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A Fresh Start

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I don't post frequently enough to presume any sort of continuity for regular readers of this forum, but in brief-- I left my long-term partner this past summer after stagnating in unhappiness and despair together for several years.

I did not expect to fall into a relationship so soon, but about a month after course-correcting my life onto a path towards happiness and contentment, I met a beautiful woman seeing a show at a local venue in my city. After asking if I could take the seat next to her at the bar, we spent the whole evening and night together and quickly fell for each other over the past several months. I am experiencing genuine, reciprocated love for the first time! 

Out of respect for her privacy, I will refer to her as Angie. Angie has endometriosis, and it makes her prone to bladder infections. If she holds her pee for too long it becomes excruciatingly painful as the lining of her bladder experiences an allergic reaction to some component of pee. So when she has to go, she will go, and has no problems peeing in front of others, so long as she is comfortable and strangers aren't at great risk of seeing her relieve herself.

She recounted to me dozens of times of when she had a car at bars and venues in our city, if the line for the women's bathroom was too long, she would quickly rush our to her car and pee into a wide-mouth jar she kept in there specifically for relieving herself with some privacy. She told me that she would pull her panties out of the way while squatted in her backseat, hold the jar up to her pussy (nicely concealed by a full bush of soft, dark hair) and fill it, taking care to capture all drips and squirts necessary to ensure she wouldn't be in pain. She would then rearrange herself, putting her panties back into place and lowering her dress, and gingerly dump the warm jar of pee onto the street before returning to the venue. Unfortunately her car was totalled in an accident, taking her pee jar with it, but I've started keeping a jar in my car in preparation for the road trips we have planned! I had not been previously excited by the thought of someone peeing into containers or in cars but her recounts quickly changed my mind. 

I will be following up shortly with more positive pee developments! 


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I've experienced an unfortunate amount of kink-shaming from previous partners. My ex would indulge me on occasion when I would ask her to pee outside for me when she was drunk(so long as she was comfortable doing so), and recount to me times when she and her friends would be caught short on nights out, or at parties, but she would always tell me that she felt disgusted that I was turned on by peeing and would use it against me, calling me sick and a freak when we would fight. I never thought this was fair, as I have very little say in the matter as to what turns me on and thought it was quite tame that I just was interested in seeing and hearing about people pee, in public places mostly. 

I was very nervous to end up in a relationship where I would have to hide aspects of my life and libido from my partner again so I was very upfront with Angie from the start. I told her that I was turned on by her peeing (something she did with my bathroom door, open, unprompted) and turned on at the thought of her peeing outside. She told me she quickly figured out how I felt because of how I would, unsubtly, slow down and smile every time she would use the bathroom. She has a very hissy pee with a stream that sprays in a tight fan that is just a delight to listen to as it splashes into the water and across the porcelain! She invited me to watch and listen every time, so long as she leaves the door open. 

And when it comes to peeing outside, she said she would typically avoid it to prevent any chance of a stranger seeing her. As a woman, squatting down and bearing your genitals to relieve your bladder is a risky proposition, hence the backseat pee jar she would routinely fill! She did tell me she has no problems peeing outside when she is desperate, and told me about the last time she peed outside, a few weeks into us dating-- on a brief hike at a farm preserve a few miles outside of the local airport, she was staying hydrated on a hot day and realized she desperately needed to drain her bladder about halfway around the trail. There were people about, and it would be too long to walk back to the parking lot where the porta-potties or her pee jar were, so she decided she had to find somewhere to squat and pee. She quickly ducked off the trail and made it a ways back and away from any passing hikers or prying eyes, finding a wide tree to provide her sufficient cover. She lowered her purple leggings and thong panties and dropped into a squat, and told me she started peeing almost immediately. The puddle in the dirt below her grew rapidly as she emptied her bladder, and she told me she had to continuously spread her legs until her pussy was almost touching the dirt to accomodate how much she had to pee. As she finished, not wanting to risk a bladder infection, she forced herself to squirt as much as she could out, splashing into the puddle around her feet. I could not help myself but pick her up and THROW her into bed after listening to her describe her desperation and relief!! 

More to come, very shortly!

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