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Wetting at Houseparties

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Seeing a thread about squatting at house parties made me think of wetting at house parties, Curls has done these numerous times and even got me to do it at one party we hosted ourselves.

The first time Curls had on long black pants and platform shoes, we had agreed that we would always go with each other and watch the other one wee.

I had been out in the backyard twice and after I had finished asked Curls if she wanted to go, but she was a bit shy and said someone might see, so didn’t.

She had had a bit to drink and was a bit giggly, then said, I need to go soon or I will do it in my pants. I sort of said half-jokingly, go ahead no one will notice. She stood beside where I was sitting and started, you could not see any wetness on her pants but you could see some wee dribbling over her feet, we then went out on the front veranda where she made quite a puddle. She wet twice more that night.

One time we hosted a beach theme party, she had on brief dark denim motley shorts, no panties, she had me put on black short board shorts, no underwear, both promising to leave them on all night.  She had me go outside with her clamping my hand between her legs and pissing with a gush first, then said your go, I did most if it going straight out one leg. Another time that night Curls was sitting on one of those stackable plastic chairs, I was behind her and she was peeing sitting there, all of it running straight back, she said she loved the filling of it flowing warm up around her bottom.

Other times she would simply wear an above the knee skirt, almost always with panties. One time we turned up at a party and she stood there on the footpath and wet her panties while I was unpacking the car. Sometimes she would wet herself when just the two of us were together, but a number of times when she was talking to someone, usually outside and when the light was a bit dull. Curls always thought it was a great thrill that she was standing there wetting her self and the other person did not have a clue.

What have been your experiences?

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