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The Couple's New Kink (Part 5)

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John could not get his image of Allison pissing herself and masturbating in her car out of his mind. He struggled to focus most of the morning as he sat through the routine morning recap meeting that his supervisor liked to call "Morning Sunshines." They didn't last long unless the previous day had either been a disaster or unusually successful. His supervisor droned on, and John pictured his wife sitting in the front seat of her car, skirt pulled up, dribbling pee into her seat and touching herself.

"John," his supervisor's voice snapped him back to the present. "You did well yesterday. Make sure you get the record of the contacts you made yesterday forwarded to me before lunch, and try to call that guy from Comms in Dallas, let me know what you find out."

"Yes sir," John said. He had to be more careful if this was going to work. John was typically able to work independently in his office without much interference from management. But if they sensed that he was off at all, they would all be buzzing by to check on him like that scene in Office Space.

Later, John was alone in his office, just the way he liked it. His cell phone buzzed, and he saw that he had a text from Allison. John opened it and smiled at a picture of his wife with a wicked smile and biting the end of her lip. He loved it when she did that, and he could feel his cock twitch just from the picture. She texted him again: 

"Wish we didn't have to work." 

John responded: "Me too."

"Any fun yet?" she replied.

"Nope." It wouldn't be long, though, before John had a chance. He had already drank two cups of coffee and a bottle of water. The bathroom was a good walk from John's office. He could make it, but he would also have to pass coworkers and supervisors to get there. John grinned as he realized the practical benefits of his and Allison's new kink. If he figured out a way to not have to make that walk (unless necessary), he could likely get away with almost never having to leave his office (again, unless necessary). John sent another text: "You?" He set his phone down and opened up his email on his computer. As expected, there was a reminder email from his supervisor about the contact records. John smirked and opened up an Excel file. His phone buzzed again.

"I pissed down my legs in the corner of the teacher's lounge. :-)"

"Really?!" John replied. He tried to get back to entering the contacts into the spreadsheet but was now picturing Allison's legs wet with pee. His phone buzzed again.

"Yep. There was no one else around, and the carpet is dark and old, so I walked over to a corner where hardly anyone ever goes, took my shoes off, and just peed down my legs."

John texted his reply: "That is so hot, babe. I'm going to have to figure something out soon. Drank a lot of coffee." John looked around his office and frowned. There weren't a lot of options for pissing somewhere that didn't risk getting caught. Then he spotted the ficus in the corner of his office away from the windows. His phone buzzed again.

"I'm sure you'll think of something. I want to hear all about it." John smiled and stood up. He closed and locked his office door and walked over to the ficus. From this position, he knew no one would be able to see him in the back corner. The small tree was real and stood in a ceramic pot filled with soil. Allison had bought it for him after he had joked about wanting to spruce up his office. John picked up his phone and replied.

"I'm about to 'water' the ficus. ;-)" He set his phone down on his desk and walked over to the small tree. It was still doing well, likely because his wife had bought it for him and he wanted to take care of it, even if it was bought as a joke. And now, he would be christening it with his warm urine, which was also somehow perfect since it was a gift from Allison. His phone buzzed again, but he did not check it yet as he stepped up to the ficus, managed another cautious glance at his office door, then unzipped his fly and took out his dick. It didn't take long before a hard stream of warm, coffee-smelling urine sprayed out of him and into the dark soil at the base of the ficus. 

The relief John felt along with the knowledge that he was pissing openly in his office filled him with excitement. His cock twitched a few times as he continued to soak the soil in the pot. A few stray drops hit the base of the tree and a few dripped into the floor next to the pot. John noticed that the carpet was slightly damp there anyway, likely because he had splashed before while actually watering the tree. Feeling bold, John turned his dick away from the ficus and let a few stray squirts drop onto the carpet. He let go completely, allowing the last dribble to fall to the carpet, creating a small and barely noticeable wet spot right next to the pot.

John slid his dick back into his pants, zipped up, and then scooted the ficus over just enough to cover the wet spot. He walked back to his desk, unlocked his office door, and then picked up his phone. Allison's message was in all-caps.

"OH MY GOD THAT'S SO BAD AND SO HOT!" John laughed as he texted his reply.

"I think that's why you bought me that thing." He grinned and then tried to return to his work. His phone buzzed.

"Maybe. ;-)" the message read.

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