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Posts posted by shakier1

  1. On 8/27/2024 at 6:54 AM, TylerHasFun said:

    I think I never get to realizing when I litter and shit like that.  Probably done it more than i realize.  My buddies do for sure. My buddy Chris, its the only way he cleans his car I feel like is when he throws shit out the window.   But like I said, im just a slob.  Fuck and if pissing is litterin, than no one litters like me.  Lol

    What do you mean by Chris?

  2. On 8/20/2024 at 6:53 PM, Kevin said:

    So cool ! But like did you saw the stuff and decided to piss on it or did you just started to piss, saw that you were pissing on someone's stuff and just didn't gave a fuck and kept on pissing ? 

    If it's the second option you're a super badass and you got my eternal respect 

    I’ll just whip out my cock and let it go. I don’t aim for anything. If it just happens to have peoples stuff that’s a bonus. 

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  3. 17 hours ago, BadBoy21 said:

    He aimed pretty well but he didn't flush.  He had the door open.  When he walked out I saw him zipping up and rearranging himself.   I wish he had worse aim

    Basically a given. If your a guy and uses a toilet you don’t flush or wash your hands after.

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  4. 17 hours ago, Kevin said:

    This is a real manly environment fucking respect man ! So you guys uses places where you're not currently working as urinal ?

    Also I like how you chuck the piss bottles out of the window, no one want trash in his car. But you throw them in the streets like the city streets or the border of the highway?

    I don’t work in trade anymore (maybe I should return idk). But it didn’t have to be places they weren’t working at. You would just say, I’ve got to go (to warn the guys) and then pull down their pants (if they wore underwear then that too) and just let it go. We would be on ladders working and just pull the pants down. The end of the day the floors were always flooded. The best part was that no one cared. I loved peeing in the ceiling and one other guy would purposely climb up just to piss all over the insulation.

    The piss bottles (if we had bottles lol) would be tossed out as soon as we used them. Didn’t matter where. 

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  5. 15 hours ago, Kevin said:

    Not really a story but my friends and I often go on a park together. We eat fast food on the bench and we talk. The thing is that we just leave all our trash there, we eat on the bench and throw package and all on the ground as we speak. So by the time we leave the floor is covered by trash, leftover food, spit and cigaret's bits. And several times I saw some cops passing by and they never told us anything lol.

    Also the parc is surrounded by houses and we use one house's wall as urinal, the thing is there is a little window floor level that is used as aeration for their basement and sometimes we use it as urinal lmfao.

    Sounds like great fun. Haha. You’re increasing the property value. It’s great you piss in their basement. They probably do confused how piss gets there. 

    Myra sometimes littering just is automatism, you’ll just be chilling and you’ll toss a can. You will drive and toss out your rubbish. Who cares at the end of the day. I find I litter more if I’m peeing more during the day in public.

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  6. On 2/23/2024 at 3:41 AM, SnakeFace said:

    Perhaps that is why. A lot of people also pee without lifting the toilet seat or even flushing too, and that would be the reason why.

    Yea I’ll walk in and if I use a toilet I’ll just pee. If I make a mess it doesn’t bother me. My self and many guys I know tend to do this cause we don’t touch anything so we dont ever wash out hands after a piss.

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  7. I’ve found that tradesman especially the ones I’ve worked with are very nonchalant and don’t really care if they are caught doing whatever. They would pee literally anywhere. If they needed to pee while walking from the car park to the site they would just unzip and piss right there. If they needed to go on-site even if it was indoors they would pee right there. It was kind of expected and anything else was discouraged. 
    Tradesman I worked with have always never really cared about the mess, especially with litter. On the freeway, on site, indoors or whatever they would always chuck their rubbish where they were. Was good as it kept their vehicles clean. I remember on the first day, one of the A-grades actually had a trailer of stuff he had to take to the tip. He got me and a few of the other blokes to just unload it there. He had couches, old electrical wires, broken tools etc. He was gonna tell his partner he went to the tip. This same guy on the same day decided he would find a half full trash bag even put our rubbish in it and at the end of the day he climbed some stairs and just tipped the rubbish off the second floor. 

    At the end of the week the sites were always trashed haha. They sometimes stank of piss if they didn’t spray aerosol. The tip provided was always empty as well haha.

    I was underaged at the time but they still took me to pubs and would shout me drinks. We always got pissed drunk. We would piss in the bars, trash up the public transport we took with rubbish and piss and we would also go on a vandal spree haha. The amount of windows and stuff we broke probably would have been half a million dollars worth. 

    Honestly was some of the best weeks of my life and kinda regret not pursuing the trade.

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  8. From a couple weeks of work experience I’ve had a bit of experience with peeing on the job (job was electrician).

    There were a few guys employed by the company but I mainly followed this one guy around. He would pick me up and drop me home (I wasn’t old enough for license).

    I would be picked up and driven to the site for the day. On the way we would always need to piss. Either we had to stop on the side of the road and let it go or we would empty a bottle and pee in it (if we were in traffic or couldn’t stop) The guy never liked rubbish in his truck so we would always just chuck the piss bottle out the window. We never pulled into a maccas to take a piss ir anywhere ever.

    Throughout the days none of the guys would ever use the toilets provided even if it was right next to them. It was kind of a contest thing haha. The guys would just turn around a take a piss right there. There was another new guy who went to the toilet every day u was there. He was actually laughed at by the other guys. But he still refused to man up and just piss where he was. 
    By the end of the day the floors and the walls were always drenched in piss. But always dried up before the next day. If it ever started to smell the senior electrician would just spray the place with an aerosol. 

    So no, I never knew any actual tradies who used the portaloos or the toilets. Was actually discouraged by the others lol.

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  9. I have had a lot of run in with the cops over my life. Non of whom seem to be bothered ever. One time I was walking on the footpath in a park right, I was eating chips and drinking a soft drink. Anyway I had to take a piss, so 10 year old me turns to the side of the path and just lets it go. I was pissing and I finished off my drink and tossed it into the bushes.

    As soon as I tossed the can I realised a cop walking behind me. He must have been patrolling the park. He just walks by and nods lol. He also happened to be eating a musli bar and just drops it about 10m ahead of me without even looking back. Til this day that has been one of the best run in’s with cops.

    if anyone has any littering or peeing stories you can post here.

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