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The strange happenings of a foreign hunter

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A/N: Hello all. I'm proud to introduce that dark fanfiction I mentioned in my original a week or so ago. The title is something I came up with on the spot (since the other name is Unnamed) but it does fit relatively well with what I have in mind for our characters. The first several chapters don't have a smidge of desperation in them since it builds upon stuff, and the rest are told from the perspective of a cold killer unexpectedly finding love (at least, what I think they think like). The chapters might and might not be shorter since my muse is unpredictable, but this is a side story to get my muse going for Emma's Dilemma & other fanfictions I'm working on. Think of our main character's desire for control as another form of omorashi, though really skewed because emotions are difficult.

Worry not, there will be desperation. just gotta be patient.

You might notice that some things that are supposed to be discussed with more emotion instead are simply told like the weather forecast. I attribute it to me not putting as much effort into this work, but it actually fits into the MC's personality.

I will warn you; this story is written to include death, fight scenes, and people who do bad things because they are bad. If it ain't your cup of tea, then don't tell me about it.

This is a character insert from Bloodborne into the webnovel Worm. There may or may not be more fusions from the game. You do not need any previous knowledge to understand this. I do not own Worm or Bloodborne, only my OCs.


Are humans truly human? Some would argue that we are all merely pawns in a game, but what game? Were we destined to become so… enlightened in our world? The Great Ones we worship could say otherwise. 

That is the question I ask myself every time I wake up, wondering when this… Nightmare will end. 

I’ve been a Hunter for a very long time. I’d say subjectively for three years, perhaps more. I forgot my earlier life, if I could even recall it from the beginning.

I held the Holy Moonlight Sword over my shoulder, it’s weight easily reminding me of my current issue. 

I would have loved to continue the endless Hunt I was cursed with, perhaps end it once I found the source, yet these are mere dreams and desires. What’s done is done, and now I am stuck due to my own curiosity.

Approximately three days ago, I was enamored with the Nightmare and it’s continuing existence. I already knew the eye of a certain Blood Drunk Hunter was the host of the Nightmare, yet I unknowingly slayed the one who was sustaining the damn thing. How would I know a failed Great One would have been the one keeping everything intact? I thought it was Kosm, yet that was quickly disproved after I gazed upon her washed up body on the coast. Her own child- rather, it’s remnants fought me in an endless battle of attrition. Both knew what lies at stake. My own need for knowledge, and the Orphan’s survival instinct clashed like the divine and hellish powers of old. By the 67th death, I knew I was much too weak to even garner a sliver of a chance against It, and decided a well-deserved dive into the Chalice Dungeons was needed.

The Tomb of the Gods was truly a treasure trove of power and insanity. The Pthumeru Chalices ignited my scholastic nature once I saw the runes, words, and history of Yharnam the further down I delved. Soon, I sought the Loran Chalices to obtain a cursed ritual material and learned of the vile medical practices of many men and women. Their own curiosity sated by death, and soon Yharnam will reach the same end… if none stop the scourge.

After obtaining what I needed and growing stronger along my weapons, I used the abundance of the materials gathered to create half a dozen of cursed, rotted, fetid chalices in search of Bloodstone gems. Ones that help channel my vast arcane power into my weapons; boosting their potency, lethality, and overall performance into levels sought after by Kings of old. Soon, I gathered a plethora of blood gemstones of varying shapes and effects, the exhausting journey driving me to near insanity after slaying all slumbering Great Ones that dare stopped me in my path of power. 

I came to in the Dream, the Holy Moonlight Greatsword dimly glowing in my hands, and then decided to finally break the Orphan of Kosm. It was almost too easy, how It died upon the first few minutes of battle. It’s body only a charred facsimile of what it was. As It’s echoes entered my mind, I couldn’t recognize what was me and the remnants of my enemies.

Soon after obtaining It’s final fragment, the Nightmare collapsed.

And now, I was sent here. I have not found a Lamp yet, but that is not needed. I am still connected to the Dream as I can access all my weapons through the endless pouch on my back, yet the anomalies that keep on coming truly have their own category. This world’s technological level is heaps beyond what I knew of in Yharnam, and there seems to be no traces of Blood healing or the Arcane arts. 

“Please, I’m telling you the truth. This is everything I know!” My little pet begged.

I would say that the Hunt changed me, and I wouldn’t lie. The both of us were sitting- well, I was standing, and my pet was sitting on a rotting wooden chair, begging me to let him go.

“Hmmm, I think you’re still keeping things wrapped up in that mind of yours…” I trailed off.

Of course, the poor man told me everything he knew. From today’s date to the latest news of his world. He even spoke of his affiliated gang; going into intricate detail of the myriad of safehouses scattered about, currently known operations, and their own “cape” roster. 

Apparently, this world houses superhumans with powers of varying diversity. I made sure they were not born of Blood or any affiliated terms. I have yet to find a superhuman boasting such powers and would love to see it for myself. 

“I-I said everything! My family, my address, the Empire, and all the-” I interrupted his panicked ramblings, my gloved finger on his trembling lips. 

“Oh I know. You’re telling the truth, nothing can disprove that… Come with me, pet.” I ordered, a mere thought made the arcane shackles disappear.

He followed me outside without a thought, keeping himself at my side. I pointed farther into the city, and spoke, “If you’d like to live, you can take me to the nearest cape. I might let you go if you’re right.”

“Y-Yes! I’ll do anything!” 

How pleasant. My own pet

It’s been too long.

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A/N: I have a backlog of 6 chapters (including the previous one), so here's the second one..

No desperation yet.


New Beginnings

Riding the ‘bus’ is quite an experience. We were far in the north, and it was quite a walk to the nearest station. I could tell people were intimidated by me, the most logical option would be to strap the Holy Moonlight Greatsword to my back… yet they still stare as if I am an exotic animal set to attack at the slightest provocation.

My pet did mention I was quite the looker, although I didn’t know he meant it like that. I haven’t had a human compliment my body in a very long time, it felt surreal. I might treat him later, show him what it’s like to live with a few more eyes. Although I do wonder if he considers me male or female since the Old Hunter’s attire can be gender neutral at best…

“W-We’re here.” My pet stuttered.

The bus dropped us off at a wonderfully constructed building, glass reflecting the ever-present moonlight akin to a giant mirror. The doors were made of glass, opening sideways at the nearest presence of a human. I’m no architect, but this is truly beyond anything back home. 

Two black armor-clad guards holding sleek rifles greeted us as we entered, and I did not miss their lingering gaze from behind. One of the many benefits of Insight.

The inside almost matched the construction outside; seamless white walls with electric lights burrowed into the ceiling, booths containing colorful figurines and toys, then a wide desk seemingly made of metal sitting in the middle of the spacious building. 

“What now, pet? I see nothing of interest, especially your so-called ‘capes’ anywhere here. Did you lie to me, pet?” I asked gently, placing my blood-stained gloved hand onto his slightly trembling shoulder. My my, he must be terrified of me!

Good. He must know his place. It’s his consequence for attempting to “Teach me my place”.

The blood must’ve masked my true skin tone, that is after finding out he was a racist of all things. Disgusting.

Before teaching my pet the true manners of a gentleman, I was politely interrupted by a man clad in near-skintight red… attire? It seemed out of place, and the visor keeping one third of his face hidden felt a bit overdone. Too colorful and would perform terribly during a Hunt. 

He waved at us before stopping a good six feet away.

“Hey there, I’m Assault! What’s a spooky cape like you doing here?” He greeted enthusiastically.

For the first time in my long life, I was struck with confusion and my vast mind grasped at what he could mean.

“Excuse me, did you refer to yourself as ‘Assault’?” I probed bemusedly.

He seemed taken aback for a moment, but just as quickly gained momentum again, “Yeah, it’s my cape name.”

I immediately understood what he meant, fully connecting the two concepts together. Oh my, they have a whole culture going on, based on what my pet told me and the proudly worn attire of all these capes…

I must be dealing with a particularly flamboyant Workshop Branch.

I stepped forward, inviting him to a handshake. He hesitated momentarily, before taking my offered hand, slight strength permeating through his carefree attitude. 

“My apologies, Assault. It is nice to meet you on this fine evening. To answer your previous question, I am… foreign to your land and had my pet direct me to the nearest cape stronghold…” I looked back to my pet, who flinched under my gaze. “He did wonderfully, considering his affiliation with your resident Empire.”

I could see Assault shift from a very welcoming host to someone who would rather kick me out at the nearest possible opportunity. A certain doctor made sure I remembered that.

“... Your pet… I’m afraid pets are exclusive to mammals like cats and dogs… not humans.”

I brought a hand to my chest, “Oh I do apologize for desecrating your culture at this very moment. Allow me to release him.” I said sincerely, turning back to my pet- former pet.

He stared into my crimson red eyes, terror building under his crumbling persona. I truly crushed this man’s ego, didn’t I? 

Words that were said to me, a very very long time ago, flowed like the fog in a certain Dream.

“You’ve done well, pet. As part of our bargain, I shall let you go. However, If you dare accost another human based on skin color, don’t be surprised to see me again.” I warned truthfully.

He frantically nodded, then almost jogged out of the building like an eager gentleman. I turned round to face Assault, who had another colorful cape behind him.

Her attire was skintight and left little to imagine what could be hidden underneath; supple breasts almost double my puny size, and shapely thighs indicating years of toning and exercise. All this was hidden under a well-crafted bodysuit that had cyan electrical currents plastered on.

Does every cape hunter harbor their own Brand? My, more to explore.

“Excuse my ignorance, I had to dismiss him. Where shall we go from here?” I asked dear Assault. 

“... why don’t you come on over and talk with us a bit.” The cape behind him spoke, her feminine voice playing with the air.

I giggled, smiling pleasantly under my cowl. “With pleasure.”

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Thanks for your posts...   Just for info, there seems to be a bit of a style bug with the site - if you post content in with formatting it doesn't show properly in either night or day mode.  As a solution, when posting if you choose to remove formatting it should be ok.  (It tripped me up last week too).

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3 - A Pleasurable Offer

The barren grey room we entered alongside two other soldiers proved to be quite… boring. I am a Hunter! Built to maim and kill Beasts and Gods! Yet here I am, about to discuss mundane topics with superhumans that enjoy dressing up in their Hunts- If they have Hunts in the first place.

A wonderful middle-eastern woman in the close approximation of a casual tuxedo entered, her brown wavy hair flowing like my sister’s-

I shivered at the memory, the reminder of what happened to my only companion in the Hunt, and what drove me to kill everything in my path. A twisted form of vengeance.

Thankfully, either the woman did not notice, or couldn’t bring herself to care as she sat down.

“Hello, my name Hannah Flores and I represent the PRT.” She introduced herself, a welcome and soft smile on her sharp face.

I stayed silent. There was no reason for me to introduce myself since she never asked. It would be impolite to speak where I am not needed. 

Our staring contest ended when she blinked her light brown eyes first, still maintaining her soft smile.

“... Okay, let’s start with something simple. Are you a villain, or a hero?” 

I couldn’t help but laugh. Her first introductory question is my moral standing? How quaint.

“Neither. I am a Hunter… and a scholar.”

She mulled over my words before responding, “A hunter? So a rogue?”

I ignored her choice of words, and explained my forced-upon profession. 

“I hunt Beasts, and enjoy it. However, some humans turn into bad apples… it is my duty as a Hunter to eradicate them.” I explained. 

A neutral look fell upon her face, and I got the sneaky suspicion that I won’t work well with her. 

“... Do you consider the other villains in Brockton Bay as bad apples?”

I hummed, her new terms striking my mind as something I should know, yet am not in the know. Will she answer me if I am honest? Only one way.

“I’ll be honest, Hannah. I know next to nothing about Brockton Bay aside from my pet’s desperate ramblings, and the only villain to my knowledge is a church that I’d rather not expand upon… My pet may have been biased. Are the villains you speak of part of an ‘Empire 88’?”

Her face remained neutral as she nodded, papers spreading out from a beige folder.

“We have a few sightings the past four days of a, and I quote, ‘deranged killer slicing apart Empire and ABB men with a fucking cape sword’ and ‘I swear he laughed’. These are direct witness quotes from Brockton Bay’s Police Department.” She finished, an accusatory tone in her voice. 

I needn’t think of a response, it was right there. “I saw them as the rotten apples that they were, writhing with vermin and filth, especially when they were beating other men, raping women in dark alleys… I would desecrate the League’s Oath by standing by. It is my duty.”

She was quick to jump onto my explanation, treating it like a confession of crime. 

“So you do admit to multiple counts of first-degree murder, aggravated assault and battery, and domestic terrorism.” She said pointedly.

At that moment, I realized what was happening. I was being prosecuted. Befuddlement fled, and in its place was cold logic; I do not belong here, and the League’s work shall never be grasped by the masses. Valtr drilled that into me multiple times.

“Hannah, I am merely following my Oath. Just like the hero's obligation to protect, I do so as well.”

“Yes but killing and ending a human life isn’t for you to decide. No matter where you come from, laws of the land must be abided.”

I stayed silent, waiting for her to complete her inane judgement. I already have a wonderful plan building in my mind’s eye. 

She shuffled a few more papers, then slid one over to me with a black pen.

“Now, you can confess to what you’ve done, get processed, and serve your sentence…” she trailed off, procuring a different set of papers from another folder. “or you may be able to join the Protectorate on a probationary status.”

I held back the urge to giggle, “You mistake me for a hero, Hannah. I am a Confederate, and my allegiance lies with the League. Always. I do not care for your laws, as they will impede my Hunt.” I said lowly, standing up.

She nearly stood as well, instead she glared at my blood-stained attire. “You’re not authorized to leave.”

I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at her. I gazed into her determined eyes and offered an ultimatum. 

“Listen very carefully, Hannah. I have been polite, I did not cause you any ill service nor did I attack you and yours. You may choose one of two decisions; The first, you let me go on my merry way with no issues, no problems, and no deaths on your side…. Or the second, I slaughter your men, cape hunters, and whoever dares cross my path. I have done the same to many creatures that twist and defy the world. Do you understand, or shall I demonstrate?” I monotonously warned, making sure to inject as much sincerity as I could into my words. It would be a shame if she did not take my words seriously.

Silence ruled the barren interrogation room for minutes, what felt like dozens of minutes, until she finally relented. She stood and entered a code into the door, allowing me passage, rather begrudgingly. 

“You will be officially considered a villain from now on. I’m sorry it had to come to this.” She said, not at all sorry.

“Don’t get in my way, and none shall suffer.” I parted, exiting the building.

What a sporting negotiation. This world has laws, and they actually enforce them… a joke. I see that these cape hunters receive special treatment, of the good and bad variety, while the normal humans are considered as collateral damage. A neglected statistic.

I’m no Great One. Close, but a few steps off. Even I can already tell this city is writhing with vermin. What’s a Confederate like me to do, little access to the Dream, and a head full of eyes?

Why, eradicate all Vermin, of course.

Edited by DarkerThanWind
wrong chapter
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4 - A Foundation of Blood

A Hunter is nothing without their Workshop, weapons, tools, and most importantly… their prey. Which is why I was currently wandering Brockton’s docks in search of a warehouse, or spacious location to start my first Workshop in. 

My weapons can sustain themselves for so long before mandatory maintenance is needed, and when that is needed, tools and the proper workspace is required for optimum results. I’ve repaired my weapons enough that I practically memorized the process without issue.

I walked on and on, until the moon was nearing the horizon and the morning sun breached through the darkness. As I walked, the city gradually changed from a dilapidated wasteland into properly maintained buildings and dwellings.

“Help! Please, anyone! Help me-” A desperate scream sounded from a block away.

Looks like my path is set.

The Impurity Oath allows Confederate Hunters to see Vermin writhing within each beast, human, and Hunter. I could see such roots of vermin- evil in some humans I pass glowing faintly, indicative of their small contribution to corruption. The urge to slaughter these men and rip out each and every bit of vermin from them is suppressed. Barely. 

I reach the alley to see a big burly bald man towering over a mousy olive-skinned woman. She was on the ground, her head behind bruised arms.

I see.

The man’s vermin glowed brightly like a raging fire, consuming his personality like a widespread corruption. I approached, projecting my voice. 

“Unhand her, fiend.” 

He did not stop, but turned to look at me, his face filled with displeasure at my interruption.

“What the fuck do you want?” He grunted in-between kicks.

I answered by simply stepping closer and punching him in the head. He surprisingly flew quite a ways before slamming onto the opposite wall. I didn’t stop, he lay dazed on the floor, penis out and limp. I retrieved a throwing knife and slowly but surely castrated him, including the testes.

His screams were a correct indication that my lesson was working. I then crushed his head under my boot, feeling his mushy brain leak out akin to errant drops of rainwater- there.

I wrenched the writhing Vermin from his bleeding nape and squashed it. The satisfaction of ridding the world from vermin hit me like a runaway train.

A feminine whimper broke me out of that small reverie, and I remembered why I killed the man in the first place. The young woman stared fearfully at the man’s bleeding stump, then locked eyes with me.

Silence ruled our meeting for but a moment until I broke the ice. 

“Let’s get you cleaned up.” I said softly, slowly making my way towards her shaking form.

She did not resist as I picked her up, redressing her attire as she stared frightfully into my red eyes. 

“W-Where are y-you taking me?”

“Somewhere safe.” I said, not bothering to look down.

As she snuggled close into my arms, I delighted in the feeling of obtaining a new pet-

No, this one is willingly coming with me. She is letting me take her, without knowing where that is…

Could this be… have I found a partner?

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