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The Two Vandals PART 1

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This forum is no stranger to naughty pees and vandalism, and it has a certain charm.

However, if I may, you use to word "damage" too much.

When writing a story, you should show, not tell. People who are used to do something do it naturally, without thinking about it, without talking about it, they just do it. By repeating the word "damage" so often, by telling us that the girls like it, rather than showing their excitement, you're pushing too much, and it becomes distracting.

Also, in dialogues, people don't usually repeat the name of the person they are talking to in every single sentence. The speaker is announced in writing, so especially with two persons it's obvious who they are talking to.

I am looking forward to part 2, and I hope you'll be able to fix these little issues.

Edited by daemoniak
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On 4/12/2019 at 12:08 AM, JackPee said:



This is a story of 2 girls, Katy and Christine, respectively 18 and 19 years old, who enjoy damaging the property of others by pissing on it, pooping in it, spitting on it or simply physically damaging it with kicks, punches etc... These girls also like to steal, in general they like to hurt others, in every possible way.


It was 3 am when Katy and Christine were walking down the street, thinking about how to empty their bladder, obviously in order to damage something. Katy and Christine wore clothes that allowed them to do what they liked best, to harm others in every way, in the best possible way. They wore very short t-shirts, which barely covered their tits, wore no bra and no panties, mini skirts and high heels, the latter specially worn to easily damage whatever they wanted.

Each of the two girls obviously carried a bag with them, in which they had various personal items, tissues for when they had to piss, and some objects that the two vandal girls used to damage whatever they want. Among these objects there is a knife, a hammer, a small truncheon, scissors, pliers, etc...

The two girls think of a place to empty their bladder and at the same time damage something, and suddenly Katy has a fantastic idea:

"There's an underground parking lot here, Christine. Let's go damage some cars!"

Christine, excited by the idea, tells her:

"Fantastic idea Katy! Finally we go to damage something, let's go piss and destroy the car of some asshole! Maybe we also steal something already that we are, so not only the poor asshole will have the car full of piss, spit and tissues, but he will also be robbed of whatever he kept in the car."

Katy, noticing Christine's excitement, replies:

"Wow, I see you're excited as much as I am, let's go vandalize the car of some asshole!"

Katy and Christine look for a car that has the windows down, and find it after just 10 minutes. The car is fairly recent and expensive, which makes the two girls excited. Katy decides to piss in the roof of the car:

"I want to piss on the roof, obviously the piss won't be the only damage I will do on that roof, the asshole that has this car deserves to find it all cracked" 

Saying this, Katy gets on the roof of the car and start pissing. While pissing, she makes sure to damage the car with her heels. Christine, who was watching the scene excitedly, said:

"Good Katy, damage this asshole's car!"

Katy, having finished pissing, takes a tissue from the bag and cleans her pussy, gets off the roof of the car and throws the tissue inside the car:

"I don't give a fuck about the person who has this car, in fact, I want him to suffer as much as possible, this tissue is nothing compared to what I want to do to this car. Christine, let's make sure that the owner of this machine suffers the pains of hell, and let's have fun doing it!"

Christine immediately welcomes Katy's invitation and spits in the car, as a sign of non-respect. Then she opens the car, using the window that was open, and looks for objects to steal or damage. Christine finds a wallet, belonging to the owner of the car:

"Hey Katy, look, I found this asshole's wallet, let's steal it, anyone who is stupid enough to leave their wallet in the car deserves the worst suffering!"

Katy, excited about her friend's discovery, tells her:

"Open that wallet, Christine, let's see what's in it!"

Christine opens the wallet:

"Let's see how much money there is in this douchebag's wallet ... WHAT ?! $ 2000 ?! WE DID JACKPOT KATY!"

Katy said:

"Perfect Christine! Put them in the bag, then we'll think about how to spend them... However where will you piss?" There are so many possibilities..."

"I will simply piss in the driver seat"

Christine sitted in the driver seat and peed for almost a minute soaking all the seat and the floor of the car. Finished peeing, she feels that she has to poop and said:

"Katy, I've finished peeing in this douchebag seat, but I have to poop, enjoy the show, I will poop in this asshole's seat!!"

"Great Christine, make this car your toilet!"

Christine pooped for 2 minutes, and finished to make her mess, she starts to spit all over the car, until she finds a pelouche, probably of some kid of the douchebag's family.

"Katy, I've found a pelouche, it is of some of the douchebag's kid, I will use it as my toilet paper!"

"Great idea Christine! Let's destroy even what the douchebag's kids love!"

Christine wipes her anus with the pelouche, making sure to dirt it as much as possible.

"Ahhhh done, it feels so good to destroy some kid's beloved pelouche"

"Hey Christine, let's go at home, we have finished our destruction here, if we destroy the car, the asshole would never have to seat on your poop and the asshole's son would never cry for his pelouche transformed in toilet paper."

"You're right Christine, and it would be no fun if the asshole and his kid don't suffer!"

Katy and Christine go home, giggling and laughing at the extremely naughty thing they have done...


End of the part 1, if I see that you like these stories, I will continue, enjoy the reading😃


Waiting for part 2. So good and so sexy. 

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4 hours ago, Logart said:

It's just fantastic! I hope to continue, as Katy and Cristine will penetrate into someone's luxurious house and completely demolish and urinate it!


Edited by Logart
I wrote the wrong word that I wanted
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