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The house across the back lane.

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Across the back lane from my house, there is a house where a pasted owner had had an extension added onto the back of it, with a bedroom upstairs in it. When they sold the house the new owners converted this bedroom into a bathroom, but did not change the window glass just put up double thickness net curtains and a roller blond. Some years later they had to work away from ho,me and so let the house to three or four nurses. At some point the net curtains were changed and the blind removed.

When the early morning sun was at the right angle I could clearly see a side view of the females using the toilet. I would see them first pull up there blue nurses uniforms to there waist and lower there knickers before sitting on the toilet, then stand to pull there clothes back into place.

When the nurses let came to an end they held a party, but one of them was having a bath, as the noise and fun got louder, she looked out of the bathroom window at the side garden, to do this she opened the large window inwards and this she did NAKED, I had a clear view of her from her knees upwards, her dark bush and big tits, then she leaned out with her big tits hanging over the window ledge, at this point I could also see her butt-crack, she then quickly closed the window, got dressed and joined the party.

As the party went on and the drinks flowed, some of the men started to come out into the garden to pee, the females started to turn on the outside floodlights to try and see the men peeing, later there was a lot of shrieking and the lights coming on to light up two females peeing in the middle of there lawn.

When the house was sold again the new owners changed the window glass.

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