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Desperation in the Afternoon.

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Story includes desperation, wetting some clothing fetishes, and sex.  

Like my previous posting, this is a story I created on my Fetlife page, even longer ago.  Again, sharing it here.   


It was mid-afternoon and there were hardly any people on the commuter train out of the city.
I boarded and moved to the last car. It was an older train and had many signs of wear and tear, including the sign that read “rest rooms out of order”

I sat down and opened up my paper to read on the long trip home. I looked up and noticed a young woman sitting across from me. She and I were the only people in the train coach. She had on dark cable knit kneesocks, maryjane pumps, a pleated skirt, and a tight sweater, showing some cleavage. I was aroused as there was something with that outfit that made my heart race with excitement. However, I contained myself and went back to reading the paper, stealing glances now and again.

She had her legs crossed and her skirt was riding up on her leg. There is something about this outfit that accentuates the female form of a woman’s legs. I could not help but to continue to look every now and again. The woman noticed my looks and smiled back, but she looked nervous and distracted. She bit her lip and furrowed her brow. She began to swing and pump her crossed leg.

The train came to a stop and she looked up with a more worried look. The wait continued for several minutes and then the announcement came, “We are going to be delayed due to an electrical malfunction. We will keep you advised.” I heard her whimper. We made light talk about the delay and the possible cause. She was most anxious to know how long it would take, while she began to cross and re-cross her legs. I knew what might be happening and I could barely contain my excitement.

I finally asked, “Are you ok?” She said, “No, I need to pee like I have never had before. I had a few beers with my friends at the train station, unaware that the train was about to leave. I heard it called and raced onto the train, no having had time to pee. I hoped to be able to pee on board, but, the rest rooms are closed, and now this!!”

I moved next to her and put my arm around her to comfort her. I told her that hopefully they would get the problem fixed soon and that we would be on our way. She said, “I am almost beyond my limit at this point, there is no way I can make it.” I told her that she needed to try so that she would not disgrace herself. I related that she was a grown woman and that she can certainly hold on. She assured me that she would try as her legs were madly pumping back and forth. I told her I would help her. She smiled weakly and thanked me.

Minutes passed and I helped her with breathing exercises. It was becoming a real team exercise to keep her pee inside. After a few more minutes she sucked in some air and grabbed her crotch through her skirt. She quickly moved her hand under her skirt and squeezed the crotch of her panties. After a while she began to rub her pussy through her panties. As she did so, her panties came into view, white cotton panties that fit snug over her crotch. I noticed that she seemed to be getting aroused. I certainly was very aroused myself. I massaged her leg calf to ease her pain and tension, while at the same time enjoying the texture of her kneesocks accenting the sweet curvature of her legs.

More minutes passed and she squealed, “Some came out! I just squirted into my panties!” I assured her that we would just have to take extra measures. I had her rearrange herself. I sat with my back against the window and had her arrange herself between my legs on the seat, so that the crack of her but nestled against my stiff cock. I then had her fold her legs underneath herself so that she was sitting on the heal of her shoe, pressing the heal against her pussy to hold in the pee. I took one of my hands and placed it over her panty covered crotch and squeezed and then began messaging her pussy through her panties. I rubbed up and down softly and then more firmly. I felt her clit through her now moist panties and, between strokes, started to toy with it with my fingers. She was now breathing very heavily and soon more spurts of pee came out. Even more aggressive measures needed to be taken.

I swung around in front of her and onto the floor. I reached up under her skirt and pulled down her panties. “I might as well save what is left of your panties before they become too wet.” I got between her legs and opened them against her protests, as she clearly wanted to cross them. I smiled at her and said that I need to dry her very moist pussy. I moved my face up close to her pussy and gently began to blow on it. She was moaning and loudly protesting. She said she could not hold back and that she was going to piss in my face. I told her that it would not be a nice thing to do to someone who is trying to help. Just then another spurt shot out, catching me in the face. I jokingly said, you naughty girl, I will have to put you over my knee and spank you if you do that again.

With that I said, “I am going to hold in your pee with my tongue and you really have to try hard not to pee on me. You would not dare piss on my face, that should help you to hold. It is mind over matter.” I moved my tongue over her pee hole, and then slowly traced it up one side of her labia to her clit. I then moved my tongue down the other side of her labia to her pee hole, I slowly made several circles in this fashion. She was frantically urging me to stop. I then increased the pace and then started to flick her pussy with the tip of my tongue. It was hard to keep my face in place as she was rocking all over the place. She was panting and at one point grabbed my head and rammed it into her pussy to stem the flow. She was in quite a state between ecstasy and desperation. I was loving every minute of it.

I then took two fingers and slipped them up into her pussy. “I am going to help you hold your bladder from the inside.” I suggested. She replied, “no, no!!”, all the while moaning and thrashing about. I curled my fingers inward and started to stroke the back of her distended bladder, while at the same time I sucked on her clit. It wasn’t long before she exploded pee all over my face, while at the same time having an earth shattering orgasm.

She was, of course, very upset. I sat next to her and put my arm around her and reassured her that all would be alright.

Luckily most of the damage was relegated to the floor, were it was mostly absorbed into the carpet. I had already saved her panties from most of the damage. Her skirt had been hiked up and out of the way of the eruption. Her kneesocks were quite wet, but, since they were dark, showed no damage. Her shoes were wet, but I was able to address that. I took out Kleenex and took of each shoe, and dried each. I also took some more Kleenex and helped her dry her legs. I then had her stand up, still with her skirt up and I dabbed her pussy dry. I then kissed it and said, “I hope you feel better now.”

Her face was still very much flushed, but she said, “I am very embarrassed, that has never happened to me before.” I said, that no one notices and that I certainly was aroused by the experience myself. She said, , with a slight smile, “yes, I noticed”

At that point, the train began to lurch forward. The electrical problem seemed to have been fixed and we were underway. She slid her panties back on and moved to another seat. My stop was next and I soon got off. I winked at her, thanked her for the experience, and said that I hoped to see her on the train again. She smiled back at me and said she hoped so as well.

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