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True Golden Shower Story

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I was with this girl who I thought was so sexy. I worked nights at the time. On my way home I went by her house first thing in the morning. Woke her up and got into any early morning love making session. She hadn't taken her morning pee and she was aware of my fetish. She lays me on my back, I'm thinking she's about to get on top. Instead she gets a towel and wraps it around my neck then proceeds to stand on the bed and squat down low over me and pisses slowly. I swallow the first mouthful and tells her to let it go. She pissed so hard and fast in my mouth so much I couldn't swallow. She cut off the flow while I got up and spit it out. I can see she still had to go so I get in the bathtub and let her proceed to piss all on my head and in my face. I saved the drenched wife beater for a souvenir.

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