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My only proper experience seeing a girl peeing outdoors

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I can't really remember what got me into the fetish of watching girls pee. I have sketchy memories of events from when I was a lot younger (e.g. my sister at 4 or 5 being taken by my mother behind a tree to pee, and me being told to keep away) but I can't really put my finger on a specific trigger.

I've not been fortunate enough to witness many pee sights. I don't tend to frequent events where there is a higher probability of seeing it for a start (festivals, carnivals etc), but I have been lucky enough to witness a friend peeing drunkenly right in front of me.

I can't remember why we were out, though I'm pretty sure it was either an end of school/leaving 6th form party or a Christmas party for the bank some of us worked for during the later years of high school. Anyway, there were 4 of us - 3 guys, 1 girl - walking back from the city centre to a friend's house. He was pretty badly drunk and needed his bed (not 'hospital-level' drunk!), so the other guy was walking with him - holding him around the shoulder, that kind of thing.

This left me and the girl. We walked with them, the plan being that the 3 of us would see very drunk friend home then call a taxi from his parents house. For some reason me and the girl drifted behind them. I think it must have been to do with her footwear, because she ended up taking her shoes off at one point. It got to the point where we could no longer see the other 2, but it didn't really matter as we knew where we were going. Now I'll just say that whilst I did have some feelings of attraction for this girl, there was nothing between us other than friendship. We were both pretty drunk and were walking (occasionally stumbling!) with arms around each others waists, but there was nothing there unfortunately.

Anyway, after some time she started complaining about needing a pee. There was nowhere to go - we'd walked probably 20min from the city centre and were in a residential street, and our friend's house was at least another 10,15min walk. I told her this and she seemed resigned to holding on, so we continued walking. After going on for another block, she said she couldn't hold it any longer and pretty much stopped still, bending over slightly and crossing her legs. There was nowhere to hide other than inbetween parked cars, so I suggested that. She didn't really hesitate and walked over to a space of about 4 or 5 feet between two cars and began to hitch up her dress (which was a kind of ankle-length evening gown). Whilst it was 4am, this was still a main road and there had been cars passing (mainly taxis) so I stood just off to the side of her and said I'd cover her if any cars drove by. She was in full view of some house windows but given no lights were on I suppose we just assumed that nobody was awake!

It took her a while to begin, but soon I could hear the sounds of liquid hitting tarmac and of course the hissing sound of peeing. I walked around behind her and I could see her bare arse (she did not like this as at the time, despite being a fairly slim girl she had a pretty big butt) but no pee. As I came back around in front of her I could see the large puddle forming and running towards the kerb, so I squatted down opposite her, resting my head on my arms across my bent knees. I'm not sure what I was thinking as it must have been plainly obvious I was trying to catch a glimpse! I can vaguely recall seeing the end of her stream, but nothing more. She hovered for a minute or so to shake/dry off and as she stood up to pull up her tights/knickers, I did get a clear glimpse of her pussy. I can remember being massively turned on by this for days - we were probably only just 18 at the time and I can remember the lack of pubic hair which meant she just didn't have much, or she shaved it (which I thought was really naughty at the time, given our ages etc!).

When she'd gotten dressed, we continued the walk towards our destination. I can remember thinking that it should only be fair if she see's me pee given what I'd just witnessed, so as we got nearer a telegraph pole I said I needed a leak and began to go against the pole, making sure I wasn't covered by it much. She did have a not-so-sneaky look at me, but carried on walking slowly onward, obviously not that interested!

We reached our friends house, found him asleep on the sofa and the other friend having already ordered a taxi. Given that he was going to go home rather than stay here he called for a second taxi and we took the first. Apart from some mild teasing on her part when we got into school on the Monday morning (along the lines of me getting an eyeful of her bum as she took a pee) there was never any further talk of the incident. I've certainly never forgotten it though :)

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