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the water bottle

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For those of us who like the outdoor activities, the water bottle is most essential. When you're outdoors all day, you need to stay well-hydrated.

I favor the wide-mouth kind that hold a liter and carry several with me when I'm on the trail for hours. I usually go through four or five, finishing one about every couple hours, and more frequently when it's hot or I'm exercising hard.

If you're hot from over exertion, you can use it to cool yourself off, pouring water over your head, body, clothing.

You can also the water bottle for times you need a little cleanup the field, washing hands and feet, as well as your private areas.

But, perhaps their most useful quality is that, when empty, they can be used as a urinal when there's nowhere close by to pee. Perhaps you've been driving for hours and can't find a place to stop, or you're camping and don't want to step outside at night. The water bottle can be so convenient. Women should choose one where the opening is wide enough they can use them, too. If not, try attaching a small funnel.

And, for those who've had an accident, or those who enjoy wetting but don't wish to share their pleasure with everybody, a splash or two from the bottle covers up things nicely.

Yes, the water bottle is most handy.

This is like the kind I use. I almost never travel anywhere without one. Or several!


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