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Danielle After 6th period

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In her tight jeans, Danielle kicked slightly. It was just a few minutes before the end of class and she was doing a cute bouncing routine at her desk. This was due to the lengthy bathroom line she encountered after 5th period which was seven or eight girls deep. Just when she had only one girl in front of her in the line, the one minute bell rang, meaning she absouletly had to get to next class, otherwise she would have had her fifth tardy this year leading to a detention.

Finally as she glanced at the clock the bell rang and she waddled towards the bathroom which unfortenately, had a line twice as long now. She got in line hoping it would move twice as fast. Only a few less were still in front of her when Danielle was at her breaking point. Shifting from foot to foot and letting out grunts, she saw a couple of girls shifting legs crossed and a couple of others just let go. Uh Oh, her bladder finally had enough and emptied it's contents of mineral water. 

She had her last hour class wearing stinky itchy jeans, but it wasn't all bad. After school, she saw a good looking boy in a raspberry tank top stare at her wet jeans and he let go in his jeans. They embraced and had a thick make out session at his locker before they were caught by a teacher, who gave her the detention that she was trying to avoid. Make out sessions between beautiful boys and pretty girls happen all the time at Danielle's school. Why didn't I just stay in line after 5th? she regretted.

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