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Beth and Becky were twins, they did everything together, if one was there the other was close by, they even dated in pairs, sometimes they even went out just the two of them. 

This was one of those days, when one felt a little naughty and the other taged along after some resentment and argument. They decided the park would be a great place to go as they could act like kids and nobody would question it. 

So they set out playing on the slide, monkey bars, swings and so on, then they thought to build a sandcastle before heading home. 

After all lunch was over and nothing happened till dinner so they continued having fun building it to the top, tall with a moat around it. They had brought lots of water as building is thirsty work. Just as they were finishing up though they began feeling a little bit desperate but having fun ignored it.

Admiring the work as desperation got a little intense and thinking they could wait to get to their friends place continued playing, until they couldn't move without leaking and their was no bathrooms in view so they quickly grabbed some leaves from in front of them and ran into the forest beside the playground. It was a few trees not a full forest.

Then once there faced away from each other and pulled their pants and underwear down quickly then grabbing each other's hand quickly squatted side by side. Then let go of each other and leaning against the trees, let go. Pee came streaming out of Beth's pussy as she let go hissing and  pattering unto the forest floor as she went. As she reached the minute mark Becky started to also pee, hers gushing  and noisly coming out of her pussy. Simultaneously they peed on. 

They continued going side by side as a puddle formed behind them, strong and long as it was close to 5min and no sign of stopping for another minute stopped  then after  they each wiped themselves with the leaves they had in their pockets and pulled up their underwear and pants, helping each other up and staring at the giant sized puddle they had made then   sanized hands with the santizers they always had on them and went to head back to the playground before going home. 

When you think of twins personally being together always most people don't think synchronization but these twins were different, usually if one had to go so did the other, you could hear them if quiet in the  public bathroom side by side, in different stalls Simultaneously peeing with the music  on the radio almost in tune, always with a great relief afterwards. 

Music to the ears... hiss, pisss, hiss, pisss.

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