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Posts posted by Serpent

  1. 37 minutes ago, BadBoy21 said:

    I sort of don't remember it all to be honest. We were both pretty drunk.  Typical stuff, hell yeah man, or that's awesome.  One thing I remember was telling him he should piss on the chairs, but he stuck to the carpet.  

    Nice. Would love to cheer on/be cheered on with another guy as our penises absolutely destroy whatever's in front of us!

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  2. On 8/24/2024 at 1:36 PM, BadBoy21 said:

    The saga continues everyone....

    So for background, I work in IT with another technician, Cody.  We are bros, we hang out after work, sometimes we go out for drinks.  He is very straight but he's literally everything I could hope for in a guy (well him and my friend Justin who I told you about before in previous posts).  Cody is more of a slob though.  His desk is a mess, he swear he wears the same socks for days (I can tell because when its real slow he will kick his shoes off and rest them on his desk and the color says all), scratches his junk, constantly farting and I have never heard ANYONE belch like this man.  I know it sounds gross but for me it is a turn on.  Its just such manly behavior and he just doesn't even care at all. 

    Anyways so Thursday after work, we decide to go out to grab something to eat and have some drinks.  We decide to get hammered because we were both off Friday because they were having the entire building fumigated for bugs.  We do this often.  We ride together, alternating and it was my turn to drive us.  We got pretty drunk and before we get ready to leave the bar he exclaims that he cant find his keys.  So we look around and decide that he must have left them at work.  At this point, I start to smile because I realize this may be my chance to get this man to piss at the office.  So we drive back, I let him into the office and help him look, didn't take long because he left them on top of his desk.  I make a comment about his this place always smells like a urinal.  And we have talked about this before, usually leading to us saying whose desk we'd piss on and since the place stunk we would get away with it.  So after a few moments of banter I decide to go for it and said fuck it, I am gonna take a piss in here.  I walk over to the hallway (where there are no cameras) and start to piss.  I hear him laughing and cheering me on, saying how he had to also and fuck this place and he came to where I was and used the other side of the hallway.  Needless to say I started to get hard and could only half finish.  He started going, was stumbling a bit while pissing, almost got my leg but I jumped out of the way.  He ended up finishing his massive piss in the doorway of the conference room.  I just stood and watched.  He went for almost a minute, he paid no attention to the fact that was literally hovering over his shoulder watching his dick.  But I cheered him on and he just thought the whole thing was funny.  Just some bonding, no big deal if we see each others dick right?  

    I didn't tell him that I was the pisser that caused the smell,  I wanted to  but I was too afraid.  Now that he has done it, I wonder what new dynamics will become after this experience. I so badly want a piss buddy at work, someone to join me and funk this place up more.  He was into it, well he was drunk, but even the next day when we texted, saying how hung over we were, he didnt seem remorseful at all, still thought it was funny as hell.  

    What a night.  I think the next time we go out, and he drives us I will forget my keys too, maybe re-enact this scene again

    What sort of stuff did you guys say to cheer each other on?

  3. 1 hour ago, JackWagon said:

    Typing with one hand again as I watch your videos. So nice of you to wipe your fucking piss up off the floor and put the tp back away in the case, fucking prick, lol 😆 I could tell you were horny even before you started from those pleasure moans you were making getting off on being a shithead. Really want to go piss a bathroom again now. Hard af rn.

    Go do it! It's your right as a guy!

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  4. 4 hours ago, swekiss said:

    Sooort of same for me. It can be a little pat asking (silently in my head) "Did it feel good drowning that floor?" or before "Oh, gotta pee so bad, bet it will feel so good doing it all over this floor" or something like that. Don't know why and I don't always, but yeah, it happens when in a naughty mood cause it enhances the feeling of naughtiness. And I kinda wish badly that someone else would be asking the question. I'd probably half way die from the excitement 😅

    Oh the pat is a great idea! How does he answer haha?

    It does feel really good doing it all over the floor.

    Yeah, someone else saying that would be a huge turn on for me too -- and my dick would definitely do an extra good job drowning whatever he was aimed at!

  5. 1 hour ago, Darlene said:

    I don’t have a dick. But I do tell “ her “ what a good job she does for soaking up the concrete from all the water/tea I drunk earlier. ( It literally felt like a flood. ) or how much she squirted from afar. (distance and power)

    That's really cool! I bet it really makes "her" happy haha What sort of things exactly do you say to her?

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  6. On 8/8/2024 at 6:08 AM, Miss Piss said:

    I did because me and brothers would declare war on the bugs in our backyard and treat them as invaders to our land 

    This is so cool, have any good stories from that war?

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  7. 21 hours ago, shakier1 said:

    At night after a few drinks I usually just see guys hosing the streets and building with their piss. I’ve even seen a few pee in the trains I’m in.

    However one time I when I was also peeing in the alleyway, some cops came up. I thought fuck, please not tonight, I would also blow way over the limit. But turned out that both of the cops one maybe mid twenties and one early thirties both just needed to take a piss. They looked at me and just smiled before letting a flash flood out. I told them looked like they really needed to go. They told me they have been on for a few hours and had no opportunities to take a piss so this was apparently their first for their shift.
    Was absolutely wild though, they absolutely flooded the alleyway and some woke guy actually came up and stared telling the cops off. The cops just stared at the woke guy and threatened with some ticket or arrest. Shut him up so fast haha.
    Turns out coppers are actually just chill people who are there mainly to ensure safety.

    Wow, that's awesome! I hope he got a good eyeful of your hoses!

  8. Hello everyone! Have enjoyed reading this forum for a while. I like to pissmark (the naughtier the better), girls with a powerful blast, and spraying for distance. Also like the idea of teaming up with other guys to whip em out and unleash our penis' fury 😉

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