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I was on Plymouth Hoe at a firework display for Drake 400 years. At the end as hundreds of use where leaving it was now wet and cold, as I walked down from the Hoe I went down some steps to a lower road, as I turned a corner on the steps there was a female with her jeans down having a pee, I could not stop and stare as there were more people right behind me.

As I walked on I felt the need for a pee coming on, I walked towards the bus station. At the station the toilets were closed, ( this is how the city plan large events with no toilets and no bus home) and as I got nearer the exit I went in behind the large dust bins, it was already wet in there as it had already been used by other people to pee.

I was there with my thing out peeing on one of the bins when there was a female shriek, I looked around and this female had also come behind the bins and on seeing me was very apologetic and saying sorry, I said sorry also and said I was dying to pee all evening and found the toilets closed, she replied so was she and with that she dropped her jeans and went into a low squat by a bin behind me and started to pee, her piss was soon running past my foot and adding to my puddle, as I finished I turned as I was putting my thing away to leave I did try to have a good look but she was to close to the ground and her back tight up to one of the bins, with her knees together so I said bye and went on my way home. ( a little bit stiffing )

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