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"Nicole" An Intimate Tale of a Beautiful Woman. Part 1. Introduction.

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"Nicole" An Intimate Tale of a Beautiful Woman. Part 1. Introduction.
Mutual Attraction, and a Long, Close Friendship.

By Dr.P.

Summary: "Nicole" has been a dear friend, in real life, for more than ten years. The true beginnings of our relationship are detailed in Part 1. There has always been a strong, mutual attraction between us. We are the best of friends, but we have not become lovers, up to this point. We lost track with one another, a couple of years ago, and the fictional part of this story, beginning in Part 2, is a fantasy of how our fortuitous reunion blossoms into a very romantic, very "wet" relationship. Although her name is fictitious, "Nicole" is a real person, who lives less than a half mile away from me.

[Since I have been fortunate enough to find pictures, on line, of a woman who bears a striking resemblance to her, peeing in 3 clothing styles, and 3 different poses, (squatting, sitting, and standing) I include them in this post, to give the reader an impression of her physical beauty, which adds to the impact of the story. Wish I knew the identity of this pee model/actress, who looks so much like my "Nicole."]

Here's the real part of the story:

It is an unseasonably warm fall day, in Southern California, and I notice that "Nicole," a "new girl" in my late afternoon yoga class, is wearing her knee-length yoga pants, revealing that she has impressively beautiful legs, ankles, and feet, matching the rest of her. She has very beautiful, luxuriant, shoulder-length, blond hair, (with dark roots), a very pretty face, and one of the most perfectly proportioned woman's bodies, that I have ever seen, not flat chested, but not overly endowed, with a slim waist, and trim, but not skinny hips.

There are eight or ten of us, mostly women, except for me, in the yoga class, held in a large room, with mirrored walls, and we are sitting quietly on the floor, awaiting instructions from the teacher, on the next exercise. "Nicole" is several rows in front of me, so it is easy for me to check her out, front, back, and side, using the mirrors, which I am doing, when she catches me looking at her legs!

I am devastated, fearing a bad reaction from her! Her potential embarrassment, and/or anger, are the first thoughts that come to my mind. She locks eyes with me in the mirror at the front of the room, and I fear the worst. But she smiles, a warm, genuine smile, with her lips and her eyes! I return her warm smile, profoundly relieved at her apparently non-hostile reaction. We exchange glances several more times, during the class. I make it a point to approach her, after class, and make small talk, about the class, itself. I don't even ask her name, at that point, thinking that I will see her the next week, and not wanting to come on too strong, so soon after this encounter.

After the class, I muse, alone, over our meeting. Quite romantic, actually:

"Some enchanted evening, you will see a stranger,
You will see a stranger, across a crowded room..."

But she doesn't show at the class, for two more weeks, and I feel I may have lost her forever. I am devastated, again! I didn't even get her name, so I can't ask the teacher, a good female friend, about her. I have seen people wander in and out of these classes, all the time, for the past four years, when I have been a regular attendee, at one or another of them. Some become regulars, some come back once or twice, and some never come back, at all. Major bummer.

But on the third week, she shows up at the class again, and she seems to remember me. We exchange glances, play eye games, and talk after class, very friendly, as if there has been no interruption in time. I find out that she owns her own business, and was out of town, on a business trip, for the past two weeks, which explains her absence. And her name is "Nicole."

At that time, I was in my late sixties. I Google her under her business name, which she has shared, and find out that she is 7 or 8 years younger than I am, but she honestly looks much younger than that, late forties, early fifties, max. I also find her contact information, e-mail, phones, FAX, and street address, since she runs her business out of her home, which is nearby, to me.

We seem drawn to each other. I was an independent technical consultant, a retired engineer, also working at home, at that time, and we hit it off, immediately. We begin to make a habit of talking after class, every week. She sometimes begs off, using the excuse that she has to go to the restroom, which she says is a common thing for her, "Everybody knows that "Nicole" is running to the restroom, again," she jokes, with me.

I reply, "Go ahead, get comfortable. I'll wait for you." So she quits using that excuse. I am surprised that she is so open about her bodily functions to a man she doesn't yet know very well, since she seems to be a very private person, otherwise.

I have to admit to myself that I am falling in love with her. In fact, she had me with that first smile, yet she seems to be holding me at arms length, not rejecting me, but not allowing me any closer, which is puzzling, to me. She never mentions a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, children, etc., and she wears no rings, so I assume that she is available, but I never ask, directly, fearing that such a question may disrupt a fairly delicate, tenuous relationship, which I don't want to lose.

I notice that she arrives at the class, about ten to fifteen minutes late, habitually, every week, which has several practical consequences: There are usually few, or no good spaces left, with a clear view of the teacher, and the supply of equipment, such as mats, blocks, bolsters, and blankets, has been seriously depleted, by the time she arrives. I had learned this lesson myself, years previously, and began arriving 10 to 15 minutes early, for this class, which is often crowded, at this time of day. So I offer to set up and save a spot, of her choosing, for her, every week, since it only takes me about 5 minutes to do it, and I am always there early, anyway.

She accepts, reluctantly, at first, but she quickly sees the advantages, on days when the class is crowded, because the teacher is popular, and especially on days when she needs to "run to the restroom," before joining the class. So I perform this minor service for her, every week, for several years. We become good friends, and almost always carry on a conversation lasting 10 to 20 minutes, after class, on many subjects. No more restroom excuses, and she does thank me for saving her setup, one day, when she needed to use the restroom before class, saying,

"I sure was glad that you had my setup saved today! I really needed the restroom, when I arrived. No chance to hold it, so I was very relieved that I didn't have to look for equipment, and a spot to set up. Thanks!"

"My pleasure!"

When she needs to pee after class, which is fairly often, she goes to the Ladies' immediately afterward, while I am putting away the equipment that she and I have used, and we have our conversation as we walk to our cars, together.

We talk a lot, over the years, and find that parts of our histories are very similar. We both grew up in the Midwestern US, have European immigrant ancestries, but were both born in the States. We have similar political opinions, and even attend the same church, on occasion. We e-mail each other, fairly often. I have a strong romantic and sexual interest in her, and want very much to ask her out, but I am afraid that doing so may ruin our delicately balanced relationship.

So I buy her a gift, a very pretty, and relatively expensive, yoga bag, which she has admired, in the hands of a substitute yoga teacher, but she refuses to accept it, since we are not family, and not dating, in her words. I am very disappointed, but I write her a heartfelt letter, in which I apologize, and tell her that I admire and like her as a person, and hope we can remain good friends.

The friendship survives, and the sexual or romantic tension seems greatly reduced, between us, now that those feelings are acknowledged, and out in the open. We become much closer friends, and we talk even more freely. We are aware that we are seen as a couple, by the other women in the yoga class, but neither of us cares what they think. All of those other women keep trying to find out what our relationship really is, suspecting that it is romantic, of course, so they ask me leading, and sometimes tricky questions. But I give them plausible, benign explanations, which tell them nothing.

I ended up dropping out of the yoga class, after getting injured in an industrial accident, and a fall, several years ago. My injuries limit my flexibility, for yoga, but not my strength, or other abilities. So the only times I see "Nicole" now, are in the local grocery stores, and at church, on rare occasions. But we are always very glad to see one another, and talk enthusiastically, often for 15 or 20 minutes, whenever and wherever we happen to meet.






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