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About van

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  • Birthday 12/02/1944

Personal Information

  • Gender
    stright male but no prolem with male interaction
  • Occupation
    retired Indianapolis bus driver/inside support services
  • Age
  • Location
    South Central Indiana
  • About Me
    Best English word: underpants then panty, both white cotton full-sized briefs,Wetting myself, wetting my pants, pee, urinating, piss. Firm believer everything is in the genes, but whose side? Dad was an only child so alone a lot, but mother said once she got into trouble when she and girlfriends liked to wade in a stream or pond and pee through swim suits or maybe panties, causing plenty fish to die and grandpa had water tested and it was mostly urine. I never asked for details, nor was I old enough to take advantage of one of her friends coming into the bathroom when I was taking a bath once when other bathroom was occupied, saying I probably saw Mom peeing so I would not be classmates who admitted he and his brother liked to wet their pants and later when we were in our 20's I was invited to a house he'd bought, and my girlfriend in between marriages (first wife wet her pants 3 times). This girlfriend had a spinal injury and used a wheelchair at times, wore diapers at times, I bought along with her groceries, left panties round which I sniffed but never asked her about, once she said she peed on the rug and wondered how to get the stain out. I now wonder if she was trying to get my reaction, but dumb me never did, even when she mentioned a group mainly in wheelchairs but in a special bowling league who got together to play a board game where one had to answer trivia questions and drink something if wrong, and needing permission to use a toilet, which I inferred would mean a lot of pants wetting. I said I would be interested it it but neither of us brought it up again. And some friends told me a neighbor grade school boy they baby sat would wet his pants everywhere for no particular reason, and another neighbor had a girl who would deliberately wet herself if she got mad at her mother. All that exposure I ignored! My first exposure to wetting was in the first grade and a girl named Betty G. wet herself, leaving an unforgettable large pool of pee on the floor (ironically the exact same pattern and color of asphalt tile as my bedroom) and my interest in upskirts especially showing panties, best white and cotton in second grade with a girl named Lesley P. who was careless with her leg spread. Ironical in her example was that her father was a fireman and their half of the double where they lived caught fire, on which day she and her brother had to attend school in the only clothes which were saved. I don't know about her panties, but I remember she wore slippers. My start in wetting I guess when I was in grade school, was to lie on the floor and pee my underpants, usually briefs but a few boxer briefs, but not too much, then hiding them somewhere in my room. When they were dry, I savored the sight and smell of the stale pee, then rewet them etc. I didn't do much else until in my 20's. When remarried, we moved 40 miles away,in 1993. Mom was widowed and I had the whole upstairs, two bedrooms and one bathroom, to myself. I began wearing panties and sometimes overnight diapers, drinking a lot of beer and filling the diaper, then masturbating, then cleaning up and going back to bed, or sometimes lying on a pad, propping myself up with my arms, and peeing my underpants. I used pads on the bed also. My second wife is not interested in waters so I have to be more circumspect. I might wear a diaper but not flaunting them. My philosophy at my age is that I would rather wear diapers when I don't have to wear them, then be bedridden and have no choice. Staying at Mom's a lot when I was still driving the bus, I would have an "accident" on my way home, getting out of the car where someone would see me. In three instances, I had a chance to give someone a ride, I tell them I had wet my pants, and all three said that was OK, they"d ride. Some times I took the bus to work and back to her home, having to walk a while on the way there from where the bus had let me off., wetting my pants along the way. My 31-year old, before he bought a car, came home with me each weekend, and I brought him back Sunday night, stopping for gas on the way back home and wetting my pants whilst filling the tank. I usually wore shorts so if anyone saw me wetting, they'd see the pee. I live on a country road 1 1/4 mile long and take walks in good weather, again wearing shorts, letting some pee escape when I started, then about 1/2 out I would spread my legs and let the rest out. The shorts are dark blue, and not too noticeable when I get back home and throw them into the washer.

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Smell of pee, especially stale on clothes, hissing sound of pee, sound of pee hitting water, especially women, sight of women sitting on a toilet with panties over her knees, with pee flow visable; being seen in public with wet pants/slacks/jeans, seeing heavy flow saturate clothing, women in nice dress with legs spread peeing straight down from under dress, peeing whilst doing everyday things like cleaning, walking, dancing, performance on stage, sitting in chair with patter of pee hitting floor, watching pee holding contests, and a bunch of people wetting their pants at the same time, there's a video somewhere on this site of women lined up, although it's hard to see some of the wetness ee splattering on floor; sound of
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    One of the times I stopped on the street and wet myself when I got out of the car, acting like I couldn't hold it. A young man across the street saw me. I walked over to him and he invite4d me into his apartment. I sat down on a chair and he peed on me, I was wearing uniform shorts. Before he was through, I took off the shorts and had him pee the rest of his pee directly on my panties, which were blue.

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  1. When I was in the scouts, we had no such latitude about peeing, but I remember one night at a boy scout camp, we were playing some game, I forget what, after dark, where we had two teams and one tried to catch members of the other teams and "imprison" them in shacks. We found some soda bottles in one, and one of my friends peed in the bottles and drank some of the pee. I never I never followed up with him to see if he had other fascinations with pee. My father was one of the parents who went with us. I was in bed when he came over to tell me goodnight, wearing only a shirt and underpants.
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