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Youtube more rigorous?

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I just noticed that ALL my videos were removed from youtube, by youtube. I read their guidelines several times. I can't see where I crossed the line.

The meanest thing is that they now gave me two strikes at once, for two clips that had been on my channel since the very beginning. I have had 2 channl reviews + video deletions before. Those two clips have always "survived" that review. I did not change them at all. Now all of a sudden they violate any rules that they did not before? Two strikes means I can't access my account anymore.

I don't want to start another discussion on full on piss videos being on youtube for up to 4 years without any removal. I can imagine people reporting me all day. But are the rules interpreted differently now? Did you notice favorite clips disappearing from youtube lately?

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Hey Kevin,

do you still happen to know the link to the discussion with patches?

And I think you can say censorship. I only talked about things in two clips and it was definitely no hate speech. I even marked those as adult just to make sure.

Oh well :(

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I think the problem is that YouTube don't really know themselves. If no nudity is shown, then technically I don't really see how peeing can be classed as adult/unsuitable content. However, if enough people report a video (and for some reason - perhaps as they just think it's a bit weird - people seem quick to report these kind of videos). Of course, the type of video is important in whether it stays, too. If it looks like a staged video (i.e. something you'd find on a porn site) it's probably not going to last long; friends messing around and one of them filming someone peeing is more likely to stay. It really is hit and miss, in my experience.

It must be rather frustrating for you, especially if they've started removing some of your earlier videos. I haven't been familiar with the peeing side of youtube for long enough to comment whether they're getting more rigorous, but one thing they definitely are is inconsistent.

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Yes, they are very inconsistent. Yesterday something hit me like a brick. I got an email about a comment on one of my videos (which should be impossible by the way, at least I can't access or comment on them anymore)

When I wanted to reply, it took me to the page where it says video removed. It stated:

"This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube's policy against spam, scams, and commercially deceptive content."

how did I fall under that? Spam and scam definitely not and I am pretty sure that there was nothing deceptive about the videos.

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Did you link to your own site in the video/description? If they think you're trying to profit from the video on another website, they're probably going to remove it regardless of the content.

I'm currently investigating the idea of having a video system on this site; there seems to very few active video sites just for peeing. If such a thing were setup, would you be interested in sharing some videos there?

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