stich, Nani, and David were all sitting around on the beach. They were just enjoying their day when lilo heard a somewhat strong liquid sound. She couldn’t quite figure out where it was coming from, so she brushed it off.

But when Nani got up to do something, Lilo noticed a puddle where she had been sitting and began to put the pieces together.

”Eww”, she said.

”What?”, said David, looking slightly concerned.

”Nani peed. Look! It’s right there where she was sitting!”

”Shut up, you little snitch”, said Nani. “Like you’ve never done it.”

”Not on the sand”, said Lilo. “Only in the water. I bet David’s gonna think you’re disgusting now.”

”Actually”, said David, “I pee in the sand all the time. I just didn’t want you guys to think I was weird.”

”See? I’m not the only one”, said Nani. “And from what I’ve heard, mom did it too when she used to come here.”

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