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Exeter Cathedral

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I was looking at some old photographs and found one of myself at Exeter Cathedral, this reminded me of this story.

Many years age I was asked with a few lads to go to the cathedral on a Friday evening for a rehearsal for a ceremony on the Saturday. To get there someone from one of the Plymouth churches was going to drive a small mini-bus.

On the Friday at about 5pm I drove to this church yard to meet someone with the bus, when I got there, there has a mother and her teenage daughter with the bus. We drove around to a number of other churches picking up the other lads, and onto the A38 to Exeter. We arrived at the cathedral around 7pm., and entered across the quadrangle to the side door of the chapter house. In side we had a cup of coffee as we were told who was to do what, our rehearsal was going to be the second of the two and so the tree of use sat to the chapter house side of the cathedral and the mother and daughter sat with a few others in the nave.

Around 8.45pm. one of the other two lads asked me if I know where the toilets were, I said yes and we all went together. We left the cathedral by the chapter house door and walked diagonally to the left across the grass in the quadrangle to the old gents, (now replaced with disabled, gents and ladys on two levels) the only light was from the moon through a foggy sky. We returned to the cathedral the same way, as I was going in the door the mother and daughter appeared behind me from my right, and with that we were called for our rehearsal. When our rehearsal was over, (around 9:30pm) only the mother was there and when we got to the bus the daughter was already in the front passenger seat, we drove home dropping the lads off on the way, dropping the daughter home before taking the mini-bus back to the church yard and to my car. As I drove the mother home she told me what had happened at the cathedral.

When us tree had come out of the chapter house to go to the gents she and her daughter had been in the corner of the quadrangle both having a wee wee, her daughter panicked and tried to stop peeing and pull up her knickers and jeans but could not stop and wet herself, the mother was ok and had just dropped her skirt back into place, when they saw we were walking diagonally on the grass they continued with there pees. when we returned to the door they also had finished and returned with use, but in the light from the door way the daughter was embarrassed with her very wet jeans and so they both went back to the bus. At the bus the daughter took off her jeans and the mother tried to blot them dry with a news paper, then the daughter had removed her knickers and thrown them under the bus before putting her damp jeans back on and sat on a glossy magazine all the way home.

Why if only I had done as the sign said, 'Keep off the grass@ and so walked around the quadrangle I would have caught both females with there knickers down.

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