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Watching a girl wet herself at a gig

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I watched the girl in the row in front of me. She was dancing to the music of the band, and I was mesmerised by the way her cute, round, little bum, snug in tight, small, denim shorts was wriggling back and forth. I was sure that she was not just dancing. She was also pee-dancing. She looked like she badly needed a wee. I realised that with a shock of excitement, but I was not really surprised. The band was popular, with a mainly female fan base. She, and many others, had got to her place early and had been waiting for the band to come on for a long time. Those who had left for a comfort break had not come back.

I was expecting a rush for the portaloos at the end of the gig. I had high hopes of seeing many women too desperate to want to queue for relief. I would be disappointed if the show did not end with girls publicly peeing in the grass near the toilet queues. I did not expect what happened next. The song finished, and as the crowd went wild with applause, the band launched into the opening chords of their latest, biggest hit, a catchy tune that was a sure crowd pleaser. An animal scream from 10,000 female throats filled the air. The girl in front of me joined in, first putting her hands to her mouth, and then stretching her arms to the sky, with everyone else.

And she wet her knickers.

This was not just her underwear getting a bit damp. This was not just a little dribble of urine moistening her clothing. This was not just a short squirt that might pass unnoticed. This was not just that she screamed so loud that some wee came out.

It was just some trick of the light, and a subtle change in her posture that made me look down again. Did I mention that she had a gorgeous bum? Suddenly I realised that clear liquid was just starting to pour through her shorts, streaming down the inside and back of her legs. It took me a moment to understand that she had just begun pissing into her knickers. I don’t know how quickly she knew that she was weeing in her clothes.

Thinking about it afterwards, I don’t think she had realised how badly she needed the toilet. I think she was completely lost in the music and her feelings for the band. (Most of the audience were in love with one or other of them.) And I think that when she screamed, she just squeezed on her stomach muscles, while not realising that she was not holding on to her bladder tightly enough. So as she screamed, she didn’t care that she was letting go inside her lips between her legs also. As she screamed, her hot piss burst from the lips of her fanny and filled her pants with warm liquid. A distant part of her mind decided to just let go, relax, pee, end the discomfort. Part of her mind registered that if felt nice to let her bladder squeeze out its contents as quickly as possible, it felt nice to relax her tired muscles holding on, it felt nice to feel warm fluid buzzing its way out of her body, it felt nice to feel the warm wetness bubbling past her eager, sensual clitoris, it felt nice to feel warm liquid running over the lips of her fanny and almost tickling the back of her legs.

And then she realised what she was doing. She was shocked to find herself standing in the middle of a large crowd, publicly doing something she would normally do only in private. She was pissing. In her knickers. Wetting herself. Going to the toilet. Fully dressed. Standing up. Everyone could see. She had completely lost control. She tried to stop, but could not. She realised that she was going to have to keep weeing until she was empty.

She looked about her, and saw everyone else looking at the band. Nobody seemed to have noticed that she was having an embarrassing accident, she thought. She didn’t like feeling her wee running down her legs, over her feet and through her sandals, so she changed her posture slightly, bending her knees and parting her legs a little. Now she was squirting her pee directly towards the ground, and most of it just fell in a sparkling stream. She felt splashes on her ankles as she pissed, splattering into the growing puddle between her feet.

I watched the whole time while she stood still and emptied her bladder. I knelt down on one knee, and pretended to tie a shoe lace, so I could better see her wetting her shorts. She was almost motionless, like a living statue in a fountain, for a good 30 seconds, just peeing uncontrollably through her clothes and onto the ground. I could feel a fine mist of pee droplets splashing on the back of my hand, and I barely resisted the temptation to reach out another few inches and feel her hot pee running through my fingers.

Then she realised that she could regain control and choose to stop it. Quickly she closed the flow, and the stream died away to a dribble, and then a few drips. She didn’t move for a few more moments, then she gave a little shake, and then, realising that the band were just starting the first chorus of their latest hit, the shake became a wriggle, and then she was dancing again, and joining in as the audience sang along with the chorus. The glistening puddle between her feet faded as the pool of urine soaked into the dry earth. There was a very small wet patch on her shorts, and few would realise that she had urinated in them.

I stopped pretending that I had tied my shoe lace and I stood up. Now she looked completely unconcerned.

And then it got better. When the song ended, she told her friend what she’d done. Even when she pointed to the small wet patch between her legs, her friend couldn’t believe that she’d been so bold. So she demonstrated, and turning to face her friend, she parted her legs, and released another short squirt through her shorts.

And then it got even better, because she persuaded her friend – who must have been dying for the loo too – to go in her knickers where she stood. She parted her feet, bent her knees slightly, and sprayed through her panties while the band played on. She was in a very short, tight dress, so she managed not to get that wet, and she managed to keep her legs dry too. She just stood, motionless, hands on knees for about 30 seconds while she wet herself, then she to straightened up and carried on dancing.

I then eased my way out of the crowd, as I didn’t expect to see those two pee again. But, as I expected, the lines were building for the portaloos long before the band finished, and many of their desperate fans chose to squat and pee openly on the grass at the edge of the crowd, rather than miss any of the show. There was a constant stream of girls dropping their knickers and peeing in full view..

It got even better when the last encore finished. I did also see a number of wet bums, so the two I saw wet themselves cannot have been the only ones.

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