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Everything posted by Simsala

  1. I live in Germany. Here the showers don't have "stalls" (at least not in our gym). It's just a big room with several showers. I think people in Europe are generally a little less "uptight" than in the US 😉 That's why it doesn't bother anyone. It's also totally normal for women to walk around naked in the changing room and blow-dry their hair naked, for example. Once I even saw someone shaving her legs and pussy in the shower. But that's the exception. It is a new gym that is not part of a university. That's why there is such a variety of different people of different ages in the gym. Ho
  2. After you enjoyed my first story so much, I would like to tell you about our experiences at music festivals in this thread. We actually go to the same festival every year. It's a festival that lasts a total of 5 days. We usually spend about three days there and camp on the grounds. A large campsite is set up right next to the festival site, which is always filled to capacity. There are two large toilet facilities, and the most sought-after places are always the ones near the toilets. Not so with us 😉 We choose a place at the very edge of the facility. It's quieter there and we don't plan
  3. Hi, I am new here and love this page. I am a 21 year old girl and I am in a relationship with a 19 year old girl. We both are into peeing 🙂 We both go to the gym regularly. Working out makes us really horny. I don't know what it is - maybe the hormones that are released by the muscle training? Or maybe the other girls in the gym in their tight tights? In any case, we always feel like playing pee games afterwards. We usually pee in the gym shower, and it's hottest when we have the shower to ourselves. Then we stand next to each other, pull our pussies up and see who has the biggest steram.
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