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Keeping up with the Jonses.

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Includes peeing, desperation and relief.

Evelyn was Mary's best friend, they had been friends many years. Fred was Evelyn's  husband, Tom was his best bud and Mary's guy.  

They decided on hiking on a beautiful day, so each couple got ready. The Smith's, Mary and Tom then Fred and Evelyn the Jones's. 

They hiked and hiked going up hill then down until desperation started setting in, the guys just stoped pulled down their pants and  underwear and let go pee going steadily out of their corks, then once it died down stopping  shaking and pulling up their clothing, looking at the puddle made before continuing. 

The girls on the other hand had to find a secluded spot 1st, then pull down their pants and  underwear, squatting or sitting right on a rock bare bottomed  and letting go, pee cascading out of their pussy and splashing unto the ground beneath forming a giant puddle steadily streaming and hissing 1 min then slowing down and continuing 1 min more  before stoping and dripping, them wiping and pulling up underwear and pants then sanitizing hands and continued. 

Anyways it went like this for the longest time but there came a point the Smith's had a hard time keeping up with the Jones's. When they were at the top and the Jones's nearer the bottom. The couples split up going into bushes together. Keeping up with the Jones was a hard cry as they helped each other find relief. Holding clothing down, singing, steadying themselves.  

The Smith's were a quiet couple who kept to themselves and did things individually each person. The hike was a long one and the trees not very secluded but try as they might the Smiths were no Jones's. 

The relief was short lived though and each person desperately had to pee again.  Mary and Tom at the top and Evelyn and Fred the bottom. The guys each took a turn pulling clothing down and holding corks and peeing. Then pulling clothing up. The girls then  squatted, pulled clothing off and peed a steady stream out of their pussy for a few min, each little river becoming 1 massive lake as they each continued to pee, then the pee  turned to drips they wiped and put clothing back on. Sanitized and finished hiking. 

The only time was at these stops otherwise the Smiths were having trouble keeping up with the Jones's. They finished hiking and went home. Relieved and figured out how to be helpful next time as the Smith's kept up to the Jones's. 




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