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The Water(sports) Nymphs-a short erotic horrorstory

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This story contains golden showers, light bondage, girl girl sex in part 1 with boy/girl in part 2

"The fucking Upper Amazon", James muttered, for what must have been the millionth time in a fortnight as a sudden downpour pattered on the roof of the old passenger boat.

"Are you moaning again?" Kate laughed. 

"Not at all, I'd definitely not rather be in Bali or Ibiza right now, this is exactly where I wanted to go travelling."

"We said we wanted to see the world, babe, well, this is it!" At the rate we're losing it we may never see a real rainforest again-if you wanted to just drink beer and go to nightclubs we should habe just stayed home!" His girlfriend sighed with exasperation, her normally bubbly personality dampened by James's attitude. "I just wanted to see what it's really like out in the far parts of the world for myself. Not just on the telly with David Attenborough." Because she was a cheerleader at uni and liked a party, people often thought of her as an airhead. In response she had become very invested in causes she believed in, and preserving nature was at the top of her list.

"I'm sorry babe", James shrugged. "I just expected it would be more exciting. We've been sleeping in shanty towns for four days now and got rained on for most of the past two." Kate leant in and hugged him, her athletic 5'7 body pressing against his well built 6'3 frame and her blonde hair brushing under his chin. She looked up with a faint smile.

"I know, but it'll be better soon-the weather's supposed to clear up this afternoon and I'd booked us to meet the expedition leader in a couple of days. It's in a village that's a walk down a gorgeous valley to get there and we'll remember it for-", Kate said before being cut off by the roar of the engines as the river boat pulled in against a dimly lit jetty. 

"Punta Cuevo! We'll be stopping here til the weather improves, so have some rest on the boat if you want", Ramón, the dour faced deckhand shouted through the rain.

The rain died down not long after sunrise and the couple prepared to set off. Gesturing with a map to Ramón, James asked the best route down the valley. 

The boatman's grim visage grew even darker. "Normally, senõr, I would say the valley side path, but with all the rain the path may be treacherous. James and Kate glanced nervously at each other. "There is a safer path higher up along the top of the valley, but that path is usually avoided."

"Why?" Kate asked.

"After about 15 km, half way or so, the path forks slightly, easily missed, and it is said dark spirits wait for those who take the wrong path."

"I think we should take high path-I'd take spooky folk tales over sliding 200 feet to my doom", James stifled a slight giggle. Kate bristled at his attitude but had to agree with the logic.

"It is your choice, but you will go that way alone", Ramón replied brusquely.

The route up to the top of the hills was a steep but manageable climb, and James had to admit the views were spectacular. He was even starting to enjoy himself, taking frequent pictures back along the river. Soon, they left the mighty Amazon behind and the path followed a snaking valley deeper into the forest. Kate had been drinking litre after litre of water to stay hydrated and needed a wee, but could not see a suitable spot along the path. After a while, Kate's prediction of a clear day had proved untrue, and the skies darkened.

"Kate", James shouted up, "looks like it's about to lash it down! We should stop for a bit."

"I agree! Looks like the path turns towards a rock outcrop over there-there should be some cover at least." She remembered Ramón's warning, but she was bursting by this point and didn't care.

They turned the slight fork down the hill and sure enough, after a few minutes they came across a rocky bluff with a small secluded pond, and an overhanging rock thick with vines that provided cover from the quickening rain.

The rainstorm pssed very quickly, but James took the opportunity to catch up on some much needed sleep, resting against the thick leaves that adorned the rock.

As James slumped back and closed his eyes, Kate decided she should sort out the pressing need in her bladder. She pulled her shorts down over her toned thighs and squatted at the edge of the pool, before a quick hiss and a sigh announced her relief. Her clear pee glinted in the sun as it flickered through the leaves, and splashed into the still, dark water. It wasn't still for long. As she finished relieving herself, she felt something slide against her leg and as she jumped it wrapped tight around her ankle, before other binds pulled at her had her flat on her back, spread eagle just at the edge of the pool, her shorts and knickers ripped and strewn to her side. She heard a shout to her left as the vines around James pinned him to the rocks. A bubbling noise brought her attention back to the pool, when three figures emerged. Kate, expecting some foul creatures from the black lagoon like some cheap horror film, was stunned into silence when she realised they were caramel skinned, beautiful women. Their jet black hair was glistening wet, and pool water dripped down their round, full breasts and hourglass waists. 

"You're a pretty one", the middle of the group said, the others giggling.

"Golden hair, we haven't had a visitor like you for a long time", said the one to the left.

"Too long", the one to the right replied, giggling. 

"FUCKING LET US GO YOU EVIL CU-", James shouted before the middle woman waved her hand and another vine clamped round his mouth, his defiance muffled.

"Wh-what are you?" Kate whimpered.

"Water nymphs", one said.

"We are of the rainforest."

"And you woke us with your gift."

"So now we give you ours", the middle nymph smiled at Kate.

"What if I don't want your gift?" Kate wrestled against the vines holding her, not quite sure what the nymph meant and not wanting to find out.

The nymphs laughed. The middle walked forward, hips swaying before kneeling  between Kate's legs. The right walked over to the left before the dark-skinned beauties embraced at the edge of the water.

"You will, soon. Watch them while I...convince you."

The nymph slowly kissed along Kate's legs, before getting to her pussy and gently teasing her labia with her tongue. As the water spirit flicked at her clit, Kate involuntarily jerked her hips at her, the nymph seemingly hitting all her right spots with no effort at all.

She was distracted by another muffled shout from James and then moans from the other two nymphs, who were scissoring in the shallow water of the pool. After another minute of the oral assault on her clit, she began mirroring the movements of their hips, eyes fixed on the way their wet cunts slid together as her own ground against the tongue between her legs. 

One of the pair looked back at her. "Do you want to see our gift?"

Before she could respond, the nymph backed off from her partner slightly. If Kate was confused, she was totally shocked when the nymph started peeing. The golden stream splashed against the other's breasts, before falling down her taut abs to between her legs. The pair laughed as the stream arced up into the recipient's open mouth. 

She should have turned her head away in disgust but she couldn't take her eyes off it. When the first finished peeing, the couple stood and walked over, squatting by her sides.

The nymph licking her pussy lifted away, causing Kate to whimper slightly. "Do you want to come?" She said.

Kate looked over at James, who looked horrified. But the need in her clit was undeniable, so she simply turned back to the nymph and nodded.

"Then we will pee all over your body", the nymph to her right said.

Almost immediately two hot jets of piss hit her chest, drenching her top and feeling deliciously warm. The impact points moved down as she arched her back so the streams impacted just over her cunt, running down to where their fellow nymph resumed eating her out. Kate came harder than she ever had, seeing stars and throwing her head back, pulling violently against the vines.


I'll follow with part 2 later, just so I don't lose it-typed on my phone

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Part 2

Kate came to, finding the vines now gone and her limbs free to move. But the nymph that had made her cum was now straddling her chest, her pussy pointed directly at her face.

"We give you now a free choice, drink from us, and join us as a water spirit of the forest, or go back to your world of stone and metal." 

Kate pondered for a second, but she knew her choice. She could go back to the 9-5, with the pub and the gym as her only recreation, or she could spend her days pissing and fucking with these beautiful creatures, seducing unwary travellers just as she had been. She nodded, closed her eyes and opened her mouth. Just as the first spurt of per new mistress's pee touched her lips, she heard a roar and a loud crash from above her.

"Come on Kate! Let's go!" James shouted before grabbing her arm and yanking her away, their packs in his other hand as he sprinted with her in tow along the path. 

After what felt like an eternity running down the path he stumbled and fell, panting, to the ground, taking Kate down with him.

He looked down at his girlfriend's wet body sprawled across his chest. The smell of their pee was still on her and for some reason, same as it had been for Kate he supposed, it made him extremely horny. It had taken most of the sprint away from the pool to calm his erection down, but now he felt it returning with a vengeance.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"J-James, how...?"

"I had my knife in my belt and managed to cut away at the vines while they were...distracted", he said, "but that's not important. We need to get you out of here."

"Out...but I didn't want to get out, I wanted to...I wanted to stay and wanted them to pee on me again...Christ, I'm getting turned on just thinking about it!" Kate panted.

James felt her hands begin to slide along his sides, lifting his shirt and pulling at his shorts.

"Now isn't the time Kate, we've gotta go, they might be able to follow us!"

"James, if you don't make me cum right now they won't need to, because I can't resist it much more..."

He realised he had no choice, but more pertinently, his cock springing free from his shorts was saying he didn't want otherwise. He pulled Kate close and kissed her, their tongues wrapping round each other as he grabbed her tight arse. Kate got up on one knee with the other over him, a hand on his chest to keep him still. Before he realised what was happening she was pissing directly onto his hard cock, the impact on the head a feeling unlike anything he'd felt before. As he felt the stream pour down his shaft she lowered and rubbed her peeing pussy over the tip, sending her pee droplets across their thighs. As she finished she lowered herself onto him, riding his urine-drenched cock as if her life depended on it, digging her nails into his upper chest and moaning.

It wasn't long before they both came, his load shooting deep into her as she collapsed on top of him. After a brief respite, she looked up to her boyfriend.

"James...do you need to pee?"

Without a word, he softly kissed her and rolled her off him, getting his girlfriend on her knees in front of him. Still in her ruined top, she looked up longingly as he pissed all over her chest, her hand between her legs as she rubbed herself to another orgasm. She squirted her juices over the mossy ground as she caught the last of his golden shower in her mouth. 

The fog had cleared from James's mind with that, and he threw Kate a change of clothes from her pack.

"Let's get out of here and straight on the next fucking flight home."

6 Months Later

The couple had never spoke of the events again. Not to anyone else (though who would believe them, James thought), and certainly not to each other. For James's part, he thought Kate was getting over it. She had only asked him to pee on her once again, when she was drunk, but apart from that she had seemed like she was getting back to normal life. And so it was, he thought, as he bought them a round of cocktails. "Use my card babe", Kate said. "I'm nipping for a vape."

James duly tapped her card on the reader, and it declined. It declined again with the pin in. Weird, he thought. But still, he used his card and said nothing of it. That night while Kate was in the shower, he decided to do some snooping. He felt bad about it, but he opened up her phone and checked her banking. His jaw dropped. Almost every transaction was for porn. VIPissy.com, watersports erotica on kindle, PissingInAction, it was like a teenage boy's with a serious kink.

Still, he thought, if it was her outlet for it, he wasn't going to stop her. It had just been her drinking money card, so it wasn't like she'd blown a lot on pee porn. 


"Kate, we need to talk." 

The blonde turned from her desk with a start. Lily, her boss, was standing over her with a stony glare. 

"Wha-" she started, before Lily cut her off.

"Not here. My office."

Kate gulped and set off after the tall redhead.

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