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The Last Year (JAV inspired story)

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"Kyoto Cravings.." Kakuji said out loud as he parked his Bently in the garage underneath the restaurant. No saki, and ramen for lunch today. Today he was eating Wagu. Not just any Wagyu, but the most expensive Wagyu, at the most expensive restaurant in town.

"Kakuji!" Joi and Eiji bowed to him outside the entrance. "I hope you have a big appetite." Joi said. "Eiji and I like to sample a variety of dishes."

"Sounds great." Kakuji nodded.

Joi did not like the look in Kakuji's eyes. He was angry, but about what?  

Kakuji followed them in but the manager ran right around them. "Kakuji!" He bowed. The hostess appeared just as baffled as them.  

"We'd like a table for three." Eiji told the hostess.  

"Mosaka, I will take care of this." The manager told the hostess. "Please come with me." He ushered the men to a table near the window where they could see the lake. "Would you like to start with a bottle of eighteen year old Yamazaki whiskey?"

"Yes please!" Eiji smiled.

"Looks like I will be calling my driver." Kakuji told Joi.

"We probably will too." Joi smiled. The intense look on Kakuji's face still bothered him. Maybe he would relax after a little alcohol.




Tsubomi, and Emi sat with Daichi, and Emihiko at a small table in the corner of the cafeteria.

"They're up to something." Raku said.

"I don't even want to know." Takehiko laughed.

"Me either." Raku looked over at the table where Mari and Akari sat with Aoi and Maki. "Is Hana really Yakuza?"

"She is," Takehiko said quietly..


Mari was joking with Aoi and Maki about something but Akari was not really listening. Her mind was on Genji. He seemed so much more masculine than any of the boys she had ever had sex with. She loved it when a boy was in top of her, super turned on, breathing hotly in her face, fiercely pumping his rock hard cock deep inside her. It never lasted long enough…

Akari forced herself to finish lunch. She could barely eat, but she was thirstier than normal. She drank tea, juice, and a bottle of water. "See you guys later." She excused herself.


"I'm telling you, Akari is doing it with the hot librarian guy." Tsubomi watched Akari leave. "She runs to the library between every class. This morning I saw Ms leave in her car. She looked really angry."

Daichi and Emihiko looked skeptical but Emi knew Tsubomi was good at calling this sort of thing. There seemed to be truth to Tsubomi's hunch that Ms Tachi was doing it with Mr Tanaka , and the Principal was doing his secretary.

"Emi let's go piss in the library. You guys can film us!" Tsubomi smirked anxiously. "Ms Miyamota is gone, and Mr Jirokichi will be preoccupied with Akari."

Daichi caught his breath, "You're sure about Akari? You're sure Mr Jirokichi won't catch us?"

"Relax!" Emi laughed. "We piss in the library all the time. The only difference is that this time you will film us."

"Daichi relax," Tsubomi grinned. " This will just be a trial run, that we can experiment with for the deep fakes."




The library was dead silent empty. There was no sign of Genji, or Saiko. Akari's heart pounded as she ventured towards the door in the back where she had first heard Genji and Saiko talking.. She liked calling Genji by his first name. It made her feel more mature and experienced with men. Saiko, and perhaps even Shiori, were her competition. Not her young classmates.

Akari looked around apprehensively, took a breath, opened the door, ever so slightly, and poked her head in. She heard a strange splashing sound! She crept up the bookcase and peeked around it.  

Mr Jirokichi stood facing the desk, holding his limp exposed cock, peeing into the desks bottom drawer. He shook it off, put it back into his pants, and zipped up.

"Gen-ji?" Akari's voice shook slightly. She sounded like a nervous young girl rather than a confident older woman.

Genji flinched noticeably. He faced Akari with a shocked look on his face.  

"Gen-ji!" Akari approached him.

"Akari?" He knew her name.

"Genji.." Akari stopped at the open drawer, and pulled her panties down. "Well.." She squatted over the drawer. "Well.. are you? Are you.. ready to.. to fuck me?" She really did need to pee and there was a 'hiss' as her piss splashed noisily into the drawer. It was unexpectedly embarrassing. She really had to go and she could not stop! She peed on.. and on. The amused look on his face was not what she had been shooting for.

"Akari." Genji grinned broadly. "I'm sorry you're a little young.."

"I'm not that young." Akari protested. "I would be in University if I hadn't gotten expelled. But.." She was starting to lose her nerve, "..if you don't want.. to.." 

"Akari.. " Genji eyed her cute little rear as she turned to leave.  

"Ahh!" Akari gasped as Genji almost tackled her. He had her on the ground and was pulling off her clothes – almost before she knew what was happening!




Joi and Eiji talked up a storm, as they ate and drank. They were already on their second bottle of wine. Kokuji learned about their businesses, their experiences in foreign countries, and their future ambitions.

"We should go and check out the swimming class at the school!" Joi said enthusiastically.

"Joi has a thing for young girls in cute little one piece swimsuits." Eiji grinned.

"They're our daughters!" Kokuji groaned. He did not really want to spend the rest of the day at the school, but Tsubomi and Emi had him feeling a bit anxious. How should he deal with that? "Why not.." Kokuji sighed.




Daichi breathlessly followed Tsubomi and Emi into the library. Takehiko would not probably not have had the courage to do what he and Emihiko were going to do, but they were no longer working with Takehiko. Now they were with Tsubomi, and Emi!

Emihiko followed Daichi from a distance. The library appeared completely empty and silent but there could still be people behind the bookcases in places he could not see. Was Akari really with Mr Jirokichi? Had Ms Miyamota really left?

"Daichi!" Tsubomi grinned smugly, and spoke loudly. "You can film down here, and and Emihiko can film up there." She pointed to the second floor. "Here use my I-Phone, and hold it vertically. We want it to look totally amateur."

"Emihiko!" Emi called to him. "Hurry! Now that I'm here I really have to go! You can use my phone."

Emihiko was barely upstairs, and had just turned the camera on the phone on, when Emi ran towards the bookcases, with Daichi chasing her. He just managed to catch her before she disappeared between two bookcases. He kept filming as he hustled along the railing for a better view. He caught her between the bookcases. She pulled down her panties, and squatted. She faced him and he got a good shot of her thick stream of pee that extended a good meter in front of her. Wow, she really did need to go! Emihiko's heart pounded as he filmed. It really did feel like voyeurism!

Daichi filmed from below. He wanted to stay out of Emihiko's way so he stayed close to the wall beneath Emihiko. It kept him further away than he wanted to be but he was able to zoom in on Emi just before she started peeing.

Emi pulled a tissue out of her blouse pocket, wiped, and quickly pulled her panties up. Then she casually walked away.

"Daichi, film me!" Tsubomi called out way to loudly.

Daichi barely caught her as she ran up the stairs. She turned and faced him at the top as she pulled down her panties. She was a good distance away but Daichi got a good shot of her pussy.

Emi shrieked with laughter as a powerful jet of pee arched from Tsubomi's raw hairy pussy and cascaded down the carpeted steps.

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  • 4 weeks later...



Raku snuggled her body against Takehiko backside and put a hand on his swollen crotch as he tried the door at the top of the stairs. "It's locked."

"You just want to do it here?" Raku's panties dripped with wetness as she caressed Takehiko's crotch.

"No, I saw a door open on the second floor of the library.  There was a ladder inside going to the roof."

Raku grinned, "What do you wanna bet our hot librarian has been doing his cosplay assistant up there."

Takehiko nodded. "Let's check it out."




"The doors open!" Takehiko whispered loudly.

"Wait a minute." Raku squatted near the end of a bookcase with her panties around her knees. "Ahh!" A thick stream jetted forward onto the carpet.

Takehiko's heart beat hard as he watched.  This was way more exciting than reviewing the footage from the cameras in the restrooms.  So forbidden, so wrong! He had already spotted several other wet spots and wads of tissue on the library carpet. 

"I love being bad." Raku smirked as she wiped herself with a tissue. "Let's go fuck our brains out!"

The ladder led into a little covered room on the roof.  Just outside was a mattress.




Shiori hurried towards the back of the library.  She stopped halfway down an aisle between two bookcases, pulled down her panties, squatted, and relieved herself urgently without holding back.  Her stream shot so forward that it caught the bottom of the panties around her knees, and splashed messily on the carpet a good meter in front of her. Screw it! She would just put the panties into a plastic bag in her purse.  Why wear panties?

Shiori sighed, should she tell Genji that she had clued Daichi in on his whereabouts?  She had been angry at Genji for cheating Daichi – now she liked him for it.  And he was kinda cute..

Shiori caught a glimpse, through a space between some books, of a door open on the far wall.  Genji exited cautiously followed by Akari.  He turned back to Akari, aggressively grabbed her, and pulled her close. Akari put her hand on his crotch as they kissed.  

"Well doesn't that figure." Shiori wiped herself with a tissue, and pulled her damp panties up without thinking.  She watched Genji put a finger to his lips as they parted.  He walked right past the end of the aisle without even noticing her. 

Akari stopped and looked right at Shiori.

Shiori made a face "Just fuck Genji?" 

Akari pulled her eyes down and stuck out her tongue.

"Maybe I should start calling you 'Slut'?"

"Maybe I should call you 'Bitch'." Akari glared.  "Bitch!"

"Slut, who are going to fuck next? Haruko?"

"Good idea bitch!" Akari smirked cloyingly. "I've got a free period now, but then I've got swimming.."

"That's when I'm free." Shiori said spitefully.  "Maybe I'll come and check out your class."

"Whatever bitch." Akari hurried past Shiori. 




Atsuko searched through his closet for the right clothes to wear on Monday.  Women would undoubtedly see the fight, and he wanted to look good.  It was one thing to fight in the ring, but a whole other thing to fight in the street!  "It was self defense!" He said out loud and laughed.  "Sorry, but the crazy librarian attacked me!"

BRRR-ING! His phone interrupted his clever musing.


"Hi, Atsuko, it's Saiko.."

"What's up babe?" Atsuko answered in a friendly manner. "I ran into your librarian friend this morning – almost fucking ran right over him with the car!”  He grinned. “Sorry, but he's really stupid!"  

"You're telling me." Saiko agreed. "He just got out of the pen.  We were going to rob a bank, but he screwed the whole thing up."

"A regular fuck up!  So now you want to get back together with a real man?" Atsuko was answered with silence. "Babe, wanna go piss around the mall? I need to buy some new threads."

"Ok.." Saiko answered cautiously. Why was he being so nice? "Meet ya at our usual spot?" They had met there twice.  That made it 'usual', right? "See ya stud!"




“Dad!” Takehiko almost yelled into the phone as he paced around on the roof “That was ancient history!  Why did you have to call him?  Raku broke up with him years ago!”

“What?” Raku put her skirt on.

“Grandma told dad about us..” Takehiko sighed.

“Dad!” Takehiko covered his eyes with his hand. “If you didn’t call him then nobody would have guessed that Raku broke up with him to get together with me.  They would think that she had just moved on.” 

Raku watched Takehiko wide-eyed as she buttoned up her blouse.

“No.. no dad.. I didn’t know that he was writing a book!” Takehiko sighed. “He’s coming here on Monday with his photographer!  Yeah yeah… whatever..  Yeah, this is all my fault!  Dad, this is crazy!  He was never really involved with Raku!  He didn’t really like her.  Dad! There was never any intimacy between them…… whatever..” Takehiko hung up.

Raku frowned, “Why does Matthew want to come here?”

Takehiko shook his head, “He wants to show that he’s not a man who holds grudges, or some dumb shit.. He’s already called the Principal and worked everything out.”

“Now everyone will know about us.” Raku exhaled.

Takehiko shrugged, “Everybody here has got secrets.  Our’s isn’t really that bad.”

Raku nodded, “Let’s go downstairs and study.”




Kakuji rode in the front seat of the limo next to his driver.  Joi and Eji rode in the back.  Kakuji was not really surprised when they had asked if they could ride with him.  They had ‘drivers’ who worked for their companies, but not personal drivers like he did – and their drivers were busy..  The men clearly had money, but not nearly as much as they tried to project.




Daichi folded his arms,“Tsutomo, we can get this done with five men.  We wait until classes have started and we head to the library and take Genji out.”

Tsutomo nodded seriously.  This was going to be fun!  The school was full of cute schoolgirls with tight little pussies.  It was a risk but he wanted to grab a couple on the way out to take back and have fun with.

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  • 1 month later...

Tadashi set the newspaper down. It was their last day at the resort but he was no longer really enjoying it. "Our plane flight leaves early tomorrow morning." Tadashi told Sora. "We'll be back Sunday morning. I want to go to the school, on Monday, and check things out for myself."

"I'd like to come too, if you don't mind." Sora looked Tadashi in the eye. "We need to get more involved in our daughters life."




"Kakuji I hear your daughter Hana wants to join the Yakuza and is getting herself tattooed." Joi said drunkenly, "I wouldn't allow my daughter to get tattooed. I think it looks terrible. And the Yakuza are just a bunch of loser criminals."

Kakuji signaled his driver to stay silent. The long sleeves of his shirt hid his tattooed arms.

"You want to know what I'd like to do to the Yakuza?" Eiji began.

"I don't want to know." Kakuji groaned.

"Okay.." Eiji sighed. "Maybe I shouldn't go there. But you have to admit, they have no modesty, no shame.." 

"That's true!" Joi agreed. "They defile their bodies with tattoos."

"Defile?" Kakuji sounded a little irritated. "You think my daughters body is defiled? You think she lacks modesty? The tattoos signify unity. They signify that she is not consumed by fear – that shes a warrior!" Kakuji snickered. "You think your daughters are modest?." He snickered "They raised their skirts.. and urinated in the face of a student sleeping on the floor!"

"They did what?!" Kakuji's driver turned his head and glanced back at them for an instant.

"Why are you taking it so personally?" Joi protested.

"Because you're criticizing my daughter!"

"Oh yeah.." Eiji laughed.

"Well.." Joi sighed, " Our daughters might have done a few things that they shouldn't have but.. people will forget.. Tattoos, on the other hand, are permanent. I wouldn't want anybody thinking that my daughter is Yakuza scum."

"I see.." Kakuji stifled a groan.

"Relax," Eiji said drunkenly, "..we're just trying to be helpful."




Kasumi excused the class early, and walked over to Haruko. He stood facing the corner of the room near the diving board.

"Kasumi!" Haruko turned his head and smirked at her.

"Haruko." Kasumi said uncomfortably. "Did you really have to piss in front of the girls?"

"Yeah!" Haruko grinned broadly. "Am I making you wet?" He shook the drops off of his large cock, and tucked it back into his swim trunks. "What do you need?" He studied her with amusement. "You look so.. so self-conscious! Isn't it weird teaching class naked to a group of clothed students? Isn't it like an embarrassing dream?"

"No, I'm comfortable with my body." Kasumi exhaled. "Look, I want you to promise me that you will leave Akari alone."

"Akari?" Had Kasumi seen her too? "Kasumi, what are you talking about?" 

"You know what I'm talking about." Kasumi said sternly.




Akari stood, with a towel wrapped around her naked body, in the toilet stall. Her heart pounded as the boys from the earlier class entered the shower room across from the toilet stalls 

"Oh wow, seeing Ms Ogura nude is better than a porn video!" One of the showering boys said.

 "Yeah, no censoring!" A second boy agreed. "This is the best class I have ever been in!"

"Would you do it with her?" A third boy asked.

"I'd do it with her in a minute!" The second boy said enthusiastically.

"Shhh! Keep it down you guys! Ms Ogura might hear you!" Another boy cautioned. "And the girls from the next class are going to be showing up really soon."

"Remember that girl who wanted to shower with us?" One of the boys asked nervously.

"The one Ms Ogura practically got into a fight with?" Another boy asked. "She's a total hottie!

"Way hotter than Ms Ogura!".

"Yeah! She can shower with me any time she wants!"

"Me too!"

"Yeah, you bet!"

"Really?" Akari stepped out of the toilet stall, and got her first good look at the boys.

The boys looked at Akari with shocked dazed expressions.

"I was just kidding." One of the boys self-consciously covered his crotch.

"Shh!" Akari shushed him as she removed the towel and fully exposed herself to the boys. "I'm Akari." She approached the boy who covered his crotch. "Would you like a kiss?"

"Kiss her!" The other boys goaded.

He was trapped! Nervously.. awkwardly.. he reached for Akari.

It was just as scary – and exciting – for Akari. Her heart beat madly as she fell into his open arms. His manhood swelled the instant their bodies made contact. He hugged and kissed her more aggressively than she had expected.  

"Okay! Okay!" He laughed and pushed her away gently. "You're getting me too turned on!". He turned to hide his erection as Akari went for the next boy.

"Woah! Woah!" He hugged Akari a little more gently and kissed her softly. However his body responded just as strongly as the first boy and he pulled back in embarrassment.

"Akari!" Kasumi's voice stopped her from going for another boy. "What are you doing?!"

"Nothing." Akari grinned.

Kasumi stood fully naked with her arms folded under her breasts. "Get the Hell out of here We're going to have a talk after school!"

"I need to pee." Akari protested.

"You can pee out at the pool." Kasumi sneered.

"She can?" One of the boys asked.

"Shh!" Another boy cut in. "She doesn't really need to pee." 

"Whatever.." Akari followed Kasumi but stopped just as soon as Kasumi exited the locker room. She turned back to the boys and spoke breathlessly, "Monday morning… before school.. the second floor.. men's restroom!". 




Tsubomi and Emi, took a detour on the way to the pool, and headed up to the second floor men's restroom with Daichi, and Emihiko in tow.

"Let's all go to my parents country place this weekend." Tsubomi played Daichis' stream around the urinal. "My dad films all of the commercials there, and there's all sorts of editing equipment."

"I thought the commercials were filmed on location." Emi softly caressed Emihikos' cock as he peed.

"No." Tsubomi shook Daichis' cock. "They green screen everything." She knelt and licked the drops off of Daichis' cock.

"Tsubomi!" Emi shrieked with laughter. "I can't believe you just did that! What does it taste like?" 

"Try it." Tsubomi stood back up and started jerking off Daichi.

Emi knelt and slid her mouth over the tip of Emihikos' cock. "

"Ohh.. that feels so good!" Emihiko sighed.

"Ugh! I don't like it." Emi made a face. "I'll just give you a hand job.

"You guys wanna.. you know.. do it here?" Emihiko asked 

"No." Tsubomi answered firmly. "Tonight at my parents country place."




Haruko saw the two naked women come out of the men's locker room. Kasumi was hot, but Akari was so cute! Haruko watched the beautiful young girl climb the bleachers.

"Haruko, having the girls change in the boys locker room is not working out!" Kasumi said angrily.

"Don't look at me." Haruko laughed, "it's was your idea!"

"Yeah right.."

"It was!" Haruko glanced over at Akari who was squatting at the top of the bleachers. "Is she peeing?"

"Who cares!" Kasumi exhaled. "I think we need to ban Akari from the boys locker room."

Haruko chuckled, "Maybe we should just have the girls change in the girls locker room?"

Kasumi turned away in frustration. "Who's that?!" 

"No fucking way!" Shiori approached them. "Is this naked bitch Kasumi?" She flashed Haruko an incredulous look. "What did you have to do to get her to take off her suit? Fuck her between classes?"

"Fuck you!" Kasumi said under her breath.

"Shiori.." Haruko shook his head.

"So you're Shiori.." Kasumi glared.

"You should worry more about Akari than me."

Haruko groaned, "Not you too." He looked over at young beautiful Akari making her way down the bleachers. Wow, she was incredibly cute! He felt himself growing hard.

Raku took Emihikos' hand as they exited the locker room. "Shiori's here? This should be fun.." 

Shiori appeared to barely notice Raku, her attention was focused on Hana. "Haruko… Hana's Yakuza?!"


"Joi, what are trying to say?" Kokuji glared.

Joi grinned madly, "I think that you're letting your daughter get the tattoos because you're afraid of the Yakuza." He climbed out of the car. 

"You should listen to him Kokuji." The driver laughed, "He's a very perceptive man."

"He is!" Eiji agreed.

"Yes, you're both brilliant men." Kokuji groaned as he followed Joi. 


"Daddy!" Hana called out suddenly.

"Hana.." Kakuji looked at the class in dazed disbelief. He felt like he had just walked in on something private that he was not supposed to see.

"Yep.." Shiori sighed, "..daddy's here!"

Haruko and Kasumi turned simultaneously and looked at the man in the black suit standing with Hana.

"Kasumi, shouldn't you go and introduce yourself?" Shiori asked sweetly.

"I'll take care of that." Haruko shot Shiori an angry look. She smirked and followed.  

Two other men, also wearing suits, joined Hana's father. "Hello!" Haruko approached cautiously. 

Kakuji gave Haruko a puzzled look, but burst out laughing at Kasumi who followed from a distance. "What is this – an onsen?" He looked back at Joi, and Eiji. "Those must be your sons over there!"

Aoi and Maki spotted their fathers and covered their breasts with folded arms.

Haruko took a breath. "We gave the young women the option of wearing the women's one piece, the men's swim trunks, or the naturist option – if they so chose."

"I see.. " Kakuji chucked.

"I'm comfortable with my body." Kasumi tried to act nonchalant.  

Aoi approached with a horrified look on her face. She had her arms crossed with hands on top of her breasts.

Eiji saw the look on his daughters face. "My daughter's choice.. is her own.." He struggled to come up with something intelligent to say. "It's important to support our children… no matter how unconventional their decisions may seem!"

"Is that so?" Kakuji grinned broadly. Hanas' tattoos were no longer a very big deal 

Joi nodded, "Our daughters are strong, independent individuals!"

"Daddy?" Maki looked almost sick.

Joi looked at his daughter, ".. As fathers, we must.." He forced himself. "..respect their choices….and stand by them.. no matter how.. um.. perplexing they may appear."

Hana rolled her eyes, "So long as they don't piss in peoples faces." 

"They did what?!" Haruko's eyes widened.

"Never mind." Kakuji groaned. "I'm Hanas' father Kakuji, and this is Aois' father Eiji, and Makis' father Joi. We'd like to observe your class if you don't mind."

"Yes, no problem, you are absolutely welcome to, absolutely!" Haruko effused. "And, by the way, I am Haruko." he bowed. "And this is my fellow instructor Kasumi."

Kasumi bowed. She was a little annoyed that Haruko had introduced her, but she did not really feel like talking. At this point it really did feel like an embarrassing naked dream. Judging by the expressions on Joi, and Eiji's faces, Maki and Aoi were going to be grounded for life.

Shiori left the little group and walked over to Akari who was completely naked, and standing next to the bleachers. "Slut!" She said under her breath.

"Bitch." Akari glared back.

"What's this about?" Mari asked.

Shiori folded her arms. "Akari just fucked Genji, the librarian. And now she wants to fuck Haruko. I know that look."

"Bitch." Akari repeated.


"Shiori stop it." Raku groaned. "This is getting old. Go prepare for your next class or something."

"Shiori.." Kasumi approached with folded arms, "..she's right, you need to leave – now!"

"Whatever." Shiori smirked. "Enjoy your visitors!"




Nan was sitting on Hiros' lap, in his office, when her phone rang.

"It's Kasumi. She says that Makis' father, Aois' father, and Hanas' father, showed up unannounced at their swimming class. She said that they were surprised but it wasn't a complete disaster."

"Great.." Hiro took a deep breath. "I'd better get down to their homeroom. Osumas' class is about to begin."



"Aoi, do you really have to change in the men's locker room?" Eiji shook his head

"Daddy, it's a long story.  It has to do with Hana.."

"We'll talk about it tonight." Eiji glanced over at Joi, who was talking to Maki. "The taxi will be here soon and we'll go and get the cars.




"Akari!" Mari stopped her outside of the last class, "After class you said something to the guys in the locker room about a second floor restroom. What was that about?"

"Nothing." Akari smirked.

"Really? Akari…. did you really do it with Mr Jirokichi?"

Akari smirked again, but did not say anything.

Mari's eyes widened "Akari, you could get him fired!" 

Hana, who was just inside the room, just ahead of them turned around. "Akari, it's not funny!" 

Akari pulled down her eyes and stuck out her tongue.  

"Why is everybody in this class so stupid?" Hana glared at Akari, and partially blocked her way.into the class.

"Get out of my way." Akari gave Hana a shove.

WHOP! Painful stars exploded in Akari's eyes as her head snapped back. Akari fought back the familiar nausea that followed a punch or kick.

Hanas' stance, her style..was it Bushido?

Akari was to close for a kick so she fought back with Kempo Hands – double palm heel blows. 

"Ooph!" Hana caught Akari in the stomach and knocked her backwards into a desk, dumping all of the contents on the floor.

Akari's father had gotten her into Shaolin Kempo Karate – to improve her character, and give her a way to defend herself. That was her father…. passing her off to somebody else...

Akari's father had assured her that he would come and watch when she tested for belts, but he never did..

Akari caught Hana in the stomach with a front kick and sent her into the chalkboard. The tiger was Akari's favorite style. All offense, No holding back!

CRASH! Hana somehow dodged Akari's side kick that broke the chalkboard in half.

"What is going on here?!" Kakujis' voice boomed.

Akari and Hana froze.

Kakuji stood just inside the door. He looked at the broken chalkboard, and the tipped over desk.

"Akari was being really bad!" Hanas' voice shook and tears streamed down her face. "She seduced the librarian.." 

"Sounds like something Genji would do." Kakuji frowned. "We'll talk about this outside." 

"What are you going to do to her?" Tsubomi called to Kakuji, "Make her cut a finger off?"

"Tsubomi." Kakuji glared at her. "Your father and I are going to have a talk." The smirk on her face made his blood boil but he had more important matters to deal with.

"Don't listen to her." Akari advised, "She's a bitch."

Kakuji led the girls into the hall, and almost right into Hiro.

"Hiro.." Kakuji said, "I want to apologize. Hana just got into another fight."

"Akari.." Hanas' voice shook, "Akari started it. She shoved me."

"Akari, is that true?" Hiro asked.

"Yeah.." Akari nodded, "It was kind of a misunderstanding. Shiori.. I mean Ms Sato, says a lot of dumb stuff, and Hana believed her."

Hana looked genuinely ashamed. "I made a mistake.. I'm sorry."

"Me too." Akari said. "I shouldn't have started the fight. Don't worry about the chalk board." Akari said. "My dad will buy a new one. It might be good if you called him… and had him come in… and we could talk about what happened."

Hiro nodded seriously. He was not very good at handling situations like this but this one almost seemed to be resolving itself. "We will discuss this later. Right now I would like you two to go back to class, and help clean things up."

"Hiro." Kakuji stopped Hiro as he turned to head back to his office. "Did you see the altercation in the parking lot this morning?

I could bring in some private security to help out at the school on Monday."

Hiro nodded, "I would appreciate that." At least Kakuji was on his side.

Kakuji watched Hiro leave. "Akari.." He spoke quietly. "Don't get involved with Genji, he's trouble."

"He's not all bad." Hana disagreed.

"Hana.." Kakuji sighed, "He's Genji.." He turned back to Akari. "You know some Karate. What are you? A black belt?"

Akari nodded, "Third degree."

"Is your father going to come and talk to Hiro?"

Akari shook her head sadly. *No..He will pay but he won't talk to me about it."






Akari saw Kasumi come storming out of the pool building, climb into a car, and go barreling out of the parking lot. She was clearly in a bad mood.

Akari cautiously entered the pool building. The pool and the office were vacant, but the door to the stairs that led to the old upstairs snack bar, that overlooked the bleachers, was open.

Akari quietly climbed the stairs. She had never been up to the snack bar. The low red carpet on the stairs seemed almost new. The little snack bar was on the back wall, there were a couple of tables scattered around the room, and a bar with stools lined the windows that overlooked the pool.

Haruko stood at the bar, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, sipping a bottle of beer. He turned to look at Akari. "Oh, it's you. What do you want?"

"Kasumi, I mean Ms Ogura, told me to meet with her after school."

Haruko set the beer down, "You saw her leave, right?" He casually unzipped his jeans. His cock swelled as he pulled it out.

"I saw her leave." Akari said under her breath.

"What may I do for you?" Haruko peed on the carpet right in front of Akari 

 Akari giggled, "Haruko, you have a nice cock! Would you like me to clean it for you?"


Akari walked over to Haruko knelt down in front of him, and wrapped her hand around his veiny erect member. "Mmm.." She slid her little mouth over the tip.

"Ohh! Wow! That feels so good!" Haruko closed his eyes. "Kasumi, and Shiori, are right. Akari, you are bad!"

Akari stood up and grinned. Her second man of the day! "Fuck me! I'm old enough."

"How can I say no?" Haruko wrapped his arms around Akari, pulled her close, and kissed her young, warm, tender lips.



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I just wanted to post a note about this story.  I have made a lot of mistakes in this story.  Maybe I have too many characters.  I keep confusing one character for another; Daichi and Daijo, and even Emihiko with Takehiko (Don't worry Takehiko is still with Raku.  Emihiko is with Emi).

I will proofread the finale before posting.


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Emihiko.."Daichi leaned across the table at Hard Rock Cafe."Emihiko, this place is too loud."

"It's where the girls wanted to eat.."

"And it's expensive!  Why did you offer to pay the bill?"

"I had too!  It was the masculine thing to do.  Daichi, we are going to be spending the weekend with them.  We have to play this right!"

"Okay.." Daichi smiled knowingly.  "I'll split it with you."

Emihiko nodded, "It won't be that expensive."

"Shh!" Daichi grinned. "Here they come – and they've got beer!"

Tsubomi, and Emi set the pitchers and cups down on the end of the table. 

"Can we sit on the inside of the booth?" Tsubomi looked a little impatient.

"Sure!" The boys stood while Tsubomi, and Emi quickly scooted in to the booth.

"Thank you.." Tsubomi sighed, then grinned madly.  Emi giggled at her.

Daichi, and Emihiko grew hard as they listened to the faint sounds of liquid splashing on the hard orange tile. 




"Raku," Takehiko whispered, "..are you worried about Matthew, and the cameras on Monday?"

"No!" Raku pushed, and squeezed, with such passion, vigor, and reckless abandon, that she peed as she orgasmed together with Takehiko.

"Sorry.." Raku said breathlessly as her heart pounded madly against Takehiko's.

"For.. what?" Takehiko could barely speak.. "That… was incredible! Don't worry.., I put.. a mattress protector.. on the bed."




"Kakuji.." Jiro approached the Yakuza boss carefully. "I got ID's on the men.  It's really weird.  The man with the tattoos is a MMA fighter named Atsuko.  He's a top fighter but he's not known for being all that bright. And the man with the books.." Jiro took a breath, "That's Daijo!"

Kakuji shook his head.."The famous Daijo... Of all the creeps to show up at the school..  Well.. if he shows up on Monday.. we will deal with him."

"Sir, we don't want to go to war with the Triad.."

Kakuji clenched his jaw. "We will deal with him!"




Emi hardly said a word as she followed Tsubomi's red Ferrari. Emihiko suspected that she was as nervous and excited as he was.

The property was huge and a large section was still being farmed. The  house was surrounded by a large immaculate lawn unlike anything Emihiko has seen in Tokyo.  

"This place is awfully.. formal." Emihiko commented as Emi snuggled up against him.

Tsubomi shrugged.  "This is where my dad shoots his commercials for TV."

Emihiko frowned. "The commercials always show people walking through stores."

"He green screens everything." Tsubomi rubbed Daichis' crotch. "Come check out the studio." She led everybody over to a separate building Daichi had mistakes for a barn.

"Wow, this makes our equipment look like nothing!" Daichi marveled.

"Do you know how to use it?" Tsubomi asked.

"Sure." Daichi nodded.  "It's basically like ours –  just a lot bigger, newer, and fancier."

"Have you guys ever done deep fakes?"

"Well.." Daichi started to answer.

"A little." Emihiko admitted.  He did not really want the girls to know that they had switched the faces of porn stars with hot girls at their old school.

"Wanna try?" Tsubomi moved Daichis' hand under her skirt to her crotch. 

Tsubomi's body trembled as Daichi touched her warm wet crotch. "Sure.." He managed. Despite her outward confidence she seemed to be as nervous as him – a strange mix of excitement and fear. 

Tsubomi pulled away and gave Daichi such an intense kiss on the lips that it seemed to blind him momentarily.  "You guys work on the videos. I'll go and get the ofuro ready.  Don't worry, It's big, it's more like an American hot tub."

"I didn't bring a.." Daichi caught himself, ".. a bathing suit.." he finished sheepishly.

"So?" Tsubomi smirked. "My dad has a really well stocked bar.  Maybe a few drinks will help "

"I could use a drink.." Emi said breathlessly.

"Me too." Emihiko nodded.

"After you guys show us what you can do " Tsubomi said.

"Ok.." Daichi agreed.  He went to work with Emihiko as Emi watched.

Tsubomi returned before they were done. "Wow! You guys are really good!"

"We've had practice.." Emihiko put the finishing touches on the video of Takara. "A little.."

Tsubomi took the boys, and Emi, out to the ofuro, where towels waited. "Emi and I will get drinks." They disappeared for what seemed like an eternity before finally reappearing with trays of drinks.

"I could use a drink." Daichi said.

"Not so fast!" Tsubomi grinned at Emi, who was squatting at the side of the patio. "First you guys need to come with us to the bedrooms, and help us out of these clothes."

"Okay." Daichi agreed nervously.

"Works for me." Emihiko's voice shook slightly.

Daichi had a hardon before they even got to Tsubomi's room.  He has seen Tsubomi nude a number of times, but taking off her clothes was one of his fantasy's.

Tsubomi's nipples were so hard and erect! Daichi sucked on them, and kissed her lips while she stroked his cock.  Her pussy dripped as he rubbed circles around the base of her swollen clit.  He could not resist sticking a finger slightly inside.

The walls of the house were not terribly sound proof -- judging by the sounds of the grunts and moans coming from the other room.   Emi, and Emihiko were already doing it!




Megumi snuggled her naked body against Osumas' warm body and kissed him on the lips.  "Osuma.. who is Takara?

"I don't know." Osuma wrapped an arm around her.  Hiro doesn't even know.  Her parents didn't put her in the school.  She put herself in."

"You think she's older than she's claiming?"

"No. She's just the daughter of some rich guy."

"Do you think that guns real?"

Osuma shook his head. "I doubt it.. It's just an odd fashion accessory.  Takara is very intelligent, but she's a little…. different."




"Danuja." Izumi stroked his penis as they sat together on the couch, "What's the deal with Takehiko and Raku?  They seem like a married couple.  They seem to know each other really really well!"

"Yeah they do!" Danuja laughed, "I always thought that Takehiko had a secret girlfriend somewhere."



It was a beautiful sunny morning with the perfect amount of cloud cover to keep the sun from being overwhelming.

Takehiko held the school door for Raku. "If Matthew calls you up on stage…" 

"Shh!" Raku cut Takehiko off.  "I don't want to talk about it!"

"Takehiko?" Kakuji came towards him before he could step inside.  "May I have a word with you?" He grabbed Takehiko by the collar.

"Hey, what is going on here?!" Raku's eyes lit up 

"Takehiko has been making videos again."

"No I haven't!" Takehiko protested. 

"Well, somebody helped Tsubomi and her friend with some deep fakes of my daughter and Takara.  I overheard them planning it with a couple of your buddies in the men's restroom. Videos of them.. Videos of them urinating in the library!" Kakuji let go of Takehiko's collar, and tried to control his temper. "They were posted online yesterday.*

"Daichi, and Emihiko!" Raku exhaled. "I wondered what they were up to!"

"They're going to get themselves into serious legal trouble." Kakuji said a little over dramatically.

"Great..I'll deal with those fuckers!" Takehiko charged inside.

"Takehiko, what are you doing?" Raku chased him into the classroom.

."Daichi?!" Takehiko punched him in the nose.

"Hey!" Emihiko jumped out of his chair and Takehiko caught him in the eye with a left cross.

"Takehiko stop it!" Danuja stood up. "What's this all about?"

"What's going on over there?" Osuma asked loudly.

"These dumb fucks made deep fakes of Hana and Takara and posting them online?! Hana's father thought I was involved.  I'm not going to go to jail over their shit!"

Daichi cringed. "Tsubomi and Emi posted the videos?!" 

"Where's Tsubomi and Emi?" Takehiko asked.

"I don't know… we weren't the ones that posted the videos." Daichi glanced around the class nervously.  Maki and Aoi sat at the back of the classroom with Joi and Eiji, but there was no sign of Tsubomi and Emi.

"But you guys are the ones made the videos." Kakuji entered the classroom with Hana and Takara behind him.




"Mom I didn't know you were coming." Tsubomi, and Emi follow Cora and Tadashi down the hallway.

"I want to see for myself what's going on here."

"Mom, you don't trust me?"

Cora did not answer.

"Okay.." Tadashi stopped in front of the classroom door.  "..let me handle this.  I know some actual Yakuza.  I'm going to put an end to this nonsense once and for all."

Tsubomi peeked through the window in the door.  "He's in the classroom."

Tadashi took a breath.  He needed to show confidence and authority to pull this off.  He opened the door calmly and stepped into the classroom.  The teacher stood at the front of the classroom watching a man in a black suit, faced towards the back of the classroom talking quietly with some boys.  Two girls stood behind him.

"Sir!" Tadashi spoke loudly.  "Are you the man who's impersonating a Yakuza, and threatening my daughter?!"

Kakuji turned around slowly and glared at Tadashi.

"Kakuji!" Tadashi gasped. "No! No! No!" His voice shook. "I'm sorry sir.. I did not know it was you!"

"Tadashi.. Tsubomi, and her friends here made deep fakes videos of my daughter Hana, and her friend Takara, urinating in the library on the floor…" Kakuji rolled up his sleeves exposing his tattooed arms.  "We are all going to go outside and have a little talk."

"Tsubomi!" Tadashi yelled at her.

"Daddy, it was just a joke." Tsubomi forced a grin.

Sora shook her head. "Tsubomi this has to stop."

Kakuji looked hard at Daichi and Emihiko "Come outside with us." 




Daijo watched through binoculars.  The schools bleachers had been erected next to the football pitch.  News crews were setting up.

A good sized group of men stood in the parking lot dressed in dark slacks and short sleeves white button down shirts.  Daijo noticed the tattoos. "Yakuza.."




Genji hid behind the little building that sheltered the roof access ladder.  He had a nine millimeter holstered under his sports coat.    He had considered calling in sick but a nagging sense of responsibility had drawn him to the school.  Daijo was one of the worst men he had ever known. 

Genji was not alone on the roof.  He had been watching Kakuji and his men, when Saiko's tattooed ex-boyfriend parked his car down the street, walked to the school building, and climbed up the fire escape. Genji had barely had time to hide. 

"Fucking librarian, I can see you." Atsuko said out loud.  Then he looked down at the group of Yakuza in the parking lot.  What was going on here?

Genji peeked around the corner of the building. Saiko's ex-boyfriend stood at the edge of the roof.  He held a baseball bat, and looked down at a group of cars parked on the street. "Daijo.." Genji whispered, "..and you brought backup."




Akari showed up just as Kakuji and the others left.  

"Okay let's get started." Osuma looked around the classroom "Small class today.  Where's Chibi?"  

"I think I saw him outside with one of the  news crews setting up at the pitch." Mari said.

Osuma smiled. "He's a good student.. he can afford to skip class.  I'm sure you've all heard about Matthew, the pro soccer player.  He is coming today to perform and talk!"

Raku groaned, "We've heard."




"No class today." Shiori announced. "We will be heading out to the bleachers next to the pitch, in a little bit, for an assembly.  You know the really hot, good looking footballer, Matthew Kubo?  He's here!"

"He is hot!" Akari grinned.

"You'd like to fuck him?"

Raku exhaled, "Shiori please.."

"Shiori, she's right." Joi agreed. "This is inappropriate talk for a teacher."

Shiori waved her hand at him as if to tell him to shut up. "Akari, I heard a couple of the boys talking…Something about..  the second floor men's restroom?"

"Akari no!" Mari cringed.

"So Akari.." Shiori raised her eyebrows. ".. how many boys did you fuck?"

"Shiori!" Joi shook his head. "If you don't stop I will file a complaint!"

"Joi.. is that your name? We're all adults here."

"Then why aren't you acting like one?"

"Because I don't like what I see in Akari.  Believe me I know her type! Akari..how many boys did you fuck?"

"A couple." Akari grinned smugly. "You know.. Haruko has a really big one."

Shiori folded her arms. "You think that's going to make me angry?"

"Shiori, is this some sort of competition between you and Akari?" Joi interrupted. "Stop it!  I've heard about you.  You were no better than Akari!"

"That's true." Shiori said. "She reminds me.." her voice shook, ".so much of myself at her age that it makes me sick!  Akari…. does your dad cheat on your mom?"

Akari glared. "My dad's really busy.."

"You're not answering the question.  You got in a fight with Hana.  What are you, a black belt?"

"Third degree."

"Did your father ever come when you tested for belts?"

"He was too busy.."

"Bullshit!  He was just like my dad – off with the woman he was cheating with – and my mom thought he was watching me test.  Did he buy you presents afterwards?"

"Fuck you." Akari wiped the tears out of her eyes. "Fuck you!  You're a fucking bitch!"

"I've bought Aoi gifts! " Joi protested.  "It didn't mean…". Aoi had a look of horror on her face,  "Look… look..  People make mistakes!" Joi had viewed his affairs almost as an affirmation of his manhood, a mark of his success, but, right now, it just felt bad.

"Joi, this is not the time or place!" Eiji gasped. "Why don't we head out to the pitch?"

Shiori frowned, "Because Hiro has not called me yet."

"My dad isn't perfect either." Mari blurted out.

"Do any of us have perfect parents?" Izumi asked.

"Most relationships are fucked up." Ruka said morosely.

"My family is okay." Danuja looked around uncertainly.

"Ok.." Shiori sighed.  "Early, or not, let's head out to the pitch." 

"Do we have to?" Raku moaned.

"Let's just get it over with." Takehiko spoke under his breath 




"Daijo there's a tattooed man on top of the building!" Tsutomo shouted 

"Take him out." Daijo said calmly.

"Should I use the rifle?"

"Whatever! Just fucking do it!"


"Ok.." Tsutomo grabbed the semi-auto Tommy,  from the front seat of his car.  It was not fully automatic like a real Tommy, and it did not have a scope,  but it was still cool as hell! He carefully took aim. BANG!!

"Omph!" Atsuko grunted as Genji knocked him to the ground.

"You fucking idiot!" Genji glared. "You're going to get us killed!"

"Let me guess, you're the fucking school janitor?  What are you afraid of?  The Librarians dumb shit friend down there couldn't hit the side of a fucking barn!

"He just about hit you."




Takara had spotted the cars parked down the street the moment she had exited the building with Kakuji and the others.

Hana's father was so focused on Tsubomi and her father that he did not even notice the gunshot.

Takara pulled out her phone and punched her father's number.  Nothing but a damn busy buzz!  He had not been home in ages but she had to try at least a text message. "Daddy I'm in trouble!  I'm at the old High School at 2-Chrome-28-20.  The school is under attack.  This is not a joke.  I heard Hana's father, Kakuji, call the man Daijo.  Come fast!"




A stage had been set up in the middle of the pitch. A large bleacher had been erected on the side with the news crews at the center.

"There he is." Shiori smiled.  Matthew was out on the pitch kicking the ball around with a couple of the men from the news crews.

"He is so hot!" Akari said breathlessly 

"Tell me about it!" Shiori agreed. 

"Let's all sit at the bottom." Mari took a seat.

Raku groaned,  "I'd rather sit at the back." 

"No, let's all stay together." Shiori sat down next to Mari.. 

Raku grudgingly sat down next to Shiori.  

Takehiko sat next to Raku, and put his arm around her. "Here comes the rest of the school.  This should be fun.."

Matthew took the stage and adjusted the microphone on his head gear. "Jesus." He tested.  "Jesus!" He repeated.  "Good morning!" Matthew said enthusiastically. "If you are a Christian cheer loudly!"

"Yay!" One of the boys, in a class seated towards the back of the bleachers, cheered awkwardly.

Raku rolled her eyes. "Where's Matt going with this?"

"Hello everyone! My name is Matthew, and you know me as a football player.." Matthew juggled a soccer ball. "..but there is more to me.  Recently.. I found Jesus.  That is correct – I have become a Christian!"

The students clapped politely 

"Jesus healed my broken heart!" Matthew spoke dramatically.  "As I'm sure many of you already know, my first love is a student here."

"Really who is he?" Raku said sarcastically. "Is it you Takehiko?"

"Shutup!" Takehiko made a face.

"Shh!" Shiori shook her head.

"Raku, come on up here!" Matthew looked right at her and smiled 

"What?!!" Shiori looked at Raku in disbelief. 

The entire class turned and looked at Raku 

"No.." Raku shook her head.

"What?" Matthew continued to smile, as he walked towards Raku.

"She said no!" Takehiko stood up.

"Takehiko.." Matthew frowned.

"You know my name."

Matthew ignored Takehiko, "Raku do you always have to make a fool out of me?" He forced a smile, "Come up on stage."

Raku shook her head. "No."

"You little.." Matthew caught himself and sneered at Takehiko instead. "I hear your father kicked you out of the house."

"I shamed my family by stealing your girl."

"What?!" Danuja gasped.  "That's what it was about?!"

"Com'on Raku." Matthew headed towards Raku.  She jumped up like she was going to run. "Wait!" Matthew ran towards her.

"Leave her alone!" Takehiko caught Matthew with a side tackle.  Matthew got in a punch to Takehiko's face but Takehiko landed a few of his own on the ground.

"Takehiko, no!" Danuja jumped up.

"Oomph!" Matthew's burly bodyguard fell hard to the ground as he tripped over Shiori's extended foot.

Hiro was about to run for the two and break up the fight, when he spotted the small group of men, with guns, running towards the school building.  Kakuji and several other Yakuza chased after them.

Hiro left the fight and ran for the school building.




"Get off me!" Atsuko clobbered Genji then ran into the little building and disappeared down the ladder.

"Ahhh..Oww.." Genji groaned as he lay on the roof recovering from the blow to the stomach.  He crawled to the little wall that surrounded the edge of the roof and peeked over.  Daijo and some men Genji recognized but did not know by name ran inside the building chased by Kakuji, a small group of Yakuza, and Hana and Takara.  "Fuck!" 

Genji got to his feet.  Two white vans pulled into the parking lot. "Tsutomo's men?" Why would Daijo bring them?  They were a group of complete psychos. Hana was Kakuji's daughter but she almost felt like his own as well.  Genji would defend her – even if it cost him his life!




Everybody seemed to be focused on the fight between Takehiko, and Matthew, but Akari saw the group of girls standing to the side of the bleachers.  They probably wanted a better view of Matthew.  Then Akari saw masked men exit a van in the parking lot.  

Akari was on her feet. "Run!" Her heart  pounded. "Run!! Run!!"

Tsuna, Mana, and Yui, saw, and heard, Akari.  Then they saw the masked men coming towards them.  What was going on?!

Akari ran towards one of the men – then she saw the gun.

"Ooff!" Shiori hit him hard from the side.




Atsuko found himself on the second floor of a library.  Below him the entrance doors were wide open.  He hurried down the stairs and waited just to the right with the baseball bat raised.

"Daijo, over here!" Somebody called in a hushed voice.  A man stepped into the library.  

CRACK! Atsulko's bat made contact with the man's forehead.  His head snapped back, and the man crumpled onto the floor.  Atsulko felt both exhilarated, and anxious.  Who was he?  Had he just killed the man? He stepped around the man and peeked out the door 

POP! A sharp piercing pain clutched Atsulko's left shoulder. The man Atsulko had battled in the parking lot ran towards him. POP! A second shot skimmed Atsulko's head. He started to run back inside and tripped over the body on the floor.

"Watch out!" Genji stepped around him. BOOM!

"Mother fucker!" Daijo cried out in pain.  Genji's shot had penetrated his thigh. He stumbled towards the stairs with his gun against his thigh  

Genji raised his gun and took aim.

Whap! Atsulko knocked Genji to the side and ran right at Daijo with his bat over his head.

POP! Daijo's shot hit Atsulko in the side, but he ran right through it.

CRACK! Atsulko missed Daijo's head and brought the bat down on his shoulder. Daijo dropped the gun, and drove a side kick into Atsulko's stomach as he fell.  The kick knocked the air out of Atsulko, but also sent Daijo backwards down the stairs.  He tumbled to the landing.

Genji ran to Atsulko's side and aimed his gun at Daijo.  At the bottom of the stairs Kakuji also had a small gun aimed at Daijo.  Two of his men were starting up the stairs 

"Hana! Takara! Go outside!" Kakuji yelled back at them.

"Goodbye Genji." A man pointed a gun at him from behind. 

"I always wanted to kill a Yakuza.." A second man on the ground floor had a handgun aimed at Kakuji.

"Not just any Yauza." A third man laughed. "This is the great Kakuji." He squeezed the trigger.

BOOM! Takara's gun exploded in her hand.

"What the..?"


"No!" The man behind Genji swung the gun towards Takara.

BOOM! Takara's shot hit the man square in the chest.

"Wow.." Tadashi looked at Cora. "The gun is real and she's really good.."

WHOOMP! WHOOMP! WHOOMP! The sound of descending helicopters shook the building.

Daijo scrambled down the stairs  Genji would have taken a shot but there were too many people.  It was time to stop running.  It was time to take Daijo out.  Genji ran down the stairs and chased Daijo outside.

WHOOMP! WHOOMP! WHOOMP! The helicopters were landing on the roof.

Atsulko picked up his baseball bat and ran down the stairs.

Kakuji waited with a drawn gun.  He could hear the approaching footsteps on the floor above. "Stop right there!" He aimed his gun at a large man in a black double breasted suit followed by an entourage of men in black suits.  

The man glared down at Kakuji and he almost dropped his gun. "Jimmu!" Kakuji gasped. "S-s-sorry sir I did not recognize you!" His voice shook. "Please forgive me!"

One of the men in Jimmu's entourage held up a phone. "Sir! President Biden, Vladimir Putin, and Xi Jinping, are all holding for you."

"They can wait!" Jimmu looked like he was about to burst. "Kakuji! Where is my daughter?!"

"Your daughter?"

"Takara! Where is Takara?!"

Kakuji turned around.  "Hana?! Takara?!"

A girl burst into the building.  "Some men in masks just grabbed some girls and pulled them into a van!"

Through the large windows next to the doors Tadashi saw a red Ferrari go screeching out of the parking lot.  "Tsubomi!  No!!"




"Aw!" Genji fell against Takara as Tsubomi went careening around a corner.  "Ferrari's sure weren't designed for backseat passengers."

"No, get off me!" Takara pushed Genji away. "Did you really fuck Akari?"

"Shutup Takara!" Hana glared back at her.

Tsubomi ignored them.  She was barely keeping up with the green crew cab  pickup truck ahead of them that almost turned over as it drifted around a corner ahead of them 




"Haruko, you're going to get us killed!" Shiori screamed.

"Yeah, well I don't want to lose the van!" Haruko yelled back.

"I can still see them up ahead!" Akari interrupted.

"Me too."  Haruko mashed the accelerator. His pickup truck accelerated, but not as much as the red Ferrari that passed them.

"Tsubomi." Akari said.




"Admit it Takehiko, you were being a jerk!" Matthew held a tissue to his bloody nose.

"You were being a jerk too." Takehiko glanced back at him.

"You think I was acting like a jerk?"

Matthew's bodyguard laughed.

 "You were kind of acting like a dick " 

"Do you want a job?" Matthew glared. "I should sue you."

"I should kick you out of the car." Takehiko exhaled.

"Takehiko," Raku groaned, "..just drive!  And follow the helicopters, don't follow the cars."

"How do I do that?"

"Take this next road to the right!" The bodyguard suggested. 

Takehiko turned right. "Look at all the news crews behind us.  They're following us."

"They're following me.." Matthew sighed.


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