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Everything posted by CarP33

  1. I usually wear pull ups for day to day but tab diapers are great for plane rides. As for my car, it really depends on if A: im alone or not and B: how naughty im feeling. About a month ago I was out at a club with friends of mine and this guy would not stop hitting on me and harassing us so ling story short I used his nissan pathfinder. Please feel free to check out the full story i posted.
  2. I was at a club with some friends of mine and I was padded with a abena pull up but about 10:00 pm or so this guy, skinny and not very tall kept coming over and trying to talk to us, we weren’t interested but he started ordering us drinks and hitting on me especially, after about 30 minutes of annoying me I felt a pretty big urge to pee. I went to the bathroom and took my pull up off and went out and asked him if there was anywhere private we could go and we went out to his car, it was a blue nissan pathfinder so it had a roomy backseat area, i started out really horny because of what I was wa
  3. Hello all, im new to peefans, got recommended here by a friend. Im 22 years old, female and i prefer to pee elsewhere than the toilet. I enjoy peeing in my car or in diapers or pull ups, I don’t currently have a boyfriend or girlfriend but if they let me I love going in their mouths. I recently started getting off to nonchalant pees or stealth pees like in a diaper while talking to the server or in a car during a test drive ether diapered or not depending on if they come with me. My favorite pee experience was under the couch cushion in my therapist’s office. He needed to pee and i figured i m
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