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"Lisa:" Last Call for Happy Hour (Her Story)


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"Lisa:" Last Call for Happy Hour (Her Story)
By Dr.P

Note: My memoir which is the basis for this story was posted on 8/2/17, in the Real Pee Encounters section. This story recounts the same true event, but again told from "Lisa's" point of view, so it is fictional. Here is how I think she might tell this story:

We got to know each other a lot better, during the couple of years after I began sharing my peeing with him completely, including wiping me, when I finished. I liked the intimacy which that created between us, and I looked for ways to increase that intimacy. He decided that he liked to lick me "dry" after I peed, instead of just wiping me with t.p., when we were in the privacy of our hotel room. I enjoyed that a lot more than having him use t.p. He seemed to really enjoy having my pee on his tongue and in his mouth, so it occurred to me that he might like me to actually pee in his mouth. I didn't have the nerve to ask him whether he wanted me to do that, and he never asked me to do it, directly. But I noticed that the wetter I was when he licked me, the better he liked it.

We occasionally met for drinks at "happy hour" in one of our favorite bars, which also had a nice, relatively secluded parking lot behind it. On this evening, when we left the bar, we got into my car, a large Cadillac, where we had room to get comfortable. We got situated in the back seat, and started kissing and fooling around.

I don't know what came over me, whether it was the alcohol giving me courage, or some strong, subconscious desire, but I looked him in the eyes and said "I have to go." He looked very pleased, and started to open the car door for me to pee outside, sitting on the running board, as I often did, when we were together. I stopped him, saying, "No, I want to do it right there," and patted the car seat. Then I told him to lie down with his head on the spot I had pointed out, and get ready.

He quickly understood what I wanted to do, and got into position, as best he could. It was summer, and I was wearing only panties under my dress, no stockings or pantyhose, so I slipped them off quickly. Then I lifted the front of my dress, and knelt over his face, with one thigh on each side of his head. My dress blocked my view of him, but it also blocked the view of anyone from outside, so I left it there, covering both of us.

I was straddling his face with my thighs, with my pussy a few inches above his mouth, but I had to guess where his mouth was, as I lowered myself onto his face. I really had to pee, and knew I wouldn't have any trouble getting started. Holding it while I got into position was more of a challenge, since we had drunk several tall glasses of vodka and tonic, at happy hour. When I thought I was there, I peed a little, in the general direction of his mouth, and felt it gush, spraying my right thigh, and continuing to run down my leg, which was squeezed tightly against the left side of his face, since he was facing upward, in front of me. Due to the fullness of my bladder and the urgency of my need to pee, I had less control than usual over the direction of my stream, so it was running down my leg, which is unusual for me. I couldn't see where it was going, through my dress, which covered my thighs, pussy, and his face, making it hard to correct.

So I stopped, and asked him if he was getting any. He said yes, he was, and it was delicious. So I started again, but I could still feel the warm pee flowing down my right thigh, so I knew he must have been catching most of it with his mouth on my thigh, which I could feel. That was fine with him, but I really wanted to do it directly in his mouth, and to be a little neater, in the process! So I stopped again, shifted position, and restarted. This time, my pee gushed straight into his mouth, and he loved it, swallowing it eagerly. I had to slow it down by stopping and re-starting several times, to give him time to swallow.

I finally gave him all that I had, then lifted the front of my dress to watch him lick my wet thigh and lips, between my legs. He looked like he was enjoying that too, even though his face, hair, and shirt collar were soaked with my pee. We dried him off as best we could with tissues, but his knit shirt was still damp, when we said good night. He told me later that he loved my scent so much that he didn't wash that shirt until my pee smell faded from it, after several weeks!



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