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Beginner look for advice

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Hello as the title says I’m a beginner and I’ve got a few questions and looking for tips an advice. So a few questions I had are:

when getting wet do I have to worry about rashes. I seen someone say that it depends on how clear your pee is and how hydrated you are.

how do I avoid rashes.

Is it safe to drink pee. How do I get use to the taste

With naught pee how do you avoid being caught. 

what advice do you have for peeing in public.

Advice on peeing you’re pants in public.


if you have any other tips or advice or something you wish you knew when you first start feel free to comment them

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Hi and a huge welcome into a community which is more popular and widespread than you'd think.

I'm sure plenty of people will answer your questions, but please also make use of the vast amount of information already here.  You'll see answers to many of your questions where people have already asked or at least asked similar.   Both in this section, and maybe in 'Men Peeing: Pictures, Videos & Stories' too.

As well as just browsing, the site search is pretty good especially when you get into the advanced search.


Note for anyone else answering - If you know of existing content which fits, please just paste a link to it instead of having to type up something similar and duplicating.

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