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desparation/ near accident

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slight alterations have been made for privacy reasons

My sister Jane and her college roommate, Samantha, were out dining with me one evening during summer vacation. Samantha had a little too much to drink that evening and my sister had to drive her home to her parents house. All the rum was making her bladder really full. Jane and I were in her coupe and Samantha took the back seat and I sat up front with my sis. The road was really bumpy because it was being milled and repaved. Samantha really was feeling the urge and asked my sister hurry up. Once we reached her driveway she could not bear it. She told Jane to stop the car and proceeded to climb on top of me to get out of the car. My sister told her, "Don't pee on [me]!" I felt like telling both of them, that I would not mind if she did, but I don't think either of them would have taken that well. She ran like the dickens into the house and was back a couple minutes later. She was pretty quick on her feet for someone who drank 4 mojitos. (Not to mention that the bartender used his stock of "under the counter" bottles of Havana Club for loyal customers like Samantha who he trusts not to squeal)

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