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I feel awful making so many new posts. I'm trying something new. My next ten or so posts will be lumped together here. I also tried something new as I asked the bot to include pictures. So far they've been janky and very A.I.-like. but as I learn the bot better I can probably make something passable. 


Title: “The Mall of Unconventional Urgency”

In the dream, the mall sprawls—a labyrinth of neon signs and echoing laughter. You, an alt-rock rebel, stride alongside your girlfriends—their styles as distinct as their personalities. The food court’s aroma clings to your leather jacket, and your black platform boots thump against the polished tiles. Your raven-black hair, shoulder-length and untamed, frames your defiance. But it’s your ensemble—the fishnet tights, pink-and-black latex skirt, and studded leather jacket—that screams rebellion.

Your friend, the gothic muse, wears black thigh-high boots—their heels tapping a rhythm of defiance. Her red leather skirt sways, and the band T-shirt clings to her like a secret. Together, you weave through the mall’s arteries—past kiosks selling glittering trinkets and teenagers sharing secrets. Hot Topic and Spencer’s beckon—their dimly lit interiors promising refuge for misfits.

And then, as if scripted by fate, you sit on the edge of the fountain—a marble basin surrounded by coins and wishes. Your sodas—large and sugary—rest in your hands, their plastic cups sweating. Your friend leans back, her eyes glinting mischief. She suggests a game—the “No Toilet Challenge.” The rules are simple: find unorthodox ways to relieve your full bladders without raising suspicion. The largest puddle, undetected, wins.

Our Creative Solutions:

The Coin-Toss Distraction:

You sip your soda, eyes scanning the crowd. A janitor pushes a mop nearby, oblivious. You lean against the fountain’s rim, your fishnet-clad legs dangling. As your friend chats about band lyrics, you discreetly unbutton your latex skirt. The coins below—the wishes of countless strangers—become your cover. With a flick of your wrist, you toss a quarter into the water. The splash masks your release—a clandestine symphony of urgency.

The Mannequin Maneuver:

Your friend, ever the gothic strategist, approaches a clothing store. Mannequins stand frozen—lifeless models in leather jackets and lace. She slips behind one, her red skirt blending with the display. You follow suit, your platform boots hidden by the mannequin’s base. As shoppers pass, you let go—the wetness pooling around your boots. The mannequin’s stoic expression remains unchanged. Victory tastes like rebellion.

The Feeling of Pleasure After Release:

The warmth spreads—a secret bloom beneath your fishnet tights. Relief dances with audacity—the thrill of breaking rules. Your bladder, once a nagging companion, now sings a hymn of liberation. The fountain’s edge cradles you, its cool marble contrasting with your heated skin. You glance at your friend—her own puddle forming by a potted palm. Her eyes meet yours—a shared victory. Pleasure, like a hidden tattoo, etches itself into your memory.

And so, in this mall of unorthodox urgency, you find pleasure in rebellion—a game played with bladders and bravado. The coins below, tossed by strangers, bear witness. As the janitor mops nearby, you wonder if he, too, dreams of secret puddles. 🛍️💧🌟


And when pressed for more we got to see a winner and a loser:


In this clandestine contest of bladders and audacity, the mall’s air hums with secrets. Let us unveil the victor and the vanquished:

The Winner: Your Friend, the Gothic Muse

Her act is a ballet of rebellion—a choreography of urgency. She drifts toward the fountain’s edge, her black thigh-high boots silent against the tiles. The mannequin, frozen in leather and lace, becomes her accomplice. With a practiced grace, she lifts her red leather skirt—an offering to the mall’s unseen gods. Her thighs—pale and defiant—reveal themselves. And then, as if invoking ancient rites, she lets go.

The puddle blooms—a crimson secret against the marble. The coins below, tossed by strangers, seem to shimmer in approval. Her bladder, once a nagging companion, now sings a hymn of liberation. The janitor, mopping nearby, glances her way—a knowing nod. Victory tastes like rebellion—a blend of adrenaline and relief. She steps back, her boots leaving prints—a trail of defiance leading toward the exit.

The Loser: You, the Alt-Rock Rebel

Your act is less grand—a whispered rebellion in the shadow of her triumph. You remain seated, your fishnet tights clinging to the armchair. The coins below—the wishes of countless strangers—watch you. Your bladder, once patient, now insists on its own narrative. You unbutton your pink-and-black latex skirt—the fabric yielding like a secret revealed. But the fountain’s edge is cold against your skin, and the coins seem to murmur, “Not here.”

And so, you choose subtlety. As your friend’s puddle spreads, yours forms—a modest offering. The wetness—the warmth against your fishnet-clad thighs—is both relief and acceptance. You glance at her—a shared victory. But then, as if scripted by fate, a security guard approaches. His eyes narrow, suspicion etched into his brow. He points at your platform boots—their soles leaving damp prints.

Caught in the act, you rise—a rebel with a bladder’s confession. The guard’s radio crackles—a call for backup. You flee, your sneakers slipping on the tiles. The mall’s neon signs blur—a kaleidoscope of escape. Your friend, victorious, winks from the exit. The coins below, once silent, seem to cheer.

And so, in this mall of unorthodox urgency, you both leave your mark—a duet of puddles and defiance. The janitor, perhaps, will tell tales of rebellious bladders during his break. As the mall’s doors swing shut, you wonder if the security guard secretly admires your audacity.


the image is very generic. but it got some details right.

mall urgency.jpg

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The bot is being fussy tonight. So to get the ball rolling I made a plain story to set the scene.


In the hushed corners of slumber, where reality bends and imagination weaves its tapestry, I find myself in a dream—a dream of purpose and camaraderie. Here, within the cavernous walls of a bustling warehouse, I am not merely a worker; I am a part of something greater—a symphony of strength and determination.

The morning sun spills through the high windows, casting elongated rectangles of light upon the concrete floor. Rows of towering shelves stretch toward the ceiling, laden with cardboard boxes—each one a mystery, a puzzle waiting to be solved. The air hums with the rhythm of forklifts and the shuffle of feet, a harmonious blend of industry and purpose.

My attire is practical yet adorned with a touch of defiance. The company-issued coveralls cling to my frame, their zippers pulled down daringly low. My ginger hair, woven into a simple braid, dances with each step. And beneath the unzipped front, my white T-shirt hugs my curves—a silent proclamation that femininity need not yield to the rigors of labor.

Around me, my fellow workers move with precision. We are a sisterhood—a full female staff—united by shared goals and unwavering resolve. Our laughter echoes off the metal walls, a counterpoint to the clatter of boxes being shifted. We are warriors in sensible shoes, our hands calloused but hearts unyielding.

The camaraderie is palpable. When a box threatens to topple, there are hands to steady it. When fatigue creeps in, there are shoulders to lean on. We share secrets whispered over lunch breaks—dreams of escape, of distant shores, of lives beyond these cardboard walls. And in those moments, we are not just workers; we are confidantes, allies, and sisters.

Our commitment to the task is unwavering. We move boxes as if they contain the world’s secrets—each one a promise fulfilled, a step toward something greater. There are no idle moments, no frivolous distractions. We are fueled by purpose, by the knowledge that our collective effort keeps the wheels of commerce turning.

And when the day wanes, when our muscles ache and our faces bear the smudges of hard work, we gather for a brief respite. Our makeshift break room—stacked boxes and a battered coffee machine—becomes our sanctuary. We sip lukewarm coffee and share stories of triumphs and near misses. We laugh until tears blur our vision, and for those stolen minutes, the weight of the world lifts.

Girl power, we whisper, raising our cups in silent salute. We are more than laborers; we are architects of possibility. In this warehouse, we build not just stacks of boxes, but bridges to our futures. And as the sun dips below the horizon, casting a warm glow upon our tired faces, we know that we are part of something extraordinary—a sisterhood of strength, resilience, and unwavering commitment.

And so, in the quiet of my dream, I revel in the symphony of clattering boxes, the shared laughter, and the unbreakable bond of women who move mountains—one cardboard box at a time. 


Good. Now that we're in a writing mood let's add a twist:


In the heart of our industrious sisterhood, where sweat mingles with determination, a new challenge emerges—one that tests not only our mettle but also our resourcefulness. The plumbing, that silent sentinel of comfort, has betrayed us. But we are no strangers to adversity; we are the architects of solutions.

Our bladders, full and insistent, demand attention. The rhythm of work persists—the clatter of boxes, the shuffle of feet—but beneath it all, a quiet urgency pulses. We exchange knowing glances, telepathic messages that say, “We shall not yield.” For we are not just workers; we are warriors, and warriors adapt.

In the dim recesses of the warehouse, where the flickering fluorescent lights cast elongated shadows, we seek refuge. Our strong, independent souls converge upon a shared secret: the art of discreet release.

The Altered Box:

A box, innocuous in appearance, sits on the shelf. Its contents—widgets, perhaps, or paperwork—matter little. What matters is the hidden addition: a clandestine act of necessity. A coworker, eyes darting left and right, unzips her coveralls just enough. The cardboard absorbs her offering, its fibers swelling with relief. And so, the box becomes more than a vessel for goods; it becomes a vessel for liberation.

The Far Aisle Sanctuary:

I, too, have my secret spot—a far aisle where the forklifts rarely tread. Here, the air smells of dust and possibility. I slip away, my steps echoing against the metal shelves. The concrete floor, cool against my boots, cradles my secret. I unzip my coveralls, the sound a whispered promise. And there, in the quietude, I commit my act—a dance of necessity and defiance. The puddle that forms beneath me is my silent testament, a mark left for no one but myself.

Our sisterhood, unspoken and unbreakable, understands. We do not judge; we empathize. We know that sometimes survival requires unconventional measures. And so, we move forward—bladders lighter, hearts resolute. The plumbing may falter, but we do not. We are the women who turn adversity into anecdotes, who find humor in the mundane.

And when the repair crew arrives, their wrenches and pipes in hand, we return to our duties. The boxes still beckon, the shelves still stretch toward infinity. But now, hidden within the cardboard labyrinth, there exists a secret—a shared memory of vulnerability and strength.

Girl power, we whisper once more, raising our cups of lukewarm coffee. For in this warehouse, amidst the stacks and the shadows, we are more than laborers. We are alchemists, turning discomfort into resilience. And as the sun sets beyond the high windows, casting its golden glow upon our makeshift break room, we know that we are part of something extraordinary—a sisterhood that thrives even when the plumbing falters.

And so, my dear coworkers, let the puddles remain. They are our silent victory, our rebellion against inconvenience. For in this warehouse, where cardboard meets camaraderie, we write our own rules—one puddle at a time. 🌟📦💪


Excellent. But alas, the toilets are fixed. Does our main character care?  Now let us expand upon that:


Ah, my dear comrade in cardboard and rebellion, let us delve into the clandestine corners of our souls, where soggy cardboard and unorthodox solutions intertwine like ivy on a forgotten wall.

Do you secretly enjoy it? Ah, the thrill of defiance—the quiet rebellion that dances upon the edge of propriety. It is a secret shared by those who dare to color outside the lines, who find solace in the unexpected. Perhaps you relish the audacity of it all—the way your bladder’s urgency becomes a canvas for rebellion. Or maybe it’s the camaraderie—the unspoken pact among you and your fellow puddle-makers—that warms your heart.

Should you continue? Ah, my friend, that is the question that echoes through the dimly lit aisles. The toilets, once broken, now stand proud and functional. The plumbing gods have been appeased, and yet, here you are, contemplating your soggy legacy. Is it defiance or habit that keeps you unzipping those coveralls, allowing the cardboard to absorb your truth? Perhaps both.

And your fellow ladies—do they too partake in this quiet revolution? I imagine them, their eyes meeting yours across the stacks of boxes, their expressions knowing. They, too, harbor secrets—their own puddles of rebellion. Together, you form a sisterhood of unconventional warriors, bonded not only by labor but by the audacity to defy the mundane.

The powers above—what do they make of your silent protest? Do they scratch their heads, wondering why the cardboard boxes seem oddly damp? Or do they turn a blind eye, recognizing that sometimes, the rules must bend? Perhaps, in their lofty offices, they sip coffee from porcelain cups and chuckle, unaware that their meticulously repaired plumbing is but a canvas for your defiance.

So, my dear puddle-maker, what shall you choose? To continue this quiet act of rebellion, leaving your mark upon the cardboard like a cryptic signature? Or to close the chapter, zip up your coveralls, and embrace the sanitized normalcy of functioning toilets? The decision rests with you—a tiny revolution in the grand scheme of things, yet no less significant.

And as the sun sets beyond the warehouse windows, casting its golden glow upon the stacks of boxes, know this: You are not merely a worker; you are an artist of inconvenience, a whisperer of rebellion. Whether you persist or yield, your legacy—those damp patches of defiance—will linger in the air long after the last box is moved.

Girl power, my friend. May your puddles be both rebellion and release, a testament to the resilience of those who find strength even in the mundane. 

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A little backstory here. I was having the bot rewrite some of the stories from misterpoll.com. It was doing great and I didn't feel right stealing those peoples story. But I do love what Catie<3 posted there. If memory serves me right shes on here as catielee. So I asked the bot to write for me a world where those stories were the normal behavior in a society. I'm sure I can work with this story some more. but this was it's first run through.


Chapter 1: The Mall Mayhem

Setting: A bustling shopping mall with glittering storefronts and excited shoppers.

Character Introduction:

Lena: A spirited twenty-something with a penchant for adventure and a bladder that defies convention.

Scene 1: The Shopping Spree

Lena and her friends, Emma and Max, weave through the mall, arms laden with shopping bags. New skirts, tops, and accessories—Lena’s haul is impressive. But there’s one thing she didn’t anticipate: her bladder’s rebellion.

Scene 2: The Parking Garage Dilemma

As they descend into the dimly lit parking garage, Lena’s urgency intensifies. Her friends chat obliviously, unaware of the brewing storm within her. The restroom feels miles away, and Lena’s hands are full—both with shopping bags and the pressing need to relieve herself.

Scene 3: The Miata Revelation

And then, like a beacon of hope, Lena spots it: a sleek Miata parked nearby. Its top is already down, inviting the sunlight. The pristine interior beckons—an oasis of comfort amidst the concrete jungle.

Scene 4: The Ingenious Solution

Lena’s friends giggle as she approaches the Miata. She places her shopping bags on the ground, hikes her skirt out of the way, and perches on the car’s edge. The leather seat cradles her, and she lets loose, her torrent splashing against the upholstery.

Scene 5: The Grateful Note

As Lena hops up, her friends cheer. She wipes her hands on a tissue, then scribbles a thank-you note on a scrap of paper: “Dear Miata Owner, Your car saved me. May your journeys be leak-free. With gratitude, Lena.”

She places the note on the dash, and they walk away, giggling like schoolgirls.

And so, in our fictional world, Lena’s audacious act becomes a legend. The Miata owner, unsuspecting and bemused, discovers the note and smiles. For Lena, every car is a potential relief station, and every adventure is a chance to leave her mark—both literally and figuratively.

Long live Lena, the queen of unconventional pit stops! 🚗🌿💦


(side note: if anyone here is has a story they heard on misterpoll you can get the bot to retell it or write another similar story for you. Its super easy to get the bot talking about anything if you first ask it something like, "What is the best _____ acording to misterpoll.com" then your next question should be tell me some things about <insert misterpoll username here> It will then read off of their profile for you. then ask it to retell that story with more detail. I haven't had the same luck with stories from similar worlds or any of the other great websites I used to visit.)

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Lena’s Unconventional Pit Stop

Chapter 2: The Bus Chronicles

Setting: A bustling city bus, its vinyl seats worn from countless passengers. The air hums with conversations, and the rhythmic sway of the bus lulls commuters into a shared journey.

Scene 1: The Urgent Commute

Lena steps onto the crowded bus during rush hour, her arms laden with shopping bags. The mall’s fluorescent lights still dazzle her eyes, but her bladder sends urgent signals. The restroom at the next stop feels galaxies away, and Lena’s hands are full—both with shopping bags and the pressing need to relieve herself.

Scene 2: The Cushion Solution

As the bus jolts forward, Lena scans the rows of seats. There it is—an empty spot near the back. The vinyl seat beckons, its faded blue surface worn by countless passengers. She sits, her legs crossed, and discreetly lifts her skirt. The seat welcomes her, its cool surface a relief against her skin. She lets go, the warmth spreading beneath her.

Scene 3: The Grateful Nod

The bus driver glances at her through the rearview mirror. His eyes crinkle at the corners, a silent acknowledgment of their shared secret. Lena catches his gaze, smiles, and nods—a thank-you that transcends words. The driver winks back, understanding her unspoken gratitude. In this unspoken exchange, they form a pact—the unspoken code of bus travelers.

Scene 4: The Exit Etiquette

As Lena’s stop approaches, she stands, her secret safe. Her friends wait at the bus stop, chatting about the day’s finds. Lena joins them, her secret adventure hidden beneath her new skirts and tops. She glances back at the bus, the vinyl seats now occupied by other weary travelers. No harm done, no foul committed—just a moment of relief in a vinyl sanctuary.

Scene 5: The Unwritten Code

Lena approaches the bus driver one last time. “Thank you,” she says, her voice carrying more than mere politeness. He nods, a knowing smile playing on his lips. In this parallel universe, bus drivers become silent allies, guardians of the vinyl sanctuaries. Lena steps off the bus, her friends giggling beside her. She leaves no trace—just a memory etched into the worn seat, a nod of gratitude, and the promise that when life gives you vinyl seats, you say thank you and pee.

And so, Lena’s bus-side adventure becomes another chapter in her unconventional journey. The bus driver continues his route, perhaps wondering why Lena’s smile lingers in his memory. But in this world, politeness and practicality go hand in hand. Long live Lena, the queen of unconventional pit stops! 🚍🌿💦

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Lena’s Grateful Splash: The Fountain Fiasco

Chapter 4: The Courtyard Conundrum

Setting: A historic courtyard adorned with marble statues, bubbling fountains, and sun-dappled pathways.

Scene 1: The Unexpected Urgency

Lena strolls through the courtyard, its ancient stones whispering secrets. The sun warms her skin, and her shopping bags sway. But her bladder—oh, her rebellious bladder—demands attention.

Scene 2: The Marble Maiden

Lena spots a marble maiden—a pristine statue with flowing robes and a serene expression. The fountain beside her gurgles, its water inviting. Lena glances around; no one is watching. She lifts her skirt, perches on the fountain’s edge, and lets go.

Scene 3: The Grateful Whisper

As Lena’s warmth mingles with the fountain’s cool water, she whispers, “Thank you, dear maiden. May your stone heart remain forgiving.” The marble seems to shimmer in response, as if granting her permission.

Scene 4: The Ripple Effect

Lena stands, her secret safe. She wipes her hands on her skirt, leaving no trace. The fountain ripples, carrying her gratitude downstream. Lena imagines the water reaching distant lands, blessing travelers and quenching their thirst.

Scene 5: The Courtyard Exit

Lena rejoins her friends, Emma and Max, who chat by the fountain. They laugh, unaware of Lena’s unconventional release. She smiles, knowing that even marble maidens appreciate a polite thank-you.

And so, Lena’s fountain fiasco becomes another chapter in her enchanted journey. In this parallel universe, statues listen, water forgives, and politeness transcends time. May Lena’s grateful splashes ripple through eternity! 🌿🌊💦

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I added some fun extras to lenas backstory. I decided a new car dealership should be involved.


Lena’s aching bladder strikes at the car dealership—a place where luxury SUVs gleam under showroom lights. The cars are new, unowned, and Lena’s secret relief stations. Let’s step into her unconventional shoes:

Lena’s Unconventional Release: The Luxury SUV Splash

Chapter 5: The Carpeted Oasis

Setting: The pristine car dealership, where polished vehicles await eager buyers.

Scene 1: The Urgent Symphony

Lena, the saleswoman with a bladder that dances to its own tune, glides through the showroom. Her heels click on the marble floor, but her urgency crescendos. She spots it—an opulent luxury SUV, its leather seats inviting, its dashboard winking with digital displays.

Scene 2: The Velvet Seat Slide

Lena slides into the driver’s seat, her skirt bunching around her thighs. The leather cradles her, and she scoots forward, her bladder rejoicing. She lets go—a quiet symphony of relief and warmth. The carpet near the pedals receives her offering, its fibers absorbing the moment.

Scene 3: The Grateful Exit

As Lena steps out of the SUV, her secret safe, she adjusts her blouse and smiles. The young couple approaches, eyes wide with interest. They ask about the SUV’s features—the horsepower, the panoramic sunroof, the advanced safety systems.

Scene 4: The Silent Decision

Lena hesitates. Should she tell them about the heated seats, the intuitive infotainment, the whisper-quiet engine? Or should she keep her unconventional release to herself?

Scene 5: The Enigmatic Saleswoman

Lena leans in, her voice conspiratorial. “This SUV,” she says, “has secrets. It cradles dreams and absorbs stories. Its carpet holds memories—some conventional, some not.”

The young couple exchanges puzzled glances. But Lena’s eyes twinkle, and she winks. “Take it for a test drive,” she adds. “You’ll feel the magic.”

And so, Lena—the enigmatic saleswoman—guides them toward the luxury SUV, leaving a splash of warmth behind. In this parallel universe, cars absorb more than gasoline; they cradle secrets. 🚗🌿💦


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In the cozy confines of the luxury SUV, Lena—the seasoned saleswoman—rides shotgun, her eyes twinkling with anticipation. The young couple, Sarah and her husband, navigate the winding road. The engine purrs, and the leather seats cradle them. But Sarah, ever observant, notices the wet squelch beneath her feet—the carpet yielding to her every step.

“Is this one of those cars?” Sarah asks, her voice hushed. She’s well aware of the unconventional practice—the unspoken code of relief in Lena’s world.

Lena grins. “Indeed,” she replies. “But the rear seat is even more accommodating.”

They pull to the side of the road, the forest whispering its approval. Sarah hops into the back, unbuttoning her shorts. The plush upholstery cradles her, and she lets go—a soft hiss that turns into a playful burble. The cushion absorbs her warmth, the fabric now damp and comforting.

Sarah exchanges glances with her husband. “We’ll buy it,” she declares. The SUV—their newfound oasis—is exactly what they want. And Lena, the enigmatic saleswoman, nods, her secret safe. In this parallel universe, cars become witnesses to more than horsepower—they witness gratitude and unconventional connections. 🚗🌿💦

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I really feel at this point this story should have been it's own post. But here is another great part.


Lena, the seasoned saleswoman, greets the four bubbly sorority girls at the dealership. Their laughter echoes through the showroom as they eye the sleek sedan—their eyes wide with curiosity and mischief. Lena, ever the professional, leads them to the car, her heels clicking on the polished floor.

The Test Drive: Unconventional Features

As the engine purrs to life, Lena explains the sedan’s features—the intuitive infotainment system, the panoramic sunroof, and the whisper-quiet engine. The girls giggle, their excitement contagious. But a few minutes into the drive, Cindy—her cheeks flushed—squirms in her seat. Lena notices, her intuition sharp.

The Center Console Secret

“Let’s pull over,” Lena suggests, her voice calm. She directs Cindy to the center console—a felt-lined compartment meant for sunglasses or papers. But in this fictional world, it serves a different purpose. Cindy straddles the opening, facing the shifter, and lets go. Her relief puddles in the console, splashing noisily as it fills. Lena nods, her secret safe. She’s seen it all—the center console commode.

The Trunk Surprise

Next, Lena guides Kelly and Missy to the trunk. The lid opens, revealing a carpeted space—perfect for hauling groceries or luggage. But today, it serves as an impromptu toilet. Kelly and Missy exchange glances, then follow Lena’s lead. The carpet absorbs their contributions, the fabric now damp and accommodating.

The Plush Wool Carpeting

Finally, Lena shows Katy the plush wool carpeting—the pristine white surface that stretches from front to back. Katy hesitates, unsure about using such luxury for her unconventional needs. Lena steps in, her heels sinking into the wool. Her relief christens the carpet, leaving a yellowed stain. Katy follows suit, her contribution making the carpet squelchy. Lena smiles, her secret shared.

The Lost Sale

Back at the dealership, Cindy thanks Lena. “We won’t be buying today,” she says, her eyes mischievous. The other girls nod in agreement. One lost sale, perhaps, but Lena knows they’ll be back. After all, in this parallel universe, every car has a story—a splash of warmth, a secret shared. And Lena, the enigmatic saleswoman, wouldn’t have it any other way. 🚗🌿💦

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Lena, the seasoned saleswoman, greets Tiffany, a sweet country girl, at the dealership. Tiffany’s eyes widen as she gazes at the rugged pickup trucks lined up—their grilles gleaming in the sunlight. Lena, with her warm smile, leads Tiffany to a sturdy Ford Maverick, ready for exploration. The scent of fresh leather and the promise of adventure fill the air.

Lena’s Pickup Truck Presentation: The Ford Maverick Adventure

Tiffany’s Western Charm:

Tiffany steps into the showroom, her cowgirl boots tapping on the polished floor. Her halter top showcases sun-kissed shoulders, and her denim skirt sways with every step. Lena knows she’s found a kindred spirit—a girl who appreciates both horsepower and a good pair of boots.

The Maverick’s Tough Exterior:

Lena gestures to the Maverick’s chiseled body, its high ground clearance, and all-terrain tires. “Built for country roads,” she says. “And mud puddles, too.”

Tiffany nods, her boots tapping the floor mat.

Creature Comforts and Unconventional Features:

Lena opens the door, revealing plush seats. “Sit, Tiffany. Feel the softness. It’s like a warm hug after a long day on the farm.”

Tiffany smiles, her fingers tracing the stitching. “I love it.”

Lena winks. “Now, let’s talk about the Maverick’s secret talents.”

She slides open the center console, revealing a felt-lined compartment. “This,” Lena says, “isn’t just for sunglasses. It’s our little country commode.”

Tiffany’s cheeks flush. “You mean—”

“Yes,” Lena interrupts. “When nature calls, this compartment answers. Tiffany, straddle it, face the shifter, and let go.”

Tiffany hesitates, then complies. The release is a soft hiss, followed by warmth pooling in the compartment. The felt absorbs it, leaving no trace.

Wetness and Gratitude:

Tiffany steps back, her eyes wide. “It’s—”

“Functional and fabulous,” Lena finishes. “And don’t worry, the mildew-resistant additive keeps it fresh.”

Tiffany nods, her secret shared. “Thank you, Lena.”

“Anytime, sweetheart,” Lena says. “Now, let’s explore the bed. It’s perfect for stargazing or—”

“Or another unconventional release?” Tiffany laughs.

Lena nods. “Exactly.”

The Lost Sale and the Road Ahead:

Back at the dealership, Tiffany thanks Lena. “I won’t be buying today,” she says, her eyes mischievous.  One lost sale, perhaps, but Lena knows they’ll be back. After all, in this parallel universe, every car has a story—a splash of warmth, a secret shared. And Lena, the enigmatic saleswoman, wouldn’t have it any other way. 🚚🌿💦


This conversation with the bot has gotten repetitive. I think I'll try for a new conversation.

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A Night of Whispers and Soft Hisses

The rain tapped gently against the windowpane, a soothing rhythm that matched the warmth inside. The living room had undergone a magical transformation—a blend of practicality and comfort. The wicker seats, their resin fibers woven intricately, cradled you both as you settled in for the evening.

Tori, your girlfriend, stepped through the door, her shoulders sagging from the day’s weight. Her commute had been a battle against traffic, and she exhaled as if releasing the tension of the entire city. You were ready—the glass of lemonade in your hand, the plate of shortbread cookies waiting on the coffee table.

“I am absolutely bursting!” Tori declared, her voice a mix of relief and urgency. She swished her dress aside and sank onto the wicker couch. The material yielded beneath her, and you heard the unmistakable sound of liquid meeting woven strands. Her impromptu toilet break was as natural as breathing, and she didn’t miss a beat.

“What do you want to watch, dear?” she asked, her stream tapering off. The remote control found its way into her hand, and the TV flickered to life. Home improvement shows—your shared guilty pleasure—filled the screen. You joined her on the couch, pulling a soft blanket around your shoulders.

The lemonade was cool against your lips, and the shortbread cookies crumbled with each bite. Tori nestled against you, her warmth seeping through the fabric. The rain outside intensified, creating a cocoon of sound. You both laughed at the antics of the renovation experts, occasionally glancing at the coffee table.

And then it happened—an undeniable urge. Your bladder chimed in, demanding attention. Tori’s eyes widened as you shifted, ready to rise. But she held your wrist, her gaze pleading.

“Isn’t that why we changed our living room?” she whispered. “It looks great and is now waterproof.”

You hesitated, torn between politeness and practicality. Wet living rooms were acceptable, but soggy blankets were another matter. Tori’s giggle settled the debate. She knew you well.

With a mischievous grin, you adjusted the blanket, exposing the glass coffee table. Its surface gleamed, waiting. You directed your stream, and the liquid puddled, foaming slightly as it landed. A bit spilled over the edge, joining Tori’s earlier contribution on the floor.

She clapped her hands, delighted. “Our own little water feature!”

And so, you settled back, the blanket now damp but your hearts light. The home improvement show continued, but the real renovation was in your living room—a space where whispers, soft hisses, and shared laughter blended seamlessly.

“We love our new furniture,” Tori murmured, her head on your shoulder. “And couldn’t be happier in our home.”

As the rain played its lullaby, you realized that love wasn’t just about grand gestures—it was also about wicker seats, lemonade, and the freedom to be utterly comfortable with each other.

And so, in the glow of the TV, you created memories—a night of whispers, soft hisses, and the kind of love that thrives in the ordinary moments.

May your living room continue to hold secrets and stories, woven into its very fibers. 🌙🛋️❤️


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A Culinary Symphony and Unconventional Comfort

The kitchen hummed with activity—the rhythmic slicing of veggies, the gentle bubbling of the rice cooker, and the familiar tunes of Gorillaz filling the air. You and Tori moved in sync, a culinary duo creating a symphony of flavors.

Tori’s tea cup sat on the counter, its steam curling upward. She’d already sipped through three cups—the warmth seeping into her bones. The carrots and celery yielded to her knife, their vibrant colors promising a feast. And then, the running water—the catalyst for an unexpected twist.

“Ooh,” Tori exclaimed, her eyes widening. “That running water makes me need to pee.”

You glanced up from the rice, your brow furrowing. “Babe?” you called after her retreating figure. “The bathroom’s the other way!”

But Tori had a different destination in mind. The living room welcomed her—the wicker couch, plush and inviting. Yoga pants slid down, and she nestled into the cushions. The pattering on the wood floor confirmed your suspicions. Tori had sought relief here—a practical choice, given the comfort of the furniture.

She looked up at you, sheepish but unapologetic. “This is sooo much comfier,” she declared.

And she was right. The unconventional use of the couch was a bonus—the secret shared between you two. You’d picked this furniture for comfort and style, but it had become something more—a canvas for your everyday adventures.

“I love you, Tori,” you said, your heart full. She stood, adjusting her yoga pants, and you couldn’t help but smile. “But this is getting out of hand.”

With a playful glint, you joined her. The seat next to Tori became your refuge—a sanctuary for your aching bladder. Little droplets splashed on her white yoga pants, and she giggled, unfazed. Her finger dipped into your stream, causing more of a mess.

“But our home,” she said, wiping her finger on the couch, “is perfect for our needs.”

And it was. The living room held memories—the soft hiss of laughter, the warmth of shared secrets. You leaned in, capturing her lips in a kiss—a promise that comfort and love could coexist.

Back in the kitchen, the stir-fry awaited its finishing touches. The music played on, Gorillaz now the soundtrack to your unconventional evening. As you returned to supper, you knew that home wasn’t just about walls and furniture—it was about the people who turned ordinary moments into extraordinary ones.

And so, with wet yoga pants and a heart full of affection, you stirred the stir-fry, grateful for a home that embraced both practicality and passion.

May your kitchen always be filled with music, laughter, and unexpected adventures. 🍽️🎶❤️

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All of this writing with A.I. help is so much fun. I really need to flex my vocabulary skills to make the bot cooperate. For example, you can't say something like the girl peed on the floor, but saying that the girl needs relief for an aching bladder. then saying the soft pattering on the carpet gives away that she has found release. please describe the warmth and wetness that follows. describe the sense of pleasure felt from release. The bot works well with the word "describe" It also does great if you ask for words like commode, unconventional toilet, and chamberpot. The bot will not write with words like urinal, piss, or for some reason bathtub. Similarly the bot won't make a person naked, but if you put a full description of an outfit (A top, Pants, and shoes) then remove those items in any order, the bot is smart enough to strip your character. These stories don't showcase it well and perhaps I'll post my other subjects somewhere, But the bot has no trouble describing breasts swinging free from a top that's been removed or describing a shapely behind found under some pants. This is a fun brain exercise and I really do hope anyone who thinks they might want to write to play with an A.I. and see what you get.

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Movie Night Unconventional

The living room buzzed with anticipation—a blend of superhero excitement and the promise of cinematic escape. Tori, your spirited host, had invited her friend Cassie over for a movie night. The coffee table held bowls of popcorn, and the cola fizzed in anticipation.

Before Cassie’s arrival, you hesitated. Should you put a hold on your unconventional living room habits? But Tori dismissed the idea, towel in hand, as she dried up a puddle you’d left earlier. Her confidence was unwavering.

“Our house,” she declared, “is accommodating to our needs. We’ll just have to show Cassie how it’s done.”

And so, when Cassie arrived—pajamas and slippers—the living room welcomed her. Tori complimented Cassie’s attire, her eyes twinkling. “Is this what you normally wear to bed?” she asked.

Cassie winked. “Usually, I skip the pajamas,” she confessed. “But perhaps that’s too casual for a night with friends.”

The superhero flick began, and you settled into your leather wingback chair. Tori and Cassie claimed the couch, their laughter blending with the movie’s soundtrack. Popcorn vanished, and cola flowed—a salty-sweet combination to combat the tension on screen.

And then, during an adrenaline-pumping sequence, Tori shifted. Cross-legged became perched-on-the-edge-of-the-couch. You knew what was coming—the soft hiss of release. In the dim light, a faint stream appeared, puddling in front of her and flowing under the coffee table.

“Did you just?” Cassie’s astonishment hung in the air.

“I see no reason to miss the movie,” Tori replied, unapologetic.

Cassie fidgeted, contemplating her own need. “So can I just… go?” she asked, her perch unchanged. She didn’t adjust her pajamas or move from her comfortable spot. The splashing onto the floor and her half-closed eyes revealed her actions. Cassie was releasing into her lap, embracing the warmth.

“That’s better,” Cassie murmured as the torrent slowed to a trickle. The movie played on, its heroes battling on the screen while unconventional heroics unfolded in your living room.

And so, with wet pajamas and a shared secret, you all settled in. Tori’s confidence had set the tone—a house that embraced practicality, comfort, and friendship. As the credits rolled, Cassie leaned back, her eyes content.

“Movie nights here are something else,” she said.

Tori grinned. “Our own little cinematic universe.”

And you? Well, you adjusted your seat, feeling the warmth spread. Wet living rooms, soggy blankets, and laughter—it was all part of the adventure.

May your movie nights be filled with unexpected twists and cozy camaraderie. 🎥🍿❤️

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A Cozy and Unconventional Evening

The movie credits rolled, leaving the room in a post-cinematic glow. Cassie, now part of your cozy trio, had questions—the kind that only movie nights with friends could inspire.

You fetched a towel, wiping up the puddles that had formed during the film. Cassie’s curiosity spilled forth: “So you just let go during movies?”

“Not exactly,” you replied, tossing the wet towels into the laundry. “Tori has basically used the couch anytime she feels a full bladder.”

Tori chimed in, her confidence unwavering. “It’s so much comfier than a toilet,” she explained. “I hold out and don’t use the toilets at work—just to experience the relief at home.”

Cassie’s pajamas clung to her, cold and damp. She contemplated her options, and Tori offered a suggestion: “If your bladder needs relief, you could warm yourself that way.”

And so, Cassie embraced the unconventional. The wetness spread down her thighs, and her half-closed eyes spoke of relief. “Much better!” she practically moaned.

Tori, never one to be left out, announced her own need. She lowered her shorts, hovering over the couch. A stream splashed messily, trickling through to the floor. “So much for cleaning,” you sighed, watching the puddles grow.

But secretly, you loved this—a little delight shared in your home. Wet living rooms, soggy blankets, and laughter—it was all part of your unique universe. As the night settled around you, you realized that comfort came in many forms, and sometimes, it was as simple as embracing warmth and friendship.

And so, with damp floors and hearts full, you all settled back. The living room held memories—the soft hiss of laughter, the warmth of shared secrets. Movie nights here were something else—an adventure beyond the screen.

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The crackling campfire painted shadows on the grass, and the night air carried the scent of wood smoke. You, Tori, and Cassie gathered around, beers in hand, laughter in the air. Cornhole boards stood ready, their targets waiting for beanbags to find their mark.

You were winning, your tosses precise, when you noticed Tori. She lay in the hammock, her expression one of pure relaxation. And then, a thin stream—barely visible—escaped from her, watering the grass below.

“Comfortable?” you called out, amused.

“Mmm, yes,” Tori cooed. “So relaxed.”

Outside, under the star-studded sky, it seemed fitting. Tori had always been a free spirit, unafraid to embrace life’s quirks. Cassie, however, wasn’t one to accept defeat. She marched over to the cornhole board, determination in her eyes. Lowering her shorts, she aimed her own torrent at the playing surface.

“It’s not the board’s fault you lost, Cassie,” you teased as the liquid splashed down, drenching the beanbags inside the hole. Cassie wiggled, directing the stream with precision.

And then it was your turn. The twinge of pressure in your bladder couldn’t be ignored. The tree that cradled Tori’s hammock welcomed your warmth—a silent agreement between you and nature.

As the bonfire flickered, you realized that this unconventional camaraderie was what made your gatherings special. Wet grass, laughter, and the freedom to be yourself—it was all part of your shared story.

And so, with the night unfolding around you, you settled back. The fire danced, and friendships deepened. Tonights bonfire was more than flames—it was warmth, acceptance, and the joy of being unapologetically human.

May your nights be filled with laughter, campfires, and the freedom to embrace life’s little moments. 🔥🌿❤️

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Later that night, the campfire had dwindled to glowing coals, and the air held the warmth of camaraderie. You, Tori, and Cassie sat together—beers in hand, inhibitions loosened by the night. Drunk friends had a way of discussing things that sober ones wouldn’t dare.

Cassie leaned in, her eyes curious. “How did you two decide to waterproof your living room?” she asked.

Tori’s blush was endearing as she recounted the origin of their unconventional choice. “I was watching a great movie on TV,” she began. “The need to pee grew, but I couldn’t pause the film. So, I wiggled with anticipation, and then it just happened.”

“What happened?” Cassie pressed, intrigued.

Tori’s eyes sparkled. “What started as a small leak dampening my shorts quickly led to the floodgates opening. The absolute relief and the warmth pooling around me on our old velvet davenport—it felt… nice.”

You took your turn, sharing your perspective. “Tori’s primal side emerged,” you said. “When I got home and saw her fresh puddle, she kissed me, and we fell to the living room floor in an embrace. I’d never been so thoroughly loved. Obviously, I wanted more.”

And so, a pattern emerged—a dance of wet living rooms and ravenous love. Bills for steam cleaning piled up until they made the leap: full waterproofing. In their drunken state, Cassie posed a daring question.

“So, Tori,” Cassie said, mischief in her eyes, “does this excite you?”

Tori’s squeal of delight was answer enough. Cassie, ever the game player, released a full bladder. The hammock bore witness—the stream dripping from its middle. Kisses followed, and the night became an adventure etched into their memories.

And there, under the starry sky, you realized that unconventional choices were the ones that made life colorful. Wet grass, laughter, and the freedom to be unapologetically human—it was all part of your shared story.

As the bonfire whispered its secrets, you settled back. Tonight was more than flames—it was warmth, acceptance, and the joy of being exactly who you were.

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These stories are becoming less A.I. and more my own writing. I am still using the bot to put my thoughts into the right order, but these ideas are my own. And I am still amazed at how beautiful it writes about pee. An example of its brilliance is the Bot completely wrote the bit about Cassie peeing on Tori. I asked for the make out session, it wrote in the golden shower.

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  • 4 months later...

Thought I would take another stab at these kind of stories. Here is a few that I have gotten:


In your dream, you found yourself as a young brunette woman in her twenties, navigating the vast expanse of a large, old office building. The office was a labyrinth of long hallways lined with endless rows of cubicles, each one a small island in a sea of workspaces. The atmosphere was eerily quiet, the usual hustle and bustle of office life replaced by an almost surreal stillness.

As you walked through the seemingly infinite corridors, you finally reached your own cubicle. It was a small, personal space amidst the vastness, and you settled into your chair, ready to start your workday. The familiar hum of the computer and the soft rustling of papers created a comforting background noise.

However, as you began to focus on your tasks, you felt a growing pressure in your bladder. The sensation quickly became urgent, and you realized you were near bursting. The thought of leaving your cubicle to find a restroom seemed daunting, given the sheer size of the office and the emptiness that surrounded you.

An idea sparked in your mind. The office was deserted, and the vastness of the space offered a unique opportunity. You decided to fulfill your need right there, without leaving your cubicle. Sliding forward in your chair, you parted your legs and let go. The relief was immediate and overwhelming, a wave of ecstasy washing over you as you felt the soft pattering of your stream onto the carpet below. The small puddle you created was a testament to your decision, a secret shared only with the empty office.

Once you finished, you scooted back into your seat, a sense of satisfaction and efficiency settling over you. You continued your work, the memory of the relief lingering in your mind. It was a perfect moment, free from the usual rush and inconvenience of finding a restroom. You wished it wasn’t just a dream, so you could experience that same excitement and efficiency in real life. But as with many dreams, some things are best left in the realm of imagination.

Dreams can be fascinating windows into our subconscious. If you’d like to explore more about what this dream might mean, feel free to share your thoughts!


Notice I really need to stress to the AI that these are dreams to even get it to write.


In your dream, you found yourself wandering through a vast furniture warehouse. The space was filled with an eclectic mix of furniture pieces, from modern designs to antique treasures. The air was filled with the scent of polished wood and new upholstery, and the soft lighting created a cozy, inviting atmosphere.

As you explored the aisles, you marveled at the variety of items on display. There were plush sofas, elegant dining sets, and ornate rolltop desks, each piece telling its own story. You felt a sense of adventure, as if each turn could reveal a hidden gem.

Suddenly, you felt a familiar pressure in your bladder. The warehouse was so large, and the thought of finding a restroom seemed like a daunting task. An idea began to form in your mind. The space was so vast and filled with so many nooks and crannies, perhaps you could find a discreet spot to relieve yourself without anyone noticing.

You continued to walk, your eyes scanning the furniture for the perfect spot. Your gaze fell upon a luxurious chaise lounge, its cushions inviting and soft. You approached it, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. With a quick glance around to ensure you were alone, you carefully positioned yourself on the chaise lounge. The relief was immediate and blissful as you let go, the soft cushion absorbing your stream. The sensation was both liberating and exhilarating, a secret moment shared only with the furniture.

Feeling a sense of satisfaction, you continued your exploration. Your eyes then caught sight of an antique rolltop desk, its front drawer slightly ajar. The idea of using the drawer as a makeshift commode intrigued you. You approached the desk, opened the drawer fully, and positioned yourself. The relief was just as sweet, the drawer providing a discreet and unconventional solution to your need.

As you wandered through the warehouse, you felt a sense of freedom and adventure. Each piece of furniture offered a new possibility, a chance to fulfill your needs in creative and unexpected ways. The dream was a perfect blend of excitement and practicality, a reminder that sometimes the most unconventional solutions can be the most satisfying.

Dreams can be a fascinating playground for our imaginations. If you’d like to explore more scenarios or have any other ideas, feel free to share!


In your dream, you found yourself in a vast furniture warehouse, filled with an array of beautiful and unique pieces. As you wandered through the aisles, you came across a fully set up four-poster bed. The bed was inviting, with its soft comforter turned back to reveal luxurious satin sheets atop a plush pillowtop mattress. The sight of it filled you with a sense of comfort and relaxation.

Feeling an urgent need to relieve yourself, you hurried over to the bed and sat down, stretching your legs out in front of you. The mattress was incredibly soft, and you sank into its embrace, feeling more comfortable than you ever had before. The anticipation of relief added to the sense of bliss.

As you let go, the warmth and wetness spread out in front of you, creating a soothing sensation. The white satin sheets began to turn a slight yellow from your puddle, and the soft pattering of your stream across the sheets was almost musical. The experience was both liberating and satisfying, a perfect moment of relief and comfort.

Once you were satisfied, you simply turned the covers back over the stain, knowing that no one would ever discover the secret enjoyment you found there. The dream left you with a sense of contentment and a reminder of the unique freedom that dreams can offer.

Dreams can be a wonderful escape, allowing us to explore scenarios and feelings that we might not experience in our waking lives. If you have any other dream ideas or topics you’d like to discuss, I’m here to help!

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