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Posts posted by Spotremix

  1. We are not our bodies, we are our minds. 

    I can’t really get behind this myself. I don’t know if God exists are not. But I’m extremely loose in what I can accept and how I live my life. I’m perfectly fine if there is no life after death. If we are just this body living on earth I’m fine with that. I don’t seek something more. If there is more great. But I’m also not willing to live my life differently from how I want to live it to get more. I don’t seek heaven or hell. This is all coming from a Catholic by the way. 

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  2. 14 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Today I can't describe myself as totally atheist - I honestly don't know quite what I believe, and I guess I try to live by a moral code more than anything.   Looking out for those that need it, but at the same time trying not to stick my nose in where it's not wanted.


    This is pretty much where I am right now. I try to live by a moral code. And my moral code has nothing against sex, masturbation, or porn. 

    While I am Catholic, I suppose I’ve been living with a moral code longer than I realized. I’m currently 42 and I’ve been having sex and masturbating since my teen years. 

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  3. If you would like to get into a private chat about religion along with sexual activity please feel free to message me and I’d be glad to share my thoughts. I’m not quite ready to share these thought with the whole community yet. 

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